Stephen Hunter Johnson (Foundational Bad Dem #afa) Profile picture
Baldwinian Patriot Politically Socially Culturally and Economically Active #flyeaglesfly
Oct 3, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
In honor of #ADOSSummit2024 and @BreakingBrown and @tonetalks trip to Nawlins, I think it's right to discuss Homer Adolph Plessy and how he may be more important than slavery itself, in defining who's Black American.

A 🧵... Plessy was a shoemaker, born to a French speaking Creole family. who lived in the Treme. He was born free during slavery, as were his parents, Joseph and Rosa. They were part of New Orleans's "free people of color", a distinct class that existed in Louisiana.
Aug 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Lets analyze the most recent @EpsilonTheory note, Rich Men of Reach and apply that theory to the "Gangsta Trump" motif that is making its way across Twitter at the moment. "Gangsta Trump" or "Hood Trump" is a trope that posits that Trump is relatable to the Black community as a result of his many legal troubles, culminating with the mugshot. The trope is of course racist, but that is just bonus points. Image
Jul 2, 2022 38 tweets 12 min read
Black America is the target of a psychological operation ("psyOp") designed to divide it for the political purposes of voter surpression. It is evident and identifiable to those who understand the use of narrative to persuade and influence human behavior.

A 🧵 (with citations) What is a psyOp?

Psychological operations...are intended to “convey selected information and indicators to ... audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of...organizations, groups, and individuals. ...