mbuya nehanda’s risen bones ⚱️ Profile picture
she/her embodied educator multidimensional artist spiritual facilitator herbalism enthusiast afro-feminist 🌿restoring radical truths 🌿
Oct 24, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
i did a workshop last week w/ a group of yt queer organizers and i told them that their so called « activist fatigue » is b/c they don’t have an embodied liberation practice they can draw from since they spend more time appropriating the knowledge systems of non-yt people instead of engaging in deep and transformative critic of their whiteness as an all encompassing framework of relatability b/c they refuse to do the nitty gritty work of putting their money and bodies on the line and sacrificing their stolen power.
Aug 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So a non-Black man decided to assault my friend on a tram and got jumped by us.

A yt woman tried to intervene after the fact and had the audacity to say that violence isn’t the answer.

And we proceeded to ask her if she wanted to get jumped too & she ran. See one thing I practice is I do not affirm or see yt women as my peers and I do not have a lot of empathy for them hence why I don’t feel the need to react with nothing but violence. They deserve all the aggressive smoke for being passive-aggressive enablers.
May 16, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
mais le niveau de dénie génocidaire que le peuple Maghrébin arabophile performe pour éviter de se confronter aux siècles de négrophobie et de violence anti-Noir qu’iels pratiquent religieusement me dépasse. franchement, je n’ai jamais vu un peuple qui refuse de se confronter à sa contribution historique à la prolifération et la normalisation de la violence et les génocides anti-Noir dans le monde.
May 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
word to Jade Bentil’s concept of *pigmentocracy* because chiiiiiiile the belief that “YT people” see all Black people the same is sincerely one created by the beneficiaries of white privilege by their extremity to Blackness. I am especially tired of people weaponizing shared internalized white supremacy as a way to bond, instead of critically dissecting how these differing socializations under a pigmentocracy designed to exclude darker skinned people especially *women maintain the system as intact.
May 7, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
One day we are really gonna have to talk about the unresolved jealousy and perverted envy non-Black people exercise as a way to appease their anti-Black social anxiety and incapacity to deal w/ the real psycho-social consequences of internalized white supremacy. The reality of the matter is that anti-Blackness impacts ppls ability to relate, to bond and build authentic intimacy across racial/gender/social/cultural lines. In fact, this hindrance is what manifests as socially regressive and repressive behavior akin to forms of sociopathy.
Nov 16, 2020 19 tweets 3 min read
teaching children to harbor boundaries is really amazing. if anything, working as a child educator has allowed me to analyze how adults routinely enter into power struggles with children over their very clear expressions of personal limits. The issue is that too many educators- including parents- perceive children’s “no” as a reflection of the inadequacy of their education instead of an invitation to understand how their egos regulate their own perceptions of authority. Children expressing their “no” safely
Nov 11, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
my afro-feminist political education helped demystify the belief that cis-men are willing to learn casually. the more i became educated, the more it strained my relationships to cis-men because they saw me having knowledge as a threat to their projections of power. i was constantly gaslit into believing that i was weaponizing my knowledge against them?!?! Shish that’s when i realized that all cis men were socialized to believe that accessing knowledge was their birthright instead of a form of intellectual labor
Nov 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
the way bell hooks “all about love” + “communion” changed my relationship life forever. it had me calling my fling every week for a month and reading passages to him so we could check in on our attachment history and engage in deconstruction and dialectics 😭 if anything those books urged me to look at love as a political commitment to evolution that centers healing and social regeneration over individualistic yearnings for attachment, control & power.
Nov 9, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
foods aren’t healthy or unhealthy. there is no universal principle that determines which diets are indeed sane-or not. It’s the fact that we are forced to live in capitalist societies that condition diets to food accessibility + availability, both which are linked to the functionality of class
Nov 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Once again, representation politics =/ identity politics. Identity politics require people to position themselves transparently and in regards to their political practices, agendas, concerns and priorities. Identity politics will be more concerned about who you are while you are doing, whereas representation politics are purely performative: it is about who you want people to think you are (or who people need you to be) while you are engaging in self-interested political matters.
Nov 9, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
The reason why representation politics are so easily absorbed by liberal logics is because we have been socialized to see leadership as an individualistic pursuit of power and not necessarily a collective effort to ensure systemic liberatory political practices. Our collective attraction to messianic charismatic leaders is ritualistic: we have been invaded with a belief system that prioritizes symbolic embodiment of power all while taking into account the very essence of what the masses systematically desire: revolution and change
Oct 28, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
Bonne chance à Ch**lie H**do. La provocation blanche suprémaciste qu'aime tant la France républicaine a toujours amener à des guerres de réprésailles et on dirait que c'est ce que vous cherchez. Au nom de la liberté d'exprimer votre détestation pour tout ce qui est non-Blanc et surtt tt ce qui est antagoniste à votre idéal universaliste se cache une profonde obsession pr la violence symbolique et une propagande politique toujours aussi finement raciste et impérialiste.
Oct 28, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
no matter how much people hate Black women, we are literally rejecting whiteness, heteronormative ideations of feminity & capitalist yearnings for power...and that's really why people are mad. Black women stay shaking the hierarchy we were excluded from. It truly must hurt oppressors to see how little we care for their system and how much we want it to disappear.
Oct 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I want to thank my mother for allowing me to embrace being honest over being nice.

Niceness has always been about policing Black girls and women into silencing the potency of our voices and mostly rejecting our internal guiding systems that allow us to map out the boundaries that make us feel whole + respected.

Antagonizing Black women for expressing very vital emotions like anger, rage + sadness has allows allowed the oppressive classes to trample over our calls for collective liberation.
Oct 27, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Remember when people thought that yts reading anti-racist scholarship would help them confront their racist socialization? Reading without corrective socialization, constructive confrontation + community accountability is just them seeing the tip of their racist education iceberg without them ever having to dismantle it.
Oct 27, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Not only is this take racist, it is voluntarily reactionary in reinforcing the European narrative of « African on African crime » that has been used as a neo-colonial rhetoric to completely erase how European imperialism still shapes the ways in which African politics are organized around maintaining a state of chaos + violence in order for european multinationals to continue pillaging it’s ressources.
Oct 24, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
#EndAnglophoneCrisis is not just a regional crisis linked to bad gouvernance; it is state sanctioned terrorism in the form of a genocidal project designed to balkanize Cameroon and ensure that a state of impunity reigns. I am so devasted that dozens of children were massacred for simply wanting to go to school, it was probably the only place where they could find solace outside of the daily terror that they were accustomed too.
Oct 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
my ancestors have been telling me that we are going have to start getting used to fighting cause they had to get used to dying while fighting. either way, there is a choice to make and agency to explore in how we move towards our shared desires for liberation: choose your weapons i am a descendant of a people who fought guerrilla style and waged a war against France -my ancestors were realists: they knew they would die, but died trying. if they hadn’t attempted this: the legacy of franc-afrique would’ve been an uninterrupted ideology of colonial expansion
Oct 19, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
being on twitter allowed me to realize that it’s not that people don’t read.

People read but don’t understand and assimilate information in ways that allow them to convey it critically and in their own Voices.

what people lack is critical dialectics. my favorite scholars are the ones that convey information in graphic ways. I live for hyperboles, metaphor, exaggerations, dramatic expressions. That’s how I learnt to express myself by watching them convey knowledge.
Oct 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
i don’t wanna sound cynical but no colonized people are getting reparations until we abolish the system of capital ourselves. how are people asking for blood stained money made from the super-exploitation of the most vulnerable communities in the global south? There is absolutely nothing radical about « asking » for reparations in a global
euro-system that legalizes the institutionalized repression of minoritized people and enforces it with state sanctioned terrorism.
Oct 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Un jour, on va devoir avoir une conversation ouverte sur le dédain gratuit du mouvement afro féminisme + le mépris orgueilleux que subissent les communautés de personnes Noire.x.s trans + queer + femmes cis politisées francophones. Je commence à avoir une récurrence dans la manière de traiter la montée de la conscience politique Noire produit par des communautés historiquement exclues des centres de pouvoirs monopolisés par des hommes cis Noirs