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நான் யார்?
Jun 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The role of a highly celebrated, awarded & cited Stanford professor, Ford foundation, Rockefeller foundation, the World Bank & US president Lyndon Johnson in forcibly sterilizing Indian men & women, leading to many deaths. We have to be wary of bad ideas & intent from western academia. media & western NGOs.
" Douglas Ensminger, an official at the Ford Foundation who created infrastructure for large-scale sterilization programs in India"
Feb 15, 2023 16 tweets 2 min read
Seeding Worlds: How Life Transformed Venus and Unveiled the Mysteries of Earth's Origins

In the early years of the 22nd century, humanity faced an unprecedented threat. The CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere had reached catastrophic levels, and scientists knew that if nothing was done, the planet would soon become uninhabitable.
May 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
In Madurai Medical College, the TN govt sacks Dr.Rathinavel as Dean after students take a modified ancient oath based off Charaka Samhita. The media hacks attack the Charaka oath and Samskritam while endorsing English & the Hippocrates oath. This reflects deep mental colonization combined with an unawareness of medical history. Prior to its colonization, India had made great advancements while Europe had cannibalism & blood-letting. smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gr…

The Hippocrates oath was inspired by India.
Feb 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Ruckus in Chidambaram temple entering a restricted area, draconian SC/ST act applied on priests followed by corruption allegations by the persons causing the ruckus. Media spins this into a caste oppression narrative. Ignores that other priests were also not allowed in the 2/ restricted area.Compare with Lavanya's forced-conversion case where the police, top leadership & DMK media kept trying to discredit the dying testimony & refused to take action. When the accused got bail, top DMK leadership welcomed the accused with symbols of
Jul 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The 11 types of Brahmanas

Atri's classification of Brahmanas - Source: PV Kane's History of Dharmśastra Volume 2 Part 1, pg 131 on the discourse in the Atri Smriti:

1. Deva Brahmana: Bathe daily, do Puja, SandhyaVandanam, homam, honor Aditis (guests) & Vaishvadevas 2. Muni Brahmana: Lives in a forest subsisting off roots, fruits & vegetables, doing daily Shraddhas
3. Dvija Brahmana: Twice-born. Studies Vedanta, gives up all attachments, engages in Samkya & Yoga (implying AshtAnga Yoga).
4. Kshatra Brahmana: Fights to defend the motherland.
Feb 25, 2020 87 tweets 14 min read
Upanayanam: To do or not?

This post is by request, an attempt to answer multiple questions I was asked on the Upanayanam ceremony.

Questions opposing Upanayanam:
- The sacred thread is an act of Brahminical patriarchy. Why should only Brahmin men wear it but not others? We should strive to destroy Brahminism & the oppressive caste system that the Brahmins have imposed on us for 1000s of years. This casteist ceremony should simply stop. People should cast away the thread.
- Why should we spend so much money in this ceremony?