Stephen Mullens Profile picture
Feb 26, 2021 25 tweets 4 min read
CAPE and your Thermo assumptions, a 🧵.

TL;DR - High CAPE is still notable, but the upward velocity of the parcels guarantees the kinetic energy will never match the potential energy in the Skew-T. Yet another reason CAPE is overrated. Sort of. (1/22) We’ve all done our Skew-T homework and can draw how a surface parcel will rise to the heavens. We’re all hoping to see that line be as far to the right as possible. Can our CAPE get to 3000? 5000? omg, 7000?!!!!
Sep 10, 2019 18 tweets 9 min read
"I was going to talk about other. things. I'm going to talk about something far more important. The service you all provide is important." ~Dr Jacobs, Acting NOAA administrator #NWAS19 "I have been personally impacted by Hugo. We didn't take into account the trees. We had damage." ~Dr Jacobs #NWAS19
Jul 2, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
Bad time for a thread (it's late EDT). But I'm going through WFO twitter activity during big storms.

There are offices that basically relying on bots. There are those who mix in bots and radar.

And there are a couple who stand out; who are unlike the others. And it shows. Lets go to May 20. That was the high risk day. Things have gotten going. Watch at 1:45pm. Storms by 2:30pm. Most offices in this situation bury themselves in warnings and zoomed in radar loops around those warnings. And they stay there from beginning to end of the event.
Feb 22, 2019 34 tweets 27 min read
I gave a talk yesterday at the @NWSJacksonville IWT meeting. I discussed what I see as the likely future of where the field of meteorology is going in terms of communicating forecasts and safety. I would like to share those thoughts here. 1/n @NWSJacksonville The goal of NWS and broadcast mets, EMs, first responders, and elected officials in using social media to share weather information is the same now as when we first started using it. The goal is to save lives! (Extra credit if it also helps make recovery easier.) /2