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👨🏽‍💻@Amazon. Views are mine, not my employer’s.
Apr 19, 2021 19 tweets 6 min read
0/ Super League will be a stupendous success.

Why? The Flywheel Effect!

Check this news report from @tariqpanja for background on the biggest shakeup to the biggest sport on the planet:… 1/ Like so many soccer/football fans, I was shocked (disappointed even) by this news. But after some more thinking, I think this is actually going to work.

This is a masterstroke by the top 12 football clubs in Europe.
Apr 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
If reading comes naturally to you like it does for me..

If "let me go read about this" is the first thing that comes to your mind when you want to learn something new..

You don't realize how lucky you are. Case in point: friend was talking about internet creating winner takes all markets through aggregators etc.

Me: Have you read Ben Thompson? He writes a lot about this

Him: No, does he have a YouTube channel?

Me: Wut? No, he is a writer, and writes the smartest stuff on the web
Apr 17, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Literally can’t tell you how many more robots become viable when wages for picking, stowing, and packing go from $15/hr to $30/hr.

Cuts payback period in half. All robots that weren’t viable because it had a 10-year payback is now viable at 5-year payback. If this makes you think of some dystopian world where humans are out of work, you suffer from a severe lack of imagination.

I humbly request you to go meet warehouse workers & talk to them as equals, not as cogs to fit your narrative.
Feb 7, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ After experiencing docs at AMZN, I can never go back to PPTs.

“How many meetings have you attended where a smooth-talking extrovert gets buy-in for a half-baked plan because he can make it sound good and hide weakness of logic in glossy photos?”… 2/ If you haven’t seen it, here’s Jeff back in 2004 on why docs are better than PPTs
Jul 8, 2020 23 tweets 8 min read
1/ This is an interesting tweet.

Unfortunately, many responses are either ad hominem attacks on author or just opposing view without evidence or logical arguments.

Q: Are you betting “against innovation” if you invest in Amazon?

And is Amazon over/under valued at $1.5T? 2/ First, will someone out-innovate Amazon in the same market segments?

If you believe yes, @Post_Market is right - investing in AMZN is betting against innovative newcomers in those segments. She uses the provocative “against innovation”.

So should we not invest in AMZN then?
May 24, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
1/ Good answer from @zackkanter to @HarkoCole’s question

Question - In car rentals, if customer doesn't return car with full tank (assuming they left with one), shouldn't they be charged a fee for not filling up? What’s so bad about Hertz charging fees? 2/ Since Zack quoted Bezos here, here’s how I think Amazon would do it:

1) Customer can return with tank filled how much ever they want.
2) Amazon Car Rental will refill tank to full & charge customer’s credit card exactly the amount it cost for the remaining tank.

That’s it!
Jul 11, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ A bit late, but Shopify’s Fulfillment Network is a game changer if priced right (pricing is hidden and is only visible to those who sign up, so I don’t know 🤷🏾‍♂️ if anyone knows prices for both storage and fulfillment, and how it compares to Flexe/FBA please DM or reply!) 2/ A few months ago, I pointed out that this is a dire need of DTC brands - an opportunity for someone to consolidate all DTC shipping and fulfillment needs and pass economies of scale benefits to each individual DTC brand.

Feb 24, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Fantastic thread about current state of CPG, and recent results of all major CPG companies.

3G capital’s classic “let’s buy them up, cut costs, and shore up share price” didn’t really last. Perhaps one of the rare missteps from the great Warren B, Charlie M and Berkshire. 2/ Yes, cut costs where it doesn’t add value to customers: executive compensation, marketing overspend, corporate jets, excessive hierarchy, etc.

What you don’t do is cut R&D, product dev costs. You need to spend money to figure out what customers want and provide it to them.
Feb 13, 2019 20 tweets 6 min read
/Begin 1/ This is a fantastic thread. Lot to unpack:

(ONE) Amazon sees platform sales & “copies” seller products to compete. How’s that ok?
(TWO) Is Amazon’s platform fair? Eg. does Amazon prioritize owned brands in search.
(THREE) Is there an anti-trust case against Amazon? 2/ I may be biased because I ❤️ Amazon as a customer & an employee. I agree with @theplatformguy - Amazon’s goal is to increase sellers & sales of sellers on the platform. Amazon’s goal is also to increase sales of private brands which competes with former. How can they coexist?
Feb 12, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Apparently Apple wants to build a “News Aggregator” and wants a 50% rake / revenue share, and won’t share subscriber reading habits or email info. 2/ The big publishers may be chaffing today. Rightly so, 50% rake is a rake too far. Apple charges 50%, because they believe they can (just like the AppStore). They are mistaken.

I wrote about platforms from a pricing perspective here:…
Jan 22, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ This article from @hilarymilnes deserves more attention.

The key question for DTC brands is the trade off between:

+Fulfillment & shipping cost savings
+(Arguably) shoppers down the purchasing funnel vs. FB

-almost complete loss of your brand experience at Amazon
-14+% rake 2/ My take: don’t take it! (though personally, I might be better off financially if you did 😁)

@melanietravis puts it perfectly in the article “I think of Amazon as one side of retail and the Shopify-and-Facebook brand as the other. I think they can coexist.”