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Advocating for active mobility, urban planning, cycling, traffic management, pedestrian infrastructure, parks, policies, and more in India.
Jan 28 26 tweets 6 min read
I spent the last 5 hours reading China's EV growth through technical journals, news reports, and even sketchy Chinese websites(starting from year 2000).

I then read and learned about FAME 1, 2 policies of Indian govt.

How do I sleep now? To summarize:

1. China started research in battery tech back in year 2000 with universities, scientists and private companies.
2. In 2008, deployed electric buses in Olympics village.
3. In 2012, BYD was leader in electric city/long distance buses and opened a factory in US.
4. 2016, Chinese cities were mostly running electric city buses.
5. 2020, Most vehicles in China are EV.
Dec 30, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Indian cities create a feeling of being trapped and isolated.

Back in the year 1947, while India was celebrating its independence, Denmark was quietly working on its "Finger plan" to solve this very problem.

🧵.. Image India is rapidly urbanizing.

We have added 4% of the population to the cities in last decade. Rural population keeps declining every year.

Urban population now stands at around 37% of the total population. Image
Dec 27, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
North Indians migrating to Bengaluru is often reported in news with both locals and the migrants taking potshots at each other.

And while this debate rages on, there is a silent and rising migration happening right under your nose.

🧵.. Image As the state rapidly urbanizes(led by Bengaluru), people from northern districts of Karnataka are moving to the city to fulfill their dreams.

It is not just the poor but people from all economic & social backgrounds are waving goodbye to their home towns.
Dec 15, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
The upper middle class & the rich in India are surrounding themselves with walls & barriers.

Gated communities are growing in popularity and as wealth disparity in the country grows, several private developers are rushing in to fill this demand.

Let's look at this closely 🧵.. Image Here is what defines it:

"A gated community is a form of residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances for pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles, and often characterized by a closed perimeter of walls and fences."
Dec 13, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
My colleague from Europe traveled to India and stayed in Bengaluru for a week.

Upon returning I asked him what stood out and what was the most surprising thing about the city and India in general.

Here's what he said 🧵.. Image Just to give more background, this was his first time traveling to our country.

He usually travels within Europe and to US. So keep that in mind.
Sep 7, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
One of the most misunderstood aspects of urban planning in India is that planners believe creating a couple of community spaces is good enough to improve livability of a city.

Take for example the Church street redesign(Bengaluru) or Sabarmati river front(Ahmedabad).. Image While these are essential needs of a city, they are just one of the pieces of a larger puzzle of urban infrastructure.

Govt spend hundreds of crores on such projects without showing similar interests on problems that people face on a day-to-day basis.

Such grand projects..
Jul 13, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I was having a conversation with a friend's school going kid. She spends more than an hour in school bus every morning and evening. That is 2 productive hours gone out of the day.

The distance to school from her home is just 3 km. She want to commute on a cycle but ... Image parents won't let her because of traffic and how unsafe it is for young kids to cycle in the Kalaburagi city.

School buses have to pick and drop about 40 kids which is time consuming especially during peak hours.

She said that the last kid in the bus ....