Working on how to stop spread of viruses since 2014. Founder N95 + air purifier how-to. MS (EECS). Like, share, or retweet ≠ endorse.
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Jun 29 8 tweets 3 min read
HAIR-RAISING ⁉️: @SF_DPH is “aware” of H5N1 in SF wastewater but doesn’t know where it is coming from: animals or humans 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♂️?

Timely and insightful coverage by @susrust

I’m quoted: This is concerning b/c of urban origin, not many dairy 🐄 or animal 🐓 farms in SF.

(1/8) Why don’t we know? SF is relying on OLD-SCHOOL 🏫targeted methods, kind of like a "magnifying glass," 🔎 to look for influenza A and H5.

Jun 11 6 tweets 2 min read

In eLetter in Science, we suggested CEILING FANS might cut short-range risk (w/ ventilation for long-range).

Singapore lab found just that (2023): mannequin underneath fan 5 ft from cough 🌬️ inhaled ~ 95% FEWER particles.

Image METHODS: To track individual particles as they flowed from cough to inhalation they DID EVERYTHING:

(1) LASER photography

(2) AEROSOL measurements in lab

(3) computer SIMULATIONS with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on using parallel computation with 960 CPU cores

(2/6) Image
May 19 25 tweets 6 min read
A 3000x breakthrough in H5N1 wastewater testing from Texas


(1/25) COVID-19 in wastewater was presumed to be from humans 👶👧🧒 but with H5N1 it maybe humans or animals (birds 🦆, cows 🐄 , etc.)

May 17 5 tweets 2 min read
Great, timely coverage by @susrust about a BREAKTHROUGH by Texas scientists @MikeTisza et al in wastewater testing for H5N1 where I was quoted,

“The Texas’ team approach exhibited “proof of principle” for employing metagenomic testing protocol for wastewater and air.”. BACKGROUND: COVID-19 found in wastewater was presumed to be mostly from humans but with H5N1 it maybe humans or animals (birds, cows, etc).
May 12 6 tweets 1 min read
For EFFICIENT SPREAD of H5N1, this 2023 article by @kakape suggests the following list of 4 mutations are necessary (but not necessarily sufficient):

Thread 🧵… (1) PB2 —> E627K (single amino acids, glutamate to lysine)
Feb 27 9 tweets 5 min read
The trusty Temtop PMD 331 is ISO certified but PRICEY ($1399).

Are there cheaper particle counters to test DIY air purifiers that still work well at 0.3 μm or at submicron particle sizes?

Here is what I found.


The Temtop PMD 331 is ISO-certified.

It enables testing performance of DIY and HEPA air purifiers at 0.3 μm using AMBIENT aerosols.

It was necessary to convince the peer-reviewers in my publication (2022).

Feb 13 8 tweets 3 min read
MERV 16 vs 13: LONG TERM TEST 🏎️

— Summer ☀️ ‘23: 160 SAFE boxes installed in classrooms of middle school 🏫 in SF.

— Mix of 5” MERV 16 and 5” MERV 13 (both Lennox).

— TEST: Filtration💨 at 0.3 μm (%) before vs after 1 semester 📆 daily usage ⏳

Results below.


To measure filtration efficiency (%), filters chosen from classrooms where teachers 👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫 self-reported daily usage in survey (Dec ‘23 ❄️).

Fans run 🔄 by teachers during school 🌞 turned off🎚️after school 🌙

Jan 12 9 tweets 3 min read
SAVING FLOORSPACE: after we figured out low-noise air purifiers in 2022-23, surveys of teachers using 3+ SAFE air purifiers per classroom revealed need to take up less floorspace in cramped classrooms 🏫 .

Can stacking them TRIPLE the CADR in same real estate?

Image Three SAFE boxes were needed to get 6 air changes per hour in a classroom at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco.


Jan 5 7 tweets 4 min read

Since it is the new year I decided to relax 😎 and try out new brand of thin crust frozen pizza.

But I got totally smoked 🔥 .

(1/7) Image Directions are to place it directly on the center oven rack which I did.

Dec 8, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
SURVEY of 18/18 teachers 👩‍🏫 🧑‍🏫 using DIY and HEPA air purifiers 💨 at Commodore-Sloat elementary school 🏫 in San Francisco 🌉:

89% using them DAILY 🕰️

11% using them WEEKLY 📆

(1/8) Why do you USE air purifiers in your classroom?

89% COVID 🦠

89% air circ. ♻️

83% Respiratory viruses besides COVID (e.g. flu) 😷

67% wildfires 🔥

56% air circ. when hot 🥵

50% air pollution 🚭

39% allergies 🤧

17% control odors 💩

11% industrial pollution 🏭

Aug 16, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
Today, Statnews published my new op-ed on WILDLY 🔥 INACCURATE BP READINGS sometimes with home BP machines. (1/25)… HYPERTENSION is the #1 risk factor for death globally 🌎. It’s no surprise cheap BLOOD 🩸 PRESSURE (BP) MACHINES are in clinics + homes across the US 🇺🇸. “Get It, Slip It, Cuff It, Check It” makes it sound so simple 🤡. (2/25) Image
Aug 13, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read

A step by step guide on how to fix 🛠️it (with a little luck 🍀 🤞)

(1/14) Perhaps you “put the moose 🫎 on the table” in past but unaddressed b/c:

(1) school staff receptive but other things taking priority ✌🏽.

(2) staff opposed to better air quality😡.

(3) staff or district were sold on a bogus air cleaning tech 😍.

2, 3 harder, 1 easier.

Aug 12, 2023 23 tweets 10 min read
CLEAN AIR IN *ALL* CLASSROOMS 🌎: This morning ☀️ I was so excited to address teachers at Aptos middle school (6-8) in SF about 160 DIY air purifiers. Congrats 👏to parents who built, installed 3 of them in ALL CLASSROOMS in summer. Below my notes, Q&A from morning talk. (1/23)

TEACHER QUESTION #1: How long do the filters last? Best data from 1+ year operation at Commodore-Sloat Elementary school 📚 in SF ❤️ is the Lennox MERV 16 filters last over a year subject to ymmv based on environmental conditions 🔥 . (2/23)…
Aug 6, 2023 33 tweets 13 min read
SHOUT OUT to @AirResources and @CAPublicHealth for INSPIRATIONAL leadership 💪 on DIY air cleaners to improve indoor air quality in California 🥑 and beyond. (1/)…
Image DIY: Parents 🙋‍♂️💁‍♀️+ school teachers/staff 👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫 are implementing CARB’s idea of BOX FANS + 5” MERV 13-16 FILTERS🌪️ for wildfire smoke + Covid mitigation at an elementary AND middle school in San Francisco ❤️ with @projectn95. (2/)
Jul 30, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
“Participants who reported a previous COVID-19 infection were 9.7 times as likely to have rapid abdominal aortic aneurysm growth (higher growth than the average of 2.7 mm per year). The average size of the abdominal aorta is 2 cm (0.79 inch).”… "People who have risk factors for developing abdominal aortic aneurysms, and those already known to have abdominal aortic aneurysms who are having their progression monitored, should know that COVID-19 infection may potentially alter the natural course or outcome of abdominal……
Jul 9, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
3 EASY STEPS TO MAKE YOUR DIRTY 💨 OFFICE AIR SUPER CLEAN 🧼: At my kids’ orthodontist 🦷 they wear surgical masks 😷 + have sign saying “DON’T PASS BY UNTIL YOU SANITIZE..” Yet they didn’t have windows 🪟 open in summer ⛅️ nor do they run air purifiers 🌪️🤷‍♀️🤷🤷‍♂️ (1/25) This is why I wrote up this 2-page “clean air” HOW-TO manual for in businesses with @AbraarKaran and @RanuDhillon (2/25)…
Jul 7, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
TOP 11 REASONS NOT TO CLEAN (SCRUB) 🧽 YOUR INDOOR AIR 🌪️ (not a typo): I get it. There are so many good reasons to maintain the status quo 👌(1/18) #1 YOU LOVE 💕 TO MAKE MISTAKES: Moves by intn’l chess ♟️ players were analyzed with AI by MIT researchers and they found more particulates in the air led to more mistakes. If you like mistakes don’t bother cleaning the air. (2/18)
Jun 30, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
SAFETY 👷‍♀️👷IS JOB #1 for IAQ 🌪️🏡: In HISTORIC news, on May 12, 2023 the CDC recommended minimum 5 air changes per hour (5 ACH) in *all* occupied spaces. The # of purifiers needed and cost rises proportionally to both room volume and target ACH. (1/11)…
ELECTRO-MECHANICAL RISK ⚡️ ⚙️: Since air purifiers are heavy devices that plug 🔌 into AC outlets , ensure safe installation/operation by consulting your local expert for electrical 💡, mechanical ⚙️ , earthquake 🫨 safety esp. with in multiple purifiers in room. (2/11)
May 21, 2023 21 tweets 13 min read
A DREAM 💕 COME TRUE! This is EPIC 🏄‍♀️. TYSM @CDCgov. 5 air changes per hour (5 ACH) 🌪️ is now minimum expected indoors 🏡 wherever humans breathe 🧘‍♀️. Small step🦶for CDC, giant step 🏃‍♀️ for humans. Now work begins to implement it 🇺🇸 🌍. (1/21)… Image 5 is a BARE MINIMUM ⌛️ and I would have liked to see 12 ⏳ on passenger airplanes inflight ✈️ but this CDC target is a big step🦶in the right direction. Imagine if this was stated clearly back in 2020. @AbraarKaran @RanuDhillon (2/21)… Image
Feb 27, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read

DAY 1: 30+ RESPONDED to survey (> 75% parents, 5% educators)

DAY 2: 50+ RESPONDED. Answer percentages consistent with DAY 1 in yesterday's thread.

Are we just getting started?

Respondent ANGST in quotes below. Image HVAC:

"No HVAC."

"No info on HVAC system."

"HVAC systems filters are frequently out of date and there's no system to check and replace them"

"HVAC turned off or on auto."

"Our HVAC is so old the district cannot fit merv 13 filters."

Feb 26, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read

In last 24 hours 🕰️ I asked parents, teachers, principals, and other involved with California schools 🏫 to share thoughts on classroom air quality. 30+ responded quickly (75% parents, 10% educators).


(1/10) 85% SAY CLASSROOM AIR QUALITY IS IMPORTANT (75% v. imp.): Top concerns included respiratory viruses ☣️ (94%), Covid 🦠 (91%), wildfire 🔥 pollution (80%), cognitive 🧠 effects of poor air quality (54%), PM 2.5 ☁️(51%), CO2 💨 (49%).
