Chris Stokel-Walker Profile picture
Tech journalist and lecturer. I write books (How AI Ate The World, out May 2024), do radio and TV, and present podcasts too
Mar 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
SCOOP: I spoke to the guy behind Balenciaga Pope for @BuzzFeedNews, who was (a) tripping on shrooms when he made the image and (b) thinks it means we should regulate AI… This is my second Balenciaga pope story of the day, after this one for @newscientist
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
My random Monday morning thought is I think there's a pretty compelling case right now for either banning r/midjourney or requiring every human being on earth to undergo a mandatory media literacy course It's like we've just given every prehistoric human a flamethrower without explaining to them how to work it or what impact it has if you use it
Nov 28, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
SCOOP: Twitter didn't pay its current and former employees on time in the UK and Germany today. “It has come to our attention that some of you may not have received your November 2022 salary yet in your bank account,” an email sent this morning says. Usually, Twitter staff are paid on the 28th of every month. If the day falls on a Monday, staff would typically see their salary as a pending payment on the Friday, with the cash hitting their accounts by midnight on Saturday. But it didn't - or in one case, did and was reversed
Sep 15, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
TikTok is becoming BeReal… TikTok Now sounds like a horrible idea (largely because I think BeReal is a horrible idea), but it is fascinating to see how they're trying to mark out ever wider territory in users' daily lives
Sep 14, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
YES! What3Words strikes again Unbelievably, no one in DCMS can make this work correctly. They're saying go to shops.views.paths (which is near Charlotte, North Carolina) rather than the actual site, shops.view.paths Image
Aug 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is something I fear a lot of people are missing in their budgeting. It's a price cap *for the average household*. By definition, half of us will use more than the average household There's some really interesting Ofgem research on nine buckets of households it thinks most people fall into here:…
Aug 25, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
What happens when Meta's chatbot, unprompted, calls you a terrorist? @MarietjeSchaake experienced that this week. For @dailydot I dug into why Meta's chatbot decided to turn defamatory… Thanks to @tim2040 and @dansereduick, who both shared their thoughts on the issues here, alongside Marietje too.…
May 26, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
🚨 NEW: Vistaprint and Moo have promised to rewrite print procedures after I was able to print replicas of NHS vaccination cards and get them delivered to me. By me, for @BusinessInsider… You'll remember there was a lot of coverage of a report by Check Point Research earlier this month raising concerns about the availability of vaccine cards on the dark web. But you didn't need to go to that trouble: Vistaprint and Moo would do it for you…
May 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
If you've interviewed a guy calle Luke (?) about Wickes (?) for Wired (?), they would like to know if it ran. I have no idea because I didn't write it, despite what the PR claims All my brain power is currently trying to think how a story about Wickes could possibly work for Wired
May 24, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
⚠️ North east women! Want to get into journalism? An amazingly thoughtful donation from the widower of someone who wanted to get into journalism means we have the Jane Constance Scholarship to study International Multimedia Journalism at Newcastle Uni… You'll study a journalism MA under amazing lecturers like @bethanyusher, @BerwickBabs, @Hanmcmahon, @estherbeadle, @Sadiedrum, @njdrb, @Wylienet, @JimKnightMedia and me - funded to the tune of £6,250 to spend however's best to support your studies…
Oct 6, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
In the last 45 minutes, Kellyanne Conway has demanded her 15-year-old daughter issue a correction on her TikTok about the sequencing of her covid tests Claudia Conway is basically the only reputable source of information about the Trump White House at the minute
Sep 30, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
SCOOP: One in four Brits - 17 million people - are on TikTok, according to internal data I obtained for @business… The user numbers, which TikTok has refused to share publicly, date from earlier this summer and cover all of Europe. In the UK:
🙋‍♀️ 65% of users are women
👨‍🎓 4/10 are 18-24
🕙 People spend 66 minutes a day…
Sep 27, 2020 40 tweets 8 min read
A court hearing to determine whether TikTok is banned in the US today starts in Washington DC in 10 minutes. On a Sunday. Really. Lots has been happening overnight, with the tech industry saying a ban would be damaging There are 29 other participants on the call, seven minutes before the hearing begins. Hello to everyone else wondering how the hell this madness is going to end
Sep 25, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
My wrap-up of TikTok's two hearings in front of lawmakers this week in the UK and Australia for @businessinsider. TikTok reps, including @CSORoland, try to get their message across but politicians don't want to hear it because of TikTok's roots in China… This exchange between TikTok's chief security officer and a gammony Australian senator over a factually incorrect claim that TikTok and Douyin share the same source code kind of typified the week Image
Sep 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
You can tell a lot about a man by his office background, and here's @CSORoland's. This is a man focused on risk. Image Lee Hunter, TikTok's Australia general manager: "It's early days for [TikTok] in Australia... we're hiring quickly, on track to double our team by the end of the year. With our success comes added scrutiny. We don't want TikTok to be a political football." Image
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Reaching a new record where I've contacted eight (8) authors on an academic paper to try and cover it and haven't had a response from any of them in four (4) days Me on Friday: Oh cool, this will be a really simple 300-word story that'll take like, an hour
Me today: Do these academics not want their work promoted in any way?
Sep 22, 2020 36 tweets 11 min read
Big day for TikTok as it releases its H1 2020 transparency report and its head of public policy in Europe, @theobertram, appears in front of @CommonsDCMS. Will be doing a thread through the day, but first off, the transparency report: there's been a 2x increase in video removals Image From just shy of 49 million videos taken down in H2 2019, TikTok took down 104.5 million in H1 2020. Proportions of the types of videos taken down stayed broadly the same with the December 2019 numbers they reported
Sep 21, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Hello: I can already see we're going to have some fun conversations around ownership of TikTok Global today. I can also see I'm going to have to break out the org chart again. Here's how Oracle can say ByteDance won't own TikTok Global while it will: ByteDance owns TikTok LLC Image It is... surprising how many people write about TikTok without knowing the existence of this chart. And yes, TikTok and ByteDance are both nominally a Cayman Islands company (which coincidentally employ more people than the population of the Cayman Islands)
Sep 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
The hilarious thing about Trump's outlandish claims about the $5bn alt-education demand for TikTok is that if it happened (it won't) it'd be exactly what ByteDance did with Douyin after Neihan Duanzi got banned in China. Here's my @protocol story from June… Because a pass-agg news ed took a normal reply as an attack, I should explain: educational content isn't exactly something TikTok has been reticent to promote (shorn of Trump's bravado about "real" education, it's a win). My story from August adds context…
Sep 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
TikTok has a deal for the US This is a huge, huge win for TikTok and obviously a win for Walmart and Oracle, who have essentially been shoehorned into the company by Trump. Once more though, it's cronyism capitalism from the US president
Sep 18, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
Cool, so we're getting an order from Trump in 45 minutes saying he's banning new downloads of TikTok and WeChat from Sunday… Crucially, from what Reuters are reporting, this is only *new* downloads, not stopping people from using their existing version of TikTok - so we're not in a situation like we had in India