stranger Profile picture
Former Law Enforcement reporting on political corruption. With MSM packed full of cookers no wonder we are a Racist country. #IRemember the #RobodebtRC⚫️🟡🔴🌈
💉💉💉💉💉😷😷😷😷 Warwick Tweedie Profile picture Kookabarra Profile picture T-train Profile picture dying blowfly Profile picture david hollyfield Profile picture 6 subscribed
Dec 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Fiona Brown tells court she can’t explain why she didn’t make notes of her conversations with Reynolds but admits she refused to follow an instruction to report to police bcoz she says she “needed more” than just BH with water in eyes complaining of a bloke being “on top” of her Brown has conceded that she was instructed to report the incident to police by both Linda Reynolds AND Alex Hawke and that she refused.

She then agreed it was at least “possible” that some form of sex had taken place after she was pressed to answer by Justice Lee.
Nov 28, 2023 58 tweets 10 min read
Brittany Higgins tells the court she met Lehrmann for the first time at the Kingston Hotel on 2nd March.
As she tried to leave, says he asked her to “stay for another drink”
And then took her mobile phone “so that I couldn’t leave”
Higgins speaking open & clearly, speaking well. Higgins eventually got her phone back and left saying she was running late to meet a friend. She was at the Kingston hotel with members of Reynolds’ new team & was putting herself forward for a new role as assistant media advisor. Stayed longer as was pushed to stay by Lehrmann.
Nov 27, 2023 53 tweets 10 min read
Lehrmann in the hot seat again & already admits the no. of drinks he purchased at the Doc Hotel was not 5 but now 6. Says he still can’t explain how 2 transactions with 6 drinks = 1 transaction of $16 on his CC. 🤔 The mystery continues. Pressed on why he gave diff answers when answering about Keys to his own barrister as with what he said to Dr Collins, Lehrmann insists he has remained honest about his key story & says it’s not uncommon that he’d lurch into parliament “at all hrs of the night” to drink alcohol
Nov 24, 2023 50 tweets 9 min read
Bruce Lehrmann under heavy heat by Dr Matt Collins SC - after BL claimed on Wednesday he did NOT buy Brittany Higgins a drink at the Doc Hotel on 22 March 2019, Collins SC stuns Lehrmann with a photograph from the hotel. BL immediately folds:
“I apologise I was wrong” Lehrmann now being torn apart with questions on why he gave false evidence to the court on Wednesday.
Lehrmann insists he must have been “confused” to which Judge tells him if he’s confused he should “seek clarification”
Collins is scathing.💥
Sep 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Indigenous AFL legend Michael Long details contents to a letter to fmr PM John Howard in 2004 - which was turned down & condemns his “negativity” & call for “rage”
“This is not about rage, it’s about love”
Michael Long thanks Albanese for stepping up where others failed.#auspol Michael Long is watching on in parliament today. I don’t know what it is, but I feel a deep sense of love & emotion just by looking at this great Indigenous man. #LetsWalkWithMichaelLong #VoteYes23 Image
Aug 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
#ABC Managing Director David Anderson who told #SenateEstimates in May that he had “not yet” sat down with Newscorp to discuss racism directed at Stan Grant, is asked by Virginia Trioli if he has since sat down & engaged with Newscorp over the issue.

Anderson: “Not Yet” 😒 Trioli pressed Anderson asking if he is just kicking the “can down the road”

Anderson “look it will take some time”
“Some of this, is the vehicle of social media”

That’s what his excuse was in May, that Social media is only to blame (wonder why Grant blamed Murdoch then?)
Aug 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
David Shoebridge presses Information Commissioner Angelene Falk on claims made by former FOI Commission Leo Hardiman that she “did not want a separate Privacy Commissioner”

Falk “I don’t recall saying that”🙄
#SenateCommittee For a summary of the day’s hearing, leading up this video, follow below.
I’ll update more as I go esp. as the media is keeping this matter on the low, and it’s significant.
Aug 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Susan Templeman calls out Marise Payne’s failures after the #RobodebtRC found she “could not recall” & “did not have a record” of critical details, & that Payne’s “desperate & unsatisfactory answers would have the makings of a child’s nursery rhyme if it were not so serious”💥💥 Templeman mentions “anti-welfare rhetoric” which must be stamped out
But when Fletcher spoke
“every dollar paid in social security benefits is a dollar from a hard working Aus. taxpayer!”
& said findings against Scummo make “no sense & are “very bad for public administration”🙄 Image
Aug 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
AFP says it’s now “not correct” that Peter Dutton was informed about a bribery suspect under investigation.
But they can’t say when they realised they got it wrong. 😳 Meanwhile AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw insists he’s Not failed to fulfil his obligations to the #Senate Take note, AFP says that Dutton was briefed recently about this incorrect information (unknown when)

How bad does this stink? Senators all looking rather gobsmacked with the AFP’s arrogance on this matter.
Jul 11, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Greggery exposes that Tudge’s “Talking Points” which said #Robodebt was started by Labor, had only referred to the automation of garnishees on existing debts🤔
Journalist Rick Morton at the time asked if it’s the “same system”
Dept response
“This is Not the same system…”💥[1/3] Greggery reveals internal docs showing the “Old Process”
“All interventions (100%) reqd documented evidence to enable the assessment, outcome calculation & raising of any identified debt”
Also, that ATO data is only reqd for someone employed “for the full financial yr”💥[2/3]
Jun 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Deborah O’Neill
“Help me understand what it means when u say…’work undertaken by EY is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Australian auditing standards?”
EY exposed setting own auditing standards by withdrawing from our Australian standards😶 So they pay overseas subcontractors to conduct audits on government departments, regulators etc. whose work doesn’t even have to comply to Australian standards either. And at our expense.
Jun 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
LNP has ramped up its weaponisation of Brittany Higgins’ alleged rape after Simon Birmingham, quoting the RW media, puts through a motion to censure Katy Gallagher. Motion fails, but not the point, as it gives Birmo another 7 min block to attack both Higgins & Gallagher. #Senate They’ve not had any new information, & Gallagher has answered the same way from the beginning. This is just disgraceful & a shame the Opposition haven’t got anything to do other than deflect from their own scandals.
Jun 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Senator David Shoebridge reveals many more unminuted meetings between “arrogant” AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw & his friend & #PwC Partner Mick Fuller & slams a $750k taxpayer funded contract he helped formulate while breaching conflict of interest. #Senate 💥🔥💥🔥 Well, you can see why I HAD to send this one out 💥 I’ll go back to reviewing. 😵‍💫🫠😶🥺🙄😳
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
David Shoebridge releases bombshell evidence that AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw was “intimately involved” in the crafting of #PwC contracts with his “mate” fmr NSW commissioner & PwC Partner Mick Fuller which “was not minuted” to “work out how PwC can get money from the AFP”😳 This is the first little bit I’ve managed to squeeze out.
Now kiddy bed time,
I’ll be back, coz there’s more on all this🤦‍♂️ including anonymous PwC employees contacting senators with more info too.
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Senator Deborah O’Neill updates the #Senate with a #PwC report titled
‘A calculated breach of trust’ & roasts them for “chasing headlines” & “attempting a swifty” in pretending to release Partner names. O’Neill warns that if they keep it up “it’s going to get uglier & uglier”😡 There will be more to come on this, including tactics they use to intimidate, described by O’Neill, and more from other Senators including Barbara Pocock. When I get the chance I’ll update, but this mess is only getting worse, the cover up continues, it’s painful hearing it all!
Jun 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Taking politicised Qs on Brittany Higgins & her settlement, this time from Paul Scarr, Murray Watt fires back
“No, it’s not all about me, it’s all about an alleged survivor of rape, that’s who it’s actually about…and you people don’t have the decency to respect that”💥#Senate Cash & Payne yell & bully, Ruston doing her smiling phone thing.🤮
And Birmo, likes to look sensible, but he’s no better, he’s part of this too.
Jun 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
How about this for condoning violence towards LGBTI ppl attending DragQueen Storytime from our #Senate today
Malcolm Roberts, quoting a chapter in the bible, says that DragQueens should “have a large milestone hung around their neck” & “be drown in the sea”
Just disgusting. 😳 He went on to “thank” members of the Muslim community, who he says joined ‘leave our kids alone’ Protestors.

I remind you the constant attacks from RW racists that Muslims have endured for years, such as from Pauline Hanson who claimed she will never sell her home to a Muslim.
Jun 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Do you trust the Australian Federal Police in conducting fair investigations into political or corporate crime & then appropriately punishing those who are culpable? #poll I’ve put the “unsure” in the centre, hoping those whose finger slips might hit that instead of the opposite of what they wished.

I think at minimum we need an inquiry in the AFP, & feel there’s a deep lack of public trust which politicians should be aware of.
Jun 15, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Lidia Thorpe has told the #Senate after making a complaint in 2021 she was assured by the LNP

“that the PM was informed at the time” & she thought
“that they understood the seriousness”

They took it SO seriously that Morrison now says he can’t recall a damn thing about it🙄 Lidia Thorpe quote after Hanson said something to her in the Senate which was inaudible

“Fuck off, Pauline!”

Just prior to this, Pauline was seen saying “Oh rubbish!” as Lidia was speaking.

Reported by Paul Karp/The Guardian.
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Don’t forget Commissioner Catherine Holmes praising the Twitter community at the #RobodebtRC for doing the media’s work.

Whilst it’s left to us again, this time to repel the bias & support women, let’s not assume we are completely irrelevant. Holmes proved it. We proved it. I’ll try bring you the latest from the Senate in particular with Thorpe, & any other updates today. But note I’m in low-reception areas so unlikely of any videos till late.

Let’s try have a fun day but we’ll see how we go. Don’t forget these debates can be impacting for many❤️
Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Senator Lidia Thorpe accuses Liberal Senator David Van of having been “harassed & sexually assaulted” by him & that the “PM had to remove him from his office” after Van was speaking on “Safe & Respectful Workplaces” in defence of Linda Reynolds. #Senate If I heard right, the alleged incident is reported to be from 2021, so under Morrison.