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Jun 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I was speechless when I saw this appear on my camera's LCD screen last night - this is only the second time I photographed #RedSprites. Photograph of a red sprite. It has three vertical columns that branch out towards the top and and in the middle. The thing looks a bit like someone's crude attempts to paint lines with a can of spray paint. The color is a very vibrant red against a blueish nightsky with many stars. I also had my other camera running with a wide angle lens. You can see the corresponding storm cell and faintly above three red sprites (the right one is the one pictured above) nighttime landscape picture showing a large storm cloud under a starry night sky. The storm cloud is lit up on the bottom by lightning.  Above the cloud are three vertical faint red streaks, these are the red sprites. Also visible are a BUNCH of satellite streaks - mostly Starlink, I barely captured a photo without one last night.
Feb 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
On Sol 1059 #Ingenuity rotated it's blades for the first time after the fateful Flight 72.
And guess what, one of the blades is (almost) entirely missing!
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech We have most likely already seen this blade in the Mastcam-Z images. It landed in the sand, roughly 15m away from the helicopter.
Jan 1, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
With the amazing images coming back from Juno's flyby of Io, I finally took a stab at processing some JunoCam images. This image shows Io's north polar region from 2839km distance.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Simeon Schmauß
Half lit image of the Jupiter Moon Io showing a mostly brownish surface. Sharp mountains stand out against the otherwise smooth surface and cast long shadows along the terminator line. Black lava flows are scattered around on the surface. The shadowed side of the moon is dimly lit by Jupiter and was slightly brightened during processing.   Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / Simeon Schmauß @NASAJPL @NASASolarSystem I processed this image from the individual framelets, which I preprocessed with a python script and then assembled in PTGui.
This allowed me to retain the complete horizon which is often lost with JunoCam images.
screenshot of PTGui. A source framelet is displayed with control points placed on it for alignment.
the red channel of the Io image in PTGui with red lines indicating the stitching between the individual framelets.
Feb 28, 2022 17 tweets 19 min read
@65dbNoise @AllThings3DPod @NASAPersevere Even though my flat is already a bit older it still calibrated the Flight 18 image very well - Flight 20 not so much. After calibration there is still some more vignetting towards the edges of the frame. The color difference is as you say at least related to the sun angle. @65dbNoise @AllThings3DPod @NASAPersevere Also, my flat could be somewhat biased as I created the color gradient correction with images that were taken flying in other directions with different sun angles.
Aug 2, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
@kevinmgill @thomas_appere I gave my flat reengineering another go just now and think I arrived at a pretty satisfactory result.
I used those two images from flight 9 as input, one is the original raw, the other one is from the NASA article. @kevinmgill @thomas_appere In Gimp I first multiplied the raw image by the average of the corrected image and then divided this by the corrected image. The result should be quite close to the original flat used by the imaging team.
Apr 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
A little while ago I spotted this Dust Devil in the LCAM images that @NASAPersevere captured during the landing phase on Sol 0.
It therefore is the first ever Dust Devil seen by the mission - before it even touched down. Here is the full sequence, like the other clip playing 20 times faster than real time.