Stevie Ann Profile picture
I'm a feminist, I support pro-choice, body positive, progressive, BLM, LGTQ+, I'm a mother of 5, grandmother of 3. I have Chronic illness. autism mum She/her
Jan 16, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
thread, 1; I am very much of the opinion men need to do more to prevent pregnancies. I am not blaming men alone for accidental pregnancies but they do have the power to help prevent them. And statistically speaking too many men refuse to support women in preventing pregnancies'. 2; Ofcause women are also responsible, but women can only fairly be held accountable for their own actions, not that of their partner. In an ideal world women would have the agency to say no to sex with no condom but this is not an ideal world.
Dec 4, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I had two phone calls this morning that brought up the subject of emotional labor. the first with my oldest daughter, she has a partner that is hands on with their kids but who seems totally unwilling to put any thought into it, everything he does around the house is organized .. 2; her, all the emotional labor is hers. He will ring to ask where things are instead of looking for them, he will not do housework unless she points it out and asks him. He will not do things the kids need unless she sets it up. This is not uncommon..
Dec 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1; About 15 years ago I considered letting my mother move in with me, we talked about a granny flat. At the time I had 4 children still at home, 2 in school and two pre school, one high needs. The main problem I had with Mum was she refused to do anything for herself.. anything! 2; she was capable and had lived alone for some years but just refused. Her reason was "my mother taught me never to do cooking in another woman's kitchen" I pointed out if she was living here it was her kitchen too and that I was too busy to get her a cup of tea every time.
Mar 25, 2019 24 tweets 5 min read
1; I read a lot of whinny men crying about abortion being unfair to men, also about how child support is unfair to men, lets ignore the lies around this like men don't get a say about abortion, they do, or men cant get out of CS, they can. Lets just look at how unfair it all is. start with conception, in order for a woman to get pregnant sex has to happen, not including IVF.A man has to have an orgasm,a woman may not have one. A woman can have 10 children and never once orgasm, A man must orgasm to be a dad, so unfair to men right?