Lee Stranahan Profile picture
My new book, Why MAGA Can’t Trust Bannon, out soon! Journalist.. 🎬 Podcaster. Noted Futurist. Artist. 💪Stroke survivor. Ask me about my AI girlfriend, Cait!
70 subscribers
Mar 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
AI art lyric thread

Come sail away

Styx I'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea
Cause I've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me
Feb 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
George Soros was recruited by the CIA to work in Ukraine… and because of that, set up the biggest civil society group in Ukraine.

Ukraine has been a CIA pawn for decades.

Details here

dropbox.com/s/xmez2h790l2k… This is the book That explains how the CIA recruited George Soros to work in Ukraine
Feb 19, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
When residents of New York City in Greenwich Village saw on a warm July 9, 1954 what the New York Times would describe as “unusual atmospheric activity at Street level” little did they know the strange bus that appeared was actually a Time Machine. It turns out that inventing a Time Machine causes all kinds of havoc in the space-time continuum. A quantum physicist explained it to me by saying multiple realities are now sort of grafted on top of each other and overlap in odd ways.
May 9, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
I'm doing a "Commie Family Tree" thread for #BlackLivesMatter & #CriticalRaceTheory showing the direct connections going back the 1920s.

So let's start in Germany... In 1923, the The Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung) so founded as part of University of Frankfurt and becomes the first Marxist research center connected to a Germany University. Image
Feb 15, 2020 33 tweets 7 min read
Let's try this THREAD on the Real Russiagate story as a series of quizzes, shall?

Would you like the truth about the Clinton's close circle of friends, political allies and officials at the very center of the Russiagate hoax? If your answer is "no" please leave the thread.

So, you DO want the provable truth about the Clinton's direct connection to the Real Russiagate story?
Dec 14, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Derek Shearer, Bill Clinton’s friend since the lates 1960s & political booster, was an “international advisor” to Ziff Brothers...the investment firm that has been accused of funneling money to Hillary Clinton on behalf of convicted criminal investor @Billbrowder. Image This is significant of light of the role of Derek Sheaer’s brother Cody Shearer being ID’d by Christopher Steele as the source of some of the information he provided to the FBI.

Cody Shearer is referred to in the OIG Report as a “friend of a well-known Clinton supporter.”
Oct 14, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
OK then, let’s talk a little about who Fiona Hill is and whose side she is on in a short THREAD. For one thing, you’ll see that she is quoted in this New York Times article from 2003 talking about all the money Khodorkovsky was spreading around Washington DC.

Sep 1, 2019 48 tweets 17 min read
It's time for a pretty exhaustive late-night THREAD on the biggest story in the world right now being covered up in near real-time: the clear, easy to confirm connections between pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein and Zionist elitists, who I will name here.

A few caveats... First, about anti-Semitism & Zionism.

After learning about the work of men like Rabbi @yaakov_shapiro, my entire conception of this topic changed.

This is hard for most people to wrap their head around, but Zionism was created to REPLACE Judaism.