How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Chappelle I used to rock with, even pre-Chappelle show, was smarter than almost everything I've heard Dave do since 18. isn't a monolith either, and the D9 may not be for everybody, but l when I meet Black Tri-Delts or Chi-Omegas, I'm just like "....Oh..." definitely pushed his ass into the water when she stopped filming bc she ain't trying to get got. And said "omg omg omg" the whole time. think "by-OP-ic" sounds better than "bio-pic" never thought to explore this but Clinton is dead on. Marching band uniforms directly oppose ease of movement or comfort. And they're a bitch to keep cleaned and fresh (bc you are sweating TO DEATH as he said) I want this match to happen JUST so I can come on here and say "I TOLD Y'ALL," just like I did with Face and Teddy, and just like I did with Keith and Bobby. There are certain spaces of music in which I legit live... this is one of them, dammit.'s the only thing I can say now: they wasn't there. I say "bad faith" because unless you're very young or only ever been a minimum wage earner, you understand a. That increased salaries usually cost money to get to (education, certification, relocation). B. In terms of jumps that correlate with age, your expenses change anyway people do assume you chillin' if you make 6 figures, with no consideration of where you live, what your household overhead is, what you may be playing catch up from (like years of bad credit or heavy loan balances), etc., we're always wiling to pull up and fight someone because there was no such thing as throwing subs on the internet, and the mutual understanding was that talking only went so far. But you didn't usually have to track ppl down, these things were arranged.