Subha Airan-Javia MD FAMIA (she/her) Profile picture
CEO @CareAlignAI (#Carelign), @pennhospitalist #ptsafety #workflow #usability #FAMIA #tarheel #womenintech #pinksocks #MedGrind
Sep 27, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
What % of #EHR text is directly duplicated from a prior note?

6 yrs
100+ mil notes
33 B words
192 B characters

Duplicated text ⬆️ from 33% in 2015 to 54% in 2020

Blocking copy forward is not the answer. We must reimagine #documentation… Also - we (the authors) paid out of pocket to publish this piece on @JAMANetworkOpen so that it would not be behind a paywall. We need more resources (aka funds!) for open academic research 🙏🏽