Stephan Hughes Profile picture
PhD student. Co-founder the #nt2t chat. MS/HS English teacher. Lecturer in English Language Teaching. Tweets on teacher education and applied linguistics.
May 20, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Hello, students, this is Mr. Hughes here. I'm using my Twitter account to give you some instructions on how to prepare the Radio news report assignment in Speech 2 of the High School Program. Think of two topics - one related to politics, economics, social or health issues in your city or country and the other related to a funny event, an inspirational story or an unbelievable story
Jan 5, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
If learning is ongoing, then Twitter chats are great ways to tell a story. #nt2t As my co-mod @seni_bl would say, every week, a new chapter. If that is the case, how many chapters does #nt2t already have since it came to life in 2013? 🤔