kiriona skaia Profile picture
ribbit rabbit #MadPride #BLM #LandBack
Aug 29, 2018 17 tweets 4 min read
as a trans woman, I've had a lot of people (even well-meaning allies!) tell me that no matter what I do, no matter how much I change my body, I'll always be male. and that it's not transphobic to say so. it's just science, after all.

let's talk about that. the short answer is: yes it's transphobic, because I'm trans and I'm telling you so.

that's how it works for any marginalized group you don't belong to. we're more aware of what language is harmful to us than you are, and we don't always have the energy to explain
Aug 15, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
realtalk: I, a trans lesbian, have turned down several trans women because I perceived them as being masculine in ways that I found unappealing. that's not transphobic. that's what an ACTUAL "personal preference" looks like

(and I didn't say that was why, because that'd be rude) heck, once I've spent more time in the community, I fully expect to end up turning down some cis lesbians for the same reason. I love butches but not all of them are my type, y'know?
Aug 15, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
btw, if this thread resonated with you and you still have a problem with phrases like "bisexual lesbian" or "pansexual lesbian", you missed the point

you can't approve of where I'm at without accepting how I got here
I say this because I and several of my mutuals have been harassed today for defending the use of such phrases. so once more,
Aug 15, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
since I'm reporting from the fringe anyway, here's my forecast for the overarching Queer Agenda, the ACTUAL slippery slope we have to look forward to if the trend of greater cultural acceptance of Weird Shit continues...

already mainstream: L, G, B, binary T
in progress: nonbinary gender, asexuality, nonmonogamy
up next: furries, neuroqueer/autistic pride, multiple systems
eventually: transhumanism, extreme modification of bodies and/or minds
Aug 15, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
reminder to not listen to anyone who claims that "autogynephilia" is still a valid or accepted psychiatric theory full disclosure, I was technically incorrect here, the word does occur in the DSM-5. but blanchard's typology HAS been discredited and replaced with a more nuanced model that reflects the reality of transition
Aug 14, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
(otoh a terf would probably conclude that in addition to "forcing myself" on lesbians I'm now going after bisexual women using some kind of "male feminist performative wokeness" but who cares what terves think) (me, that's who, not in the sense of respecting their opinions but in the sense of constantly analyzing their thought patterns, I have a problem)
Aug 14, 2018 25 tweets 5 min read
between TERFs telling me I'm a straight man because I've always dated women, and trans-inclusive cis lesbians telling me I'm bi because I've hooked up with men in the past, is there any identity more carefully guarded than that of the trans lesbian I think the issue is that these are younger cis lesbians who had the privilege of growing up in a world where lesbian identity is acknowledged and understood, they've always had a framework for their feelings
Aug 14, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm not sure why my timeline's being flooded with lesbian gatekeeping discourse right now, but here, have an extremely relevant thread and as an addendum to the thread, I want to say that since adopting the label, I haven't slept with any men. and it's been GREAT

if your goal is to protect lesbians from comphet, telling women who potentially ARE exclusively lesbian that they're "really" bi is not the way
Aug 13, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I may have embraced the binary labels "woman" and "lesbian" for the time being, as they feel like the most accurate and concise description of who I am, but don't think for a second that I'm not still queer as fuck according to my current understanding of gender, I'm not 100% woman after all

but literally NO ONE is

and I am no less deserving of the word just because I'm trans
Aug 9, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
two weeks ago someone zapped a single spot on my face with a laser. sure enough, that spot is hairless now

I would very much like the rest of my face to be hairless too. I need $1130. can anyone help? please? #TransCrowdFund should I use an actual crowdfunding site for this? it seems silly to give another website a cut, but seeing that progress bar fill up really seems to motivate people
Aug 7, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
how can anyone look at all the ridiculous complexity of the universe and then "scientifically" conclude that ANYTHING is a rigid binary, is what I want to know human brain development has evolved in such a way as to maximize diversity, because diversity is beneficial to us as a species

so stop trying to fit people into boxes against their will, ffs
Aug 7, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
let's talk about neurological differences between the sexes! specifically, Joel et al.'s 2015 paper "Sex beyond the genitalia: The human brain mosaic"…

TERFs love this paper. they say it disproves the idea of a male or female brain

but I love it too. why? because, like them, I believe that the gender binary is oppressive. but they want to replace it with a sex binary, which is just as bad

I favor a larger, more robust model, which can account for all human variation and diversity
Aug 5, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm reading de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" because a TERF told me to

I'm reading it in a lesbian bar because a TERF told me not to it's really good so far! ahead of its time, deeply philosophical, and occasionally snarky as hell
Aug 4, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
so I know that the term "TERF" exists because there are radfems that aren't trans-exclusionary, and "SWERF" implies that there are radfems who aren't against sex workers either

where do I find those radfems? I kind of want to figure out if I'm one of them like, my feminism is very much a product of the third wave, intersectionality is such an important concept

but lately I'm realizing that I actually kind of dig the whole "man-hating lesbian sisterhood" vibe

if it can be divorced of its toxicity

am I making sense?
Jul 31, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
well this gave me some feels ok so basically where I'm at on the whole furry thing is that cartoon animals do nothing for me but transhumanism is SUPER FUCKING HOT and I don't really get why they seem to go hand in hand
Jul 23, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
threads like LRT are important but honestly I feel a little weird reading stories like that

because I didn't know I was trans as a kid. I didn't try to transition. I knew something was up with my gender, but I didn't know what it meant by now I'm long past the point of worrying that I'm faking this whole trans thing, but if I think back to my first puberty and imagine being given a choice back then... I can't say for certain what I would have chosen. it's all pretty hazy
Jul 23, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
and I think this needs its own thread because it's a bit more controversial, but uh

do you want TERFs? because this is how you get TERFs.
it's obviously not the only reason. and it'd be hypocritical of me to call these people trans against their will, but...

*some* TERFs, by their own admission, are "dysphoric females" who previously identified as trans and/or NB
Jul 23, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
hey, if you're a trans woman and you feel oppressed by AFAB trans people, or you think they're inherently toxic, I have a question:

what the fuck is wrong with you like, honestly, tell me how you reached that conclusion, because I'm trying to wrap my head around it

I have a few theories about where this attitude comes from but none of them are very flattering to the people who hold it
Jul 20, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
somebody in the debate subreddit (which I'm currently banned from for my own safety, whee) wrote a big long post about how weird it is that trans women still want to be allowed in women's spaces when it "makes women uncomfortable" and, well, the thing is, it doesn't. it makes transphobic women uncomfortable. most women are fine with it, especially when I'm being careful not to make them uncomfortable. which I always am. because I'm aware of how fraught the situation is (in bathrooms/locker rooms/etc specifically)
Jul 20, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
wow heck for someone who's always insisted I make my music strictly for myself I sure do desperately crave validation that other people like it

in fact I've got a shit ton of feelings about Being A Musician that I should probably work on sorting out like I feel like most Musicians either had formal training at some point or had a group of friends growing up who all played instruments and would jam together and such. but I've mostly just figured shit out on my own
Jul 19, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
I've put a fair amount of effort into engaging with TERFs directly. I think it's safe to say I've shown some impressive restraint and compassion, giving their views as much consideration as possible while not being an easy target, and you know what?

it's not fucking worth it I had one success story. I spent weeks convincing her that trans people aren't a threat, talking her through her cognitive dissonance brought on by cultish TERF control tactics, and we finally had a breakthrough