Statistician, MRC-CTU at UCL. Hiker, skier, guitarist, russian literature lover. Views are nice from my window.
Aug 3, 2020 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
Results of massive (N=64000) nation-wide serosurvey in Italy are out. Available in Italian only, for the moment, so I'll translate a few highlights if you are interested.…
As little as 2.5% [2.2%,2.7%] of people surveyed had IGg antibodies.
This does not change by sex, and very little by age (with the 50-59 category the most hit).
Oct 2, 2019 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
Afternoon twitter! Some of you might have read some angry tweets from @tmorris_mrc ranting about a paper recently published in Lancet RM, purporting to investigate mechanisms of action of treatment in the FEAST trial, without even mentioning the word “mediation” in the text.[1/n]
The paper had serious flaws both in terms of missing data handling and causal claims. So, we (James Carpenter and I from the @MRCCTU) teamed up with two causal inf. experts (@bldestavola and @richardaemsley) to write a letter to @LancetRespirMed: [2/n]…