Prof. Stephen Whittle OBE, PhD, DLaws, FAcSS, Profile picture
🏳️‍⚧️💪🏼🏳️‍🌈 Professor, Woke, anti-growth, lefty lawyer, Proud out trans guy, transitioned 1975, he/him. Only responds to anonymous accts to show them up
libertywolf Profile picture Prof. Stephen Whittle OBE, PhD, DLaws, FAcSS, Profile picture Cynical Vixen Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 14 19 tweets 4 min read
1. I understand the anger, but these attacks on Government ministers will make getting voices heard far more difficult.

We need to get people in the room that can explain

a) the efficacy & safety, & scienceof PBs

b) why the Cass review is flawed, not just the science, but … 2. … the context,

We need to explain:

c) why a ban on PBs will simply drive parents & trans id’d adolescents into the hands of providers who the Govt cannot control.

Those who can will go overseas to Eastern Europe or the far east & pick up 6/12 months …
Jul 13 16 tweets 3 min read
1. (a) There has been no erasure of female language - in some areas there has be been additional language to include those AFAB people who might be impacted eg for health matters.
As a trans man I have to find a way to talk to clinical staff about aspects of my body. … 2. … It isn’t always easy do anything that helps us worth having

(b). There has been no loss of sex based spaces

UK Service providers of Separate or Single Sex Services:Residential accommodation (SorSSS/
RA) as since 1975 get to decide who uses their services or …
Jul 7 9 tweets 2 min read
1. The gender recognition process has no need of the gender recognition panel

The quickest simplification of the process would be to recognise it for what it really is (and always has been).

It is an administrative process in which the administrator (the staff at … 2. … the Tribunals service) receive a paper trail evidencing:

The applicant has
1. A diagnosis of gender dysphoria

2. Has permanently lived in the affirmed gender for 2 yrs prior to the application confirmed using paper evidence & a medical statement from their GP

And. …
Jul 3 7 tweets 2 min read
Every single trans man & trans woman needs to politely write a letter to
The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP l
The Houses of Parliament,
St Margaret St,

Dear Sir,
(If a constituent of his first write: I am a constituent of yours.)
…/2 2. Your seeming failure to support the Equality Act 2010 principle that those with the protected characteristic of gender reassignment should not suffer from arbitrary & unfounded discrimination or harassment will have lost Labour many votes in the election.
Jun 30 11 tweets 2 min read
1. Gender critics & Sex Realists don’t understand how the rules around the Loos work.

Rules are those of the service provider - the property owner or manager (the person who provides access to a loo) who gets to say who uses the service.
2. They also do not seem to understand how the Equality Act works.

The EqAct exists to prevent ARBITRARY & UNFOUNDED discrimination. & harassment

The Eq Act is not concerned with the behaviour of a person with a protected characteristic.

The EqAct is concerned the bad…
Jun 24 15 tweets 3 min read
1. Sam, In my late teens I was very uncomfortable in social settings & I thought I was horribly unlikeable.

Aged 18 I read a therapy book & decided that instead of trying to fill awkward silences I would place that responsibility on others

I joined the caving & climbing clubs… 2. … , then I determined to spend a year listening to other people.

My rule was to only speak when spoken to (unless lsomeone was going to get injured)

I then tried to work out how people managed their comfortable banter. I am not sure if I found the answer but …
Jun 23 5 tweets 1 min read
1. As a Trans parent it seems we seem as capable as any

At our son’s 30th last night, a cellist who retrained & is doing a PhD in acoustic engineering

His 3 sisters were there - a Whitehall civil servant, a Prison officer with an MA in Custodial Management & a teacher, as … 2. … was his partner; the lovely L. & they are buying their first home

Loads of his friends had travelled long distances to be there

They‘ve always known my history, & still greet us with such enthusiasm

They know we are non-judgmental & so feel so comfortable telling us...
Jun 2 6 tweets 1 min read
1. If you want an end to Health Secretary Victoria Atkins’s ban on PBs for trans youth these are the 3 must important things those affected directly need to do:

But first - hard copy letters in envelopes with stamps are the best way to communicate with politicians

Letters… 2. … are hard to ignore, unlike emails which are easily glanced at then closed up never to be looked at again

A letter stays open on the desk. The people you need to influence are the people opening the mail for the politician - if they get tears in their eyes they will ..,..
May 30 6 tweets 2 min read
1. Cass did not recommend banning - she is clear in the report & in the extra FAQs that there are some adolescents for whom medical transition is appropriate.

The NHS hasn’t provided new prescriptions since Nov 2020.

Only 7 adolescents received GNrH last year from the NHS… 2. … as adolescents age out of the service.

This is a ban of accessing GNrH from the NHS & private providers.

No other medicine has been banned by a Minister for health since 1999. It was only used then following serious injury during trials.

This ensures ..,
May 29 11 tweets 3 min read
How many fit & healthy 90.yr old men & women are there?

In 2021, 370k females (total females = 34.2 mill) & 180k males (out of 32.8mill males) are over 90. That means 1.08% of females & 0.054% males

The census gave a total figure of 283k for people identifying as … 2. … trans in the UK population, of which just 2% are aged over 85. Only 106k of the 283k identified as a TM or TW, evenly split- which we l can assume have transitioned & if we’re able are using cross sex hormones.

So around 48k are trans men In treatment.

TM know they …
May 28 12 tweets 3 min read
1/. Shock, Horror, man feeds baby using bottle.

Men have been raising babies for millennia.The wet nurse was not about relieving lazy women but for babies where for whatever reason a mother could not, or was not around to, feed

Read George Eliot’s ‘Silas Marner’ 2. You have frequently said you didn’t want a child which is much like many blokes who don’t want them, but for whom sexual activity &/or love for their partner means they have babies thrust upon them (a fate you escaped by being a political lesbian)

Before the birth, men …
May 27 8 tweets 2 min read
1. I ran the UK’s FTM Network for trans men, with >4000 members, for 20 years, with annual Conferences & regular hosteling trips, where we felt safe & talked frankly.

Yet of many issues raised in this article - going through a second puberty, increased libido, the minimal … 2. … risk of polycytheamia, the rate of beard growth, etc nobody raised the issues mentioned - not even once.

The idea that any were anorgasmic s unreal,

The idea we were peeing our pants is laughable.

This is typical Telegraph propaganda - it is just not true.

As for …
May 25 5 tweets 1 min read
Thank you

When KJKM says that trans people (like myself) are

“lazy, entitled & difficult to work with”

& it should be legal for employers to discriminate against trans people, she would open a flood gate to discrimination

I spent the first 10yrs of my working life… 2. … repeatedly being sacked for being trans. When finally employed on merit I was in my post 30 yrs & was repeatedly promoted until Professor.

If we are allowed to discriminate on arbitrary grounds - ie without just reason, against one group why not all groups

I remember …
May 25 5 tweets 2 min read
1. This is just a short twitter explanation - you will find plenty of online sources which will delve into the details

a. Gender critical speech or writings are

— general conversational comment upon ideas
— espousing a personal belief or theory,
which critiques … 2. … the concepts and/or personal, social & political understandings of gender identity, role & presentation.
Historically Gender Critical theory addressed to social & political stereotyping that limited the societal possibilities for women.

Since around 2014 there has …
May 22 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Certain groups wish to prevent TP being treated as members of their affirmed sex/gender

This is not a view taken by the majority of women particularly lesbian women - there have been many pill reports on here.
You need to read the explanatory notes re s7 which… 2. … define what intending to undergo, undergoing or having undergone gender reassignment means

Anyone covered by s7 is protected from arbitrary & unfounded discrimination which is to their detriment.

Cases at the European Cts have confirmed that a TP has protection….
May 21 9 tweets 2 min read
1. As Jessica @just_go_outside says

‘a path to do so’ is the key

We know what GPs can do, & there is GP guidance out there - we’ve written leads over the years & lots of others have re-invented that wheel - it’s not rocket science

The Problem: the NHS has been…. 2. … privatised at every level, & nobody now is either willing or has the flexibility to do what they are not contracted for

For example an MS spasm in my backside is causing severe sciatica. I have been paying to see a physio to deal with these spasms for 8 yrs.
May 20 5 tweets 2 min read
1. When did you knowingly, last, sit down & have a proper conversation (not online or by text) with a trans woman , or man

These are not special rights

TW have a right to use loos etc provided they have transitioned & intend for that to be permanent, & they use them … 2. … as intended

I know 000s of TP who are on the way to surgery or have completed it.

They would be absolutely horrified if any one caught sight of their genitals.

Yes there are some criminal men who claim to be trans - but the criminal law should be used against them..,
May 20 4 tweets 1 min read
FINALLY -something Good

R4 News (from the Times).

Labour plan to allow a single Dr (your GP) to sign off gender recognition applications

- this may be false & a Tory story or o start another battle in the culture wars

But let’s hope (pretend) until we hear otherwise …. /1 2. Says they plan to scrap gender recognition panels & let Drs get on with their jobs.

Not out of the woods yet tho . They plan to hold a consultation after the election

So we really are going to have to be on the grown ups in the room as I’m sure the dark forces in will …/2
May 17 7 tweets 2 min read
1. There were several trans women co-opted by the GC Cult in the UK in 2016, and similarly overseas

They were even the stars for a mini -conference & Press Briefing in a House of Commons meeting room

Debbie Hayton @DebbieHayton & Miranda Yardley @EmmJayYardley were 2 of… 2. … several TW who (stupidly) thought they would be accepted as women into this ‘new movement’ of women - albeit they were to be trans women happy to be called men.

Within weeks most were were disillusioned & sensibly walked away.

The 1 who stuck out the abuse longest…
May 15 15 tweets 3 min read
1. The small number of detransitioner I have met do not come to support groups but they do call helplines, & have been very vocal, with no qualms about speaking to me directly. at conferences (academic & other), & public events eg Trade Union & public lectures

I am an … 2. … approachable person & I am willing to listen (unless having abuse hurled at me) & have sat down with them as they told me their stories.

There numbers have been small - possibly 30 over 50 yrs.

Reasons are many - regret for transition include irretrievable family …
May 13 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Social transition does not involve any medication or surgery

I’m sure their parents constantly reassured their child that they could go back to being the other name

How does a 4yr old ‘decide’. Children acquire knowledge of gender roles & expectations & their own sense … 2. … of ‘fitting in’ to a gender role with an attached identity somewhere between 3 & 4.

Parents whose child insists they are the other sex & announce they want a new name, are always distressed. They mostly seek help but the advice given is exactly the same…