Tea Ninja Profile picture
Code-fighter by day, tea fueled RPG-hacker by night. (he/him)
Dec 17, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about my second most favorite holiday (after Halloween of course):

❄️🎁 EPIMAS!!! 🎁❄️

What is Epimas? Glad you asked. It's a festival in Dec where you buy bundles of game PDFs to share with someone on Epimas day (the 24th). This year the bundles are on itch. You can of course grab the individual games. But they also come in bundles.

I'm in the Cupid bundle—but don't let the name fool you this isn't a bundle about romance. Let me tell you about some of the games:

Dec 9, 2020 27 tweets 6 min read
Wanted to take a moment to talk about designing RPGs inside a set of very tight constraints. In this case it was geared towards a high traffic channel, with players not being familiar with RPGs. (Thread) For some context: @SpenserStarke works for a brand company that deals with esports players, streamers, etc and focuses on content generation. We were working on something else together (there are robot dinosaurs involved ^_~) when this came up.
Feb 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The first job a game has, is to communicate to its audience why they should be excited about it and what it's about. If the game can't describe iconic moments in play, if it can't tell you what's the exciting bit you are signing up for—it has failed goal number one imo. You cannot expect me to read 200+ pages of text to find out if I'm interested. I should know by the time I'm done with the back cover if I'm interested. I should read 200 pages to know how to get to the bit I'm interested to experience at the table.
Jun 13, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about DEATH! Or Death specifically in #BandOfBlades and Game Design. Cheerful topic I know, but bear with me.

Thread. Death is a touchy subject in games. Folks can get really attached to characters. Why not? They're avatars we use to interact with game worlds. Being invested in the person and the story is a big deal. I get it! But death is a big part of war stories.