Tom 'spot' Callaway Profile picture
(he/him) Open Source Technologist @AWS, Formerly @RedHat | O'Reilly Author | Hot Platypus in Tech | Opinions are my own |
Sep 30, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Hey folks. Lotta buzz going around about Fedora pulling support out for some video encode/decode functionality in Mesa. Since I used to be responsible for Legal things for Fedora (but I am no longer), I thought I could provide some useful details to help people understand. DISCLAIMER HAPPY FUN TIME:

I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice. I am not speaking on behalf of my previous employer (Red Hat) or my current employer (AWS). I am not speaking on behalf of Fedora. I have no insider information on this situation.
Jan 19, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Google has announced that it is cutting off access to the Sync and "other Google Exclusive" APIs from all builds except Google Chrome. This will make the Fedora Chromium build significantly less functional (along with every other distro packaged Chromium). It is noteworthy that Google _gave_ the builders of distribution Chromium packages these access rights back in 2013 via API keys, specifically so that we could have open source builds of Chromium with (near) feature parity to Chrome.