Stefan Judis Profile picture
Sending web dev news to 5k people at @GoogleDevExpert, @playwrightweb Ambassador, @tinyhelpersdev he/him
Sep 27, 2022 49 tweets 19 min read
.@HTTPArchive's annual state of the web report — the Web Almanac — is out!

As every year, I'll give it a read and share interesting facts below... @HTTPArchive I love these "fun facts".

Shipping a 62MB stylesheet (that's transferred size) is quite an accomplishment. 🙈 The desktop page with the g...
Dec 3, 2021 52 tweets 24 min read
This year's Web Almanac report is almost complete. 🎉 ("Media" & "Caching" are missing)

Let's see what's interesting. 👇 The median webpage loads 70kb CSS. Alright, and the "top scoring site loaded over 60mb of CSS. 😲😆 60! Not every page was so constrained: the page with the greatesGraph showing the CSS transfer size with 66-71kb median valu
Nov 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
I somehow ended up the @MozDevNet page for CSS pseudo classes and holy moly... There's a bunch of them! 🤯

Let's look at the interesting ones (and that I maybe knew about but forgot). 🙈 @MozDevNet :autofill

> The :autofill CSS pseudo-class matches when an <input> element has its value autofilled by the browser. The class stops matching if the user edits the field.…
Jan 13, 2020 17 tweets 12 min read
May I introduce:

Because I never find the proper tools when I need them I started collecting useful single-purpose online tools that are useful for web devs & I'll keep adding tools. 😊🙈

I share my favorite ones below in a thread. 🧵 Screenshot of @tinyhelpersdev – the go-to tool when you're dealing with abstract syntax trees! Highly recommended! Screenshot of
Dec 1, 2019 29 tweets 14 min read
Spending my Sunday morning reading the Web Almanac sharing internet stats and analyzing HTTP Archive data for 2019.

I'll share facts and stats that I think are interesting in a thread. 👇 :) Only ~65% of sites compress their JavaScript files. 😲 Chart showing how many sites compress their JavaScript files using gzip (~65%) or brotli (~15%)