Nathan Lane Profile picture
Econ professor @ Oxford. Co-founder @TheRealSoDaLabs & The I study the political economy of development & industrial policy.
Feb 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This piece faults Sen for emphasizing growth and, thus, capital accumulation.

If this is an issue with Sen, then it’s an issue with many socialist ideas.

Radical visions also emphasize growth & K accumulation. K is still a factor of production, its ownership is a dilemma. Similarly:

Marx & others recognized the progressive aspects of capitalist development. Relative to pre-capitalist, feudal modes or prod.

Blaming Sen for recognizing *this* aspect of capitalism—whilst recognizing its contradictions—is odd. It’s within the Marxian tradition.
Jul 3, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I just realized it was my 900th day meditating.

Here are some things I’ve learned. Especially meditating as an academic.

1/N - It works. (As do many contemplative practices). But it takes time—& perhaps discomfort at first. For many, though, the benefits materialize quickly. I noticed probably 15 days in. I say this in earnest as someone with chronic depression, etc, etc.
