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Liquid staking and modular bridging for the Celestia and Cosmos ecosystems. Secure, neutral, reliable. Join the Discord:
Feb 8 8 tweets 2 min read
1/9 We’re excited to announce that @Hyperlane_xyz will power Stride’s modular expansion ⏩

Hyperlane builds bridging tech, with a focus on the modular ecosystem.

The plan? Hyperlane deploys to Stride chain, and Stride functions as the bridging hub for TIA + stTIA.

Details 🧵 Image 2/9 stTIA is already the biggest @CelestiaOrg LST, but we can’t export it to chains that don’t support IBC today.

The vast modular ecosystem comes in all shapes & sizes though - chains with many VMs, security models, & interoperability infrastructure.
Feb 1 8 tweets 2 min read
Announcing the launch of stTIA 🎉

stTIA is @CelestiaOrg's most neutral & secure LST — stTIA is modular money 🧱

In an unprecedented move, 5M STRD (5% of max supply) being airdropped to early stTIA holders.

Details 🧵 Image Stride is already the premier liquid staking provider in Cosmos, with the dominant LSTs for DYDX, ATOM, OSMO, STARS, and many more.

Now it's time for our modular expansion - starting with TIA.

And to make a big splash, there'll be a huge airdrop! 🪂
Jan 30 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 Yesterday, stDYDX launched.

Today, we're announcing the stDYDX airdrop 🎉

150,000 STRD will be dropped to users who hold stDYDX over the next 120 days. First snapshot is today 👀


What you need to know 🧵 2/5 To be eligible, all you have to do is hold stDYDX.

Simple, right?

To get stDYDX, you can liquid stake on Stride or get it from a DEX. Either works.

While holding stDYDX, it can be idle in any Cosmos address or deployed to any Cosmos DeFi app. Anywhere in Cosmos is good.
Dec 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1/6 Since Celestia launched, there's been a lot of talk about Cosmos ecosystem rollups.

But we haven't seen any rollups in the Cosmos... yet.

When @dymension chain arrives next month, launching your own Cosmos rollup will be a piece of cake.

And did someone say $DYM airdrop?! 2/6 Dymension is going to be a native Cosmos chain with IBC. It's secured by using the DYM token for proof-of-stake.

Its purpose is to provide rollups as a service (RaaS).
Mar 28, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 Big news for @EvmosOrg DeFi!

• Evmos DAO building a fork of @Uniswap 3V, called @forgeDEX
• Positioned as a free public good; no gov token
• Already live on testnet; launching within next 2 months

Liquid staking will be crucial for this new DEX.

Details 🧵👇 2/9 First, some background.

Uniswap V3 is open source, but protected by a license. That license expires on April 1st, allowing anyone to fork.

Since Evmos is an EVM chain, it's easy to build a Uniswap V3 fork.
Jan 11, 2023 30 tweets 8 min read
1/30 What’s coming to Stride in the first half of 2023? 👀

Governance passed a crucial proposal asking contributors to ship new features aggressively in 2023 🛠️ 🔥

- 4x Safety
- 3x Governance
- 3x UX
- 3x Data Transparency
- 8x Core Research

Let’s unpack. Strap in! 👇🧵 2/30 Always first, Safety.

The Stride chain has a minimalist design philosophy, like the Cosmos Hub. This means fewer moving parts. Means a smaller attack surface.

4 Safety features:
- Interchain Security V1 🤝
- IBC Rate Limiting 🛡️
- Continuous Auditing 🔍
- Bug Bounty 💰
Nov 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 Today Stride becomes even more decentralized, by distributing 4% of its $STRD governance token via airdrop 🎉

Airdrop claimable now:

Read article to learn about the claim process, or read this 🧵 for a quick summary.… 2/7 First, what's the point of STRD anyway?

STRD votes to determine Stride's host-chain validator sets.

This is an enormous responsibility, especially as Stride's TVL grows.
Oct 8, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1/6 Liquid staking derivatives and stablecoins go together like bacon and eggs!

So we're thrilled to announce that $stATOM will be used to back $CMST, a stablecoin on @ComdexOfficial.

Plus, stATOM will be integrated into Comdex’ money market, @Commodo_Finance 👀

Details 🧵👇 2/6 Comdex has very exciting plans. Near the end of October, they're going to simultaneously launch:

@Harbor_Protocol, which mints an over-collateralized stablecoin called @Composite_Money, or CMST

@cSwap_DEX, an order book style AMM

@Commodo_Finance, a money market
Oct 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 The biggest question we get is: wen airdrop?

To that we answer: which airdrop do you mean?

Through various different airdrops, Stride is airdropping 6.3% of total STRD supply.

Continue reading for a comprehensive airdrop update, with an article link at the end 🧵👇 2/7 To be fully transparent, in its first month Stride has grown faster than anticipated. Developer resources have been used to on-board many new chains, meet demand for integration requests, and prepare the first chain upgrade (to enable Ledger support and Stride governance).
Sep 17, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
1/12 Stride's stATOM pool is 6th biggest on Osmosis.

Hard to believe the Stride blockchain launched just 2 weeks ago!

Why such rapid growth?

Let us take a moment to explain liquid staking, Stride's vision, and the future of Cosmos DeFi 🧵👇 2/12 Liquid staking is revolutionizing Cosmos DeFi.

Before, users had to choose between staking rewards or using their token. This limited economic activity in the Cosmos.

Who wants to risk their JUNO in DeFi when you can earn a 60% APR staking reward for doing nothing?
Sep 15, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/9 When users deposit ATOM with Stride, how does Stride delegate that ATOM?

Super important question! The way a liquid staking provider delegates can help or harm host-chain decentralization.

Stride uses inclusive validator sets, which are voted on by Stride governance. 🧵👇 2/9 Historically, liquid staking providers have tended to delegate to just a few big validators. This harms decentralization.

Ideally, delegations should be spread out across all validators, so that voting power isn't concentrated in the hands of a few large validators.
Sep 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 The Stride mainnet is now live! Surprise! 🎉

For the first time in history, ATOM can be liquid staked in the Cosmos ecosystem. Check it out!

Launch details 🧵👇 2/7 What you can do with Stride right now:

• Deposit $ATOM with Stride to mint $stATOM
• Use stATOM to redeem staked ATOM

The Stride token, which we’ve re-named $STRD, is NOT required to pay transaction fees on the Stride chain. Transactions are currently free.
Sep 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1/5 Airdrops are a huge part of the Cosmos ecosystem.

So are liquid staked tokens eligible for airdrops?

It depends on the eligibility requirements of the project doing the airdrop.

Full explanation 🧵👇 2/5 Let's say a project wanted to airdrop to holders of staked ATOM.

In that case, stATOM holders would be included, since stATOM represents underlying staked ATOM.

But there's a slight problem.

Stride's staked ATOM is in one address. So on-chain it looks like a single whale.
Aug 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 Security is Stride’s #1 priority.

And that's not just an empty slogan. Here's what it means in practice:

- on-going third-party security auditing
- huge @immunefi bug bounty
- hiring a full-time security researcher
- fully open-source code
- rate-limiting
🧵👇 2/7 Stride equally values both community and professionalism.

Stride is giving away 50% of its token supply. But at the same time, Stride Labs has a $6.7 million treasury, which enables it to spend big on security.
Aug 27, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 With Stride launching in just a few weeks, it's time to fully reveal the tokenomics of $ST.

50% of the ST total supply will be given to the communities Stride serves, through airdrops, incentives, staking rewards, etc.

Why is Stride giving away so much!?! 🧵👇 2/8 As a liquid staking provider, Stride is expected to become a pillar of Cosmos DeFi. With such an important role, it's critical that no one group has too much control over Stride.

This is why 50% of ST tokens are being distributed to the communities Stride serves.