Prof. Stephen Whittle OBE, PhD, DLaws, FAcSS, Profile picture
🏳️‍⚧️💪🏼🏳️‍🌈 Professor, Woke, anti-growth, lefty lawyer, Proud out trans guy, transitioned 1975, he/him. Only responds to anonymous accts to show them up
4 subscribers
Dec 29, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
1. @chester_fence - happy to respond directly. Apologies - I couldn’t find the original post so didn’t see a reference to your article.
To understand the data you need to understand the history & development of the UK’s NHS TM’s & genital reconstruction surgery (grs) 👇🏼🧵 2. The UK’s FTM network (which I ran until 2008 & edited the newsletter) was set up in 1979 after I wrote to the 14 TM I knew, when I was asked to buddy a guy, who had dreadful grs & was suicidal.

By 2000 the network had about 600 members. But others were still isolated. …
Dec 25, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. TW try to avoid the bullying that ‘sissies’ experience by taking what is known as as the flight into hyper masculinity - it’s been shown that TP in the USA Armed services far exceed their proportion in the general population. It takes the following form; 2. — they ‘butch’ up, but retain their tolerant empathic views - all of which makes them good leaders- so in secondary school becoming end up becoming captain of the rugger, soccer etc team.
— they work hard to ‘escape’, & not being gay they enter the armed or 1st responder…
Dec 24, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1. @MForstater There are very good reasons for this
a) mid-2020 - 2022 no provision was made for TM grs. The Slough clinic was closed as NHS England had ‘concerns’ there was not enough space in ICU if there was a medical emergency
b) The clinicians (2 teams existed) ..,, Test from @mforstater saying  "'FTM' genital surgeries increasing from 25 (2022) to 87 in 2023. Female patients undergoing surgery are on average much younger than their male counterparts ( 23 years vs. 44 in 2015)." The Levy Review needs to look, like the Cass Review at whether any of this is effective or ethical.” 2. … had to rebid & eventually the service was re-opened in a Sth London Clinic - with no ICU. Any emergency means a patient would have to be driven through London to UCH, 45mins away
c) Consequently a third surgical team was recruited to try to clear a large backlog of …
Dec 16, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
1. Re Streeting’s (pseudo) Ban on PBs until 2027:
PBs are not banned as such as they are still available to
⁃those children who receive (with their parent’s consenting for them) PBs because they are experiencing Precocious Puberty,
⁃adult Men who receive them… 2. … because they have prostate cancer, in order to decrease Testosterone production which is a primary driver of such cancers.
⁃Potentially they have a use for Adult women with oestrogen related cancers

According to NHS England they are now to open recruitment of young …
Nov 29, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1. People who are in end of life care do not use the ‘s’ word

They say ‘too exhausted & unable to take any more’ (add pain, indignity, thirst, starvation, gasping, diarrhoea, limb loss, vomiting etc)

They’ve loved life but as the end closes in they invariably just want rest… 2. Assisted dying is what it says ‘assisted’ in an already taking place process - a process that commences at birth. Choosing AD is about choosing how to live as much as it is about death.

Drs - who invariable do assist using morphine - are currently left skirting the edges …
Nov 27, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1. No One can 'Magically' declare themselves a woman. Anyone born male bodied, has to
(a) sit on a waiting list of anything from 3 years to infinity waiting for an appointment with a doctor specialising in Gender identity medicine ... 2. (b) go through an assessment process of several appointments over 12 to 24 months, in which they demonstrate they have a marked and persistent incongruence between an their experienced gender and the sex assigned at birth which leads to a desire to ‘transition ...
Nov 11, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
1. Bad people do bad things to both good & bad people. Good people tend to do neither.

In a US Bible Belt major city I saw 2 properties

A huge Victoriana house & opposite, a concrete fort with window slits

Thought it must be army or a place to keep gold 2. The housr was a Convent, outside a billboard on the lawn had the letters SPUC & pictures of aborted foetuses

So I crossed over & read the sign on the Fort; Planned Parenthood

PP had had their staff shot at as well as daily harassment of users

No one shot up the Convent!
Nov 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Believe it or not, if you truly believed it, I (& most who work in the psych professions) would accept that is your subjective state
If not about to behead your enemies, & not seeking treatment we would let you live out your subjectivity in peace in your fiefdom
But … 2. If dangerous or seeking treatment we would try various meds on you such as anti- psychotics

In the 1950s-80s when a T person sought help many spent 9-12mths in a locked psychiatric unit having anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, & conversion therapies of various sorts ….
Oct 27, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
1. I’ve been doing this for 50yrs
Believe me the ‘testo-fueled pederast’ has been thrown at Trans men throughout
1982 i first heard it when sacked (for being trans) from a project run by the Local council in church buildings.
Sunday, my wife & project users demonstrated /2 2. … outside the church

Congregants said they were told it was something
“crminal to do with children”

My wife put them right, & half the congregation left the church, project closed as no one was willing to take my job (even tho’ users were all unemployed)

When I trained /3
Oct 22, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1. I am a Dr of Law w/ 2 honorary Doctorates for my equalities & human rights work
My PhD was ‘Transsexuals & the law’ (1995 language). My 30yrs academic research considered many aspects of Equality
2005 I was made Professor of Equalities law, & in 2006 was given OBE /2 2. Once more;
It is a Service Provider who decides who uses the services they provide including loos

The General public, incl. the self-construed genital inspectorate & especially @UofGlasgow @michaelpforan DO NOT have any say on whether any person can use the provided loo. /3
Oct 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. To GPs who plan to stop their Trans patients’ hormone therapy (HT)

a. HT is no different to the HT you provide to c1s women & men,

b. It is cookbook stuff not rocket science

c. Your trans patients will develop severe osteoporosis by year 5 without HT, … /2 2. d. Visible skin & body changes will occur within months making them vulnerable to verbal & physical assault,

e. Gender clinics have waiting list decades long,

f. Psychiatrist know far less about HT than you already know in your little finger as GP, .., /3
Oct 9, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
1. Earlier this year I went with a young woman to Manchester Magistrates Court
As a student she had a 3yr 16-25 railcard
When she started work at it was teaching excluded kids. During the summer break she would travel all over the city ... 2. … to their homes, using the railcard to buy tickets, the cost of which were refunded by the charity.

rainline sent her an email saying ‘renew your railcard at a discount’.

She followed the link straight to a page which offered her a ‘Network Railcard’.
Oct 2, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Meanwhile down the road in Lisbon at the WPATH 28th symposium:

- over 150 amazing scientists & doctors gave their scientific papers

- 1300 professionals (many young & themselvs T&NB) providing health & social care to T&NB people attended

- with another 1700 online
/2 2. i was very disappointed that the Genspec (aka as wannabe genital inspectors) protesters (all 12 stood outside their own conferencr with their

“PBs multilate children”

banner so I didn’t get to introduce myself & speak with them. /3
Aug 25, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1. I understand how you felt.

In a 1st yr lecture on punishment. I’d ask

“Is it ok to slap your toddler as punishment if they’ve just done something dangerous eg run across the road?”

1/2 the room said say yes, (prob indicating how many had been slapped as kids).
/2 2. I would go to a student & say
“I’ve just slapped you for using yr phone in my lecture.
“What are you going to do?
“What should happen to me”.

Their answers ranged from get security, report l, sack, try l, fine or jail me’

I’d then ask:
Aug 17, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1. Two months ago I set out to block GC/Sex Realist/ LGB Alliance/ misogynist X accounts who were abusive to me or to my family

I wanted to see how many vile folk & socks I had to block before abuse disappeared from my time line

🥁🥁🎺it’s just 646 accounts
/2 2. The accounts are from across the English speaking world & a few beyond, but largely based in the UK

Conclusion: of 200 million active daily users on X, 52% use English
Ie. abusive GCs/SRs:/TERFs: LGBA’s/ misogynist trans haters amount to 0.000646%

Of course /3
Aug 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. We could argue about this till blue - but any policy must relate to either safety or fairness (or both)

Let’s say (as the FA once said) trans men must prove ‘normal T levels’ to play in men’s football. /2 2. (a) it would have to be a very big, very speedy, very strong, very tall trans man with amazing ball skills who could compete in the professional men’s game

(b) would T levels be relevant ? Normal male T levels vary from 6 to top 70s, how low or high would abnormal be? /3
Aug 7, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Wrong: Whether it is defamatory is all context

In some settings eg nations, lying & saying a person is trans would be implying the person was an unlawful sexual pervert

Defamation is all context
- a lie,
- the implication of that lie,
- the impact on reputation … /2 2. … - the consequences of the lie’s impact
eg on
- income,
- social ostracism,
- psychological or physical harm that results.
Jul 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8. The evidence for James Barrie giving birth is problematic & inconclusive

If he did , that does not undermine his gender identity

So many female bodied people experienced sexual assault in that period you cannot assert that if it happened it was consensual

Today we see … 2. … over 80% of women (trans & non-trans), and trans men reporting a lifetime experience of sexual assault

That’s the state of misogyny & the collapse of the Criminal Justice system today

But that’s all a red herring. If James did have a consensual sexual relationship, …
Jul 21, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Here we see the instant dismissal of Dr Kelly’s views because he works with gender incongruent children. The repulsion of expertise is repulsive.

Some yrs ago @EHRC reviewed the evidence on Trans Equality

Much of that came from research undertaken by myself & colleagues … 2. We were all academic socio-legal & social scientists. We were also all trans men

@EHRC then dismissed it with the sentence
“The research was done by those with vested interests & so cannot be regarded as objective”

I complained & said ‘are you saying research into black…
Jul 19, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
1. What the NHS would give to have these sorts of results for any other healthcare treatments

For those who argue that if 98% of trans adolescents who take PBs progress to cross sex hormones, then PBs cause transition -
PBs do NOT cause transition

See explanation below
Research results showing 94% of trans people report an increase in life satisfaction following transition
Study result showing 98% of trans adolescents who take PBs progress to gender affirming cross sex hormones as adults   See Matc, van & Hannema, Sabine & Klink, Daniel & Den heljer, Martin & CM. staring puberty suppression in adolescence. a conort study in the Nethenands. Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology. 10.1530/ey.20,4.14.
2. Only a small proportion of trans id’d adolescents will receive PBs

At GIDS <8%adolescent patients received PBS
That’s <20% expected as cited by GCs using Green’s 1974 study (though that was ‘sissy’ boys most of whom were gay & had no cross gender orientation).
Jul 19, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1. For centuries people we might now refer to as Trans have existed & in almost every society studied

in Western cultures few have presented as Trans women. It was & still is difficult for a person born male to present as a woman without today’s hormone therapies

Discovery… 2. … would often mean death

But amongst non-Euro/US indigenous societies there are long & well documented cultural histories of the Hijra (India), Kathoey (Thailand), Fafa Fine (Samoa) , & others including amongst New Zealand Māori, indigenous (Aboriginal) Australia, & more