Onoviran Stephen Profile picture
Christian Evangelical, Mental Health Nurse, Loves the Lord, happily married to Doubra; blessed with many Fruits,attends DIGC https://t.co/LUgcsRJFSA
Sep 15, 2020 24 tweets 15 min read
I had a rare privilege of a dream revelation as I prayed this Morning & it was not a common Occurrence.
What's dream revelation? A picturesque kind of trance that happens where you are made to understand things with a high consciousness that you are dreaming
#HowtobeaGodman #RT In this peculiar experience, I just had a long dream of a series of activities, then I was told to come a preach a sermon on #HOWTOBEAGODMAN I began the sermon and ended in full consciousness. I discovered I was been inspired by the Heavy thought... #RT