Steve Kirsch Profile picture
Investigative journalist. Authored over 1,500 article on vaccine safety on my Substack. Former high tech serial entrepreneur. Founder, VSRF.
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Jun 11 7 tweets 2 min read
HUGE WIN! 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Covid Vaccines Are NOT Vacc...

My question is whether this story was covered on any mainstream media in the United States? The appeals court basically said that the court needs to examine the evidence as to whether these are vaccines or not and there was no evidence presented that they are vaccines. LAUSD simply said that the CDC said that they were safe and effective. They provided no evidence that the vaccines are actually vaccines.
Apr 6 8 tweets 2 min read
I got this message from a fellow MIT alum just now. The tl;dr is that vaccines are NOT safe to give to pets.

Hey, on an entirely different note, I thought I might tell you about our Veterinarian, who has a lot of information on Vaccines. Because of his and my stance on vax in general, we decided to go have dinner together back in 2021. I learned a lot from him at the time because veterinary medicine is not nearly as "bought" by big pharma and MSM as human medicine -- remember, almost everyone pays themselves, no insurance, there is less money involved, and the doctor circuit is much tighter and they share notes: No HIPAA issues. Here are a few of the things I learned: 1/3 1) He is legally obligated to give rabies vaccines. However, most vets don't know that you can test dogs for the rabies antigens from last year's vax, and if they have the antigens, he can write down that the titer is high, and he can wait another year.
Feb 18 9 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Official NZ mortality data released under FOIA request shows that initial spike in deaths happened right after initial vaccine rollout and BEFORE COVID. Second spike happened after shot 3 rollout. Excess deaths were NOT driven by the unvaccinated.Image Also, NZ officials admitted that vaccinated people are more likely to have excess mortality:Image
Dec 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The flu shots are far more deadly than the CDC will ever admit. This is why they NEVER show the Medicare data post shot. NEVER! If they did, it would be game over for the flu vax and their credibility.

Do you want to see the chart they won't show you? Here is the Medicare data for the flu shot in 2021. This is deaths per day since the shot was given for everyone who got the shot in 2021. The "hump" shouldn't be there. Neither should the Day 0 deaths. Image
Dec 22, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Pediatrician Doug Hulstedt has seen 150 autism cases. 44 of those cases were "overnight" where the child was normal one day and began exhibiting multiple obvious symptoms of autism from the next day forward. Like a "light switch." All 44 cases happened within 2 weeks AFTER a vaccine was given (not before). He's going to write it up and submit it to a peer-reviewed journal. It is statistically impossible for these autism cases not to be related to the vaccine.Image Here is his Yelp page:…
Dec 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Welcome to the "new normal."
He had afib which is a common side effect of the COVID vaccine. In the 30 year history of VAERS, there have been 10,233 afib reports; 10,060 are from one vaccine: the COVID vaccine. Stunning. The press will never mention this. Note that his afib was last May. The latest side effect was cardiac arrest, also a COVID vaccine symptom.

From news reports.
"Lockyer, 29, also collapsed last May during Luton’s promotion playoff final win against Coventry City at London’s Wembley Stadium. He spent five days in the hospital and had surgery to fix an atrial fibrillation, which causes the heart to beat too fast. Lockyer had received doctors’ all-clear to play this season following the surgery."
Dec 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Barry Young, the New Zealand Oracle DBA who leaked the vaccination records, was arrested and charged with " accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes" and will appear in Wellington District Court today. The police want him jailed without bail.…
Over the last month, I've had many talks with Barry. The charges are without merit. It was crystal clear that his intent in leaking the documents was to expose a crime (negligent manslaughter) being perpetrated by the NZ Ministry of Heath and save lives. I guess in NZ, they don't want you to do that.
Nov 24, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
McMaster-led trial reduces COVID-19 hospitalization risk with single injection.

Announced nearly a year ago!!!

This drug is very safe. It is not virus specific. Invented by a Stanford professor.

Did u know about it?… “They say that one dose of lambda injected under a patient’s skin was more effective than any currently available treatment for early COVID and avoids the potential problems of patient adherence to drug treatment regimens.”
Nov 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
This is an official record of my Skype call to CDC Director of Media relations Ben Haynes notifying him that I have record-level data proving that the COVID vaccines are killing people. I offered the CDC the opportunity to view and authenticate the data.
If Ben ignores this offer, a jury might, in the future, find him guilty of criminal negligence.

What would you do if you got a call like this?
Nov 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The record level data I have shows decisively that the Covid vaccines are killing people of all ages. That is why no country or state in the world has released this info.

There are three independent variables. If you very all three variables, you get the same result. The data is devastating.

I will be publicly showing this for the first time on November 30 at MIT at 6 PM in the Kirsch auditorium.

And next week, I’m meeting with a chief data scientist of one of the US governments top agencies. Can you guess who? This is going to be very interesting.
Image There’s no ambiguity about how to interpret the data. If the death rates go up consistently when you vary all the variables, it’s an unsafe vaccine. And that’s EXACTLY what happens.

We will be live streaming the event at MIT on the Internet. Stay tuned for details.
Nov 3, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
I'm going to challenge billionaire MIT Institute Professor Robert Langer (the co-founder of Moderna) to a debate on the MIT Campus on Nov 30, 2023.

If I lose, I will donate $1M to MIT.

If he loses, he will donate $1M to VSRF. Image The MIT students watching the debate will vote on who won.

The debate will be in the Kirsch Auditorium at MIT (which is named in my honor).

If Langer isn't available, he can send a proxy of his choice.

This puts Professor Langer in a no-win situation.

If he declines, it reflects very badly on both him and MIT that a top scientist is no willing or able to defend his own product.

If he accepts, he will lose badly. Very badly.

The truth will win and the truth is on my side, not his.

By "safe" we mean that all-cause mortality is not dose dependent (statistically significant).

Langer's h-index is 317 and mine is 7.

It doesn't matter. I will let the data do all the talking.

Do you think he will accept my challenge?
Oct 31, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
The COVID vaccine must be stopped immediately. There is no question that it is killing people.
I have been invited to discuss these results with Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch tonight on his podcast. More on this graph in the thread.
Image This is a graph of number of deaths following doses 2 and greater in 28 day buckets. It is supposed to be even height for the first 6 bars. As you can see, the first bar is a huge problem. There is NO QUESTION as to the cause. Risch is one of the world's top epidemiologists. He invited me on his show to discuss the results.
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Dr. Vandana Shiva, named by the BBC as one of the top 100 most influential women in the world in 2019, says in this exclusive video that she first learned that vaccines cause autism 5 years ago!! Find her on X: @drvandanashiva

Her Google Scholar page:

She was the winner of the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Her h-index is an impressive 77 with over 45,000 citations.

Autism isn't her specialty, but she was easily able to figure this out by looking at the…
Oct 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: "Vaccine" killed 3.5X more Americans than COVID virus.…
This is breaking news because nobody has ever determined this number and validated it 6 different ways before. Nobody seems interested in disclosing this number for some reason.
Oct 21, 2023 31 tweets 11 min read
Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this. Michigan remdesivir case is very important precedent here proving liability shield falls when there is undisclosed contamination of active ingredients.
Oct 11, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
For you convenience, I'm going to list in this thread, some of the most compelling data points, where the data comes from very reliable data sources, that show the COVID vaccines were a disaster. I'll link to the original posts.
Sep 1, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: The US Nursing Home data collected by the CDC proves beyond any doubt two things: 1. The COVID vaccines increased the risk of the elderly dying from COVID and 2. Natural immunity is in full force for the elderly by 4/30/22 making further vaccines completely unnecessary. You can download the data here:

I used a 1 week offset for cases (lagging cases by 1 week) in computing the ratio between infections and death after finding a .99 cross correlation between cases and deaths.

Technically, this is computing a CFR, but everyone sick gets tested in a nursing home so it is as close as you get practically to an IFR.

Odds each week are #dead:#alive of the people who are infected with COVID (the 1 week lag for cases).

I analyzed for all 50 states individually as well. Over 4 times as many states got worse for every state that got better. On 2/28/21 relative to the 12/6/20 odds reference (this was the date right before the rollout), there were 13 states with an OR of >2 and only 3 with .5 or less. That's 4.3:1. So this wasn't a fluke.

The COVID vaccine was a disaster for the elderly, making them more likely to die, not less likely to die.

You are welcome to challenge my work, but I am not of any person in the world who has analyzed this dataset looking at the dead:alive odds of those infected with COVID.

If the vaccines don't work for the very target market they were designed to protect, it's a good bet they don't help anyone else either.

This is gold standard data. If the data supported the narrative, everyone would be touting the data. But all the authorities are silent.

You can't attack this analysis with claim that new transfers to nursing homes weren't tested (they were, it was part of the CDC protocol). You can't claim that the IFR is inflated when case rates drop because the 1 week time shift nullifies that; the increased IFR post-vaccine is real.

If you want to attack this, post your analysis and let's compare numbers.

All my work has been in plain sight the whole time on my github at skirsch. You are welcome to check my code.

In any sane society, this should end the debate. The COVID vaccines were a huge mistake. The so-called "misinformation spreaders" were right.

There isn't a data set that is more definitive than this that is publicly available. It's over. They've…
Aug 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
If this is wrong, show the study showing it is the opposite. This is comparing FULLY vaxxed vs. FULLY unvaxxed: Image from the same study: Image
Aug 17, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Pfizer posted the results of their Phase 2/3 study that COMPLETED on July 15, 2022 on what happens when you give the Pfizer vaccine to pregnant women. By law, you have 1 year to post the results.

Well, guess what? They REFUSED TO POST IT as required by law.

They said, we'll post it in a year from now.

They just posted the injection site results. Nothing about what happened in the pregnancies!!!

Look: it's basically BLANK: Clinical trial number: NCT04754594

Home page for trial:

Results posted by Pfizer didn't pass QA:

On all the interesting issues they said, "Stay tuned."

In short, we still don't know if this is safe, but the CDC is still telling pregnant women to get it based on NO DATA.

I predict that Dr. Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) is not going to be happy about this at all. It's outrageous. They had one year to post the data and posted nothing.

The rest of the medical community will simply ignore this and tell pregnant women to get the……
Jul 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
An AP fact checker has contacted me to fact check the work I did with the Amish in Lancaster County, PA w.r.t. COVID, autism, diabetes, and cancer.

I couldn't find >5 Amish people who died from COVID. I couldn't find a single case of a fully unvaxxed Amish child with autism,……
Image See also: for what I learned. It also debunks the Stein paper which claimed excess COVID…
Jul 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I know 25 parents of kids who went from normal --> autistic < 24 hrs after a vaccine shot.

How come nobody knows of any cases where kids go from normal --> autistic < 24 hrs before their scheduled vaccine shot?

And no, it isn't recall bias and I'll show you why I know that.…
It is NOT recall bias.

Here are a couple of Twitter polls showing that people remember big events that happen before other big events.

Died suddenly BEFORE scheduled booster shot
