Fred Stalder Profile picture
Trompettiste, professeur de trompette.
Luis Peters🐭 Profile picture Franky Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 23 30 tweets 9 min read
Une revue d'un auteur Sri-lankais qui met les points sur les i concernant les vaccins covid, les traitements (notamment la vitamine D et l'ivermectine), les biais des autorités de régulation en faveur de la pharma et la politique désastreuse du covid.

1/… Le covid est essentiellement une épidémie de carence en vitamine D, tout comme les épidémies de grippes.
Les vaccins ont aidés les personnes à risque en 2021, mais ensuite le virus n'a pas eu de difficulté à s'extraire de l'immunité vaccinale ensuite.
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Jul 6 4 tweets 1 min read
Nouvelle étude sur les antihistaminiques qui ont été proposés par plusieurs experts en 2020 pour traiter le covid. Par exemple le Dr. @ShankaraChetty qui les a intégré dans son protocole et a soigné avec succès des milliers de patients.

1/… Plusieurs modes d'action rendent ces molécules intéressantes à divers stades de la maladie.
Le cartel pharmaceutique, qui a combattu tous les traitements repositionnés contre le covid, a refusé d'étudier l'efficacité de ces molécules.
Jun 24 4 tweets 2 min read
Here we are...

44% of infections in unvaccinated people aborted thanks to innate immunity.
Covid vaccines induce short term adaptive immunity but decrease long term innate immunity.
That is basically consistent with data:

I posted this scheme in december 2023:
➡️Mass vaccination was a scam.

Jun 13 12 tweets 4 min read
News from clown clinical research world:

Low dose IVM (0.2mg/kg/5 days), critically ill and not critically ill ICU patients.
➖Investigators claim there was no evidence prior this research, so the need for a large RCT.
➖Let's look at how many patients this "large RCT" managed to recrute for this arm: 153 !
44 noncritically ill patients received low dose IVM and 38 critically ill patients received low dose IVM, mainly from Pakistan. 70% received Remdesivir.🤔
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Jun 4 7 tweets 2 min read
Each week new publications clearly show corruption of clinical research. Only blind people are unable to see the evidence.
This week we'll not talk about NEJM JAMA or Lancet, but Journal of Infection.
Let's see these 2 articles:

1/…… The 1rst study report results of an open-label randomised controlled trial of ivermectin with long term follow-up.
The second study is a meta-analysis of observational studies about new antiviral drugs (paxlovid and molnupiravir) effects on post COVID-19 condition.
Jun 3 7 tweets 1 min read
Covid policies were all based on assumptions/theories that have been proven wrong, leading to more than 20 Mio excess deaths worldwide.
Let's make a non exhaustive list:
➖Exponential growth
➖Only government measures can affect the number of reproduction
➖No natural factor driven by seasonality has an effect on the epidemic
May 23 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Vaccins covid: à ce jour, un seul produit a démontré une efficacité à long terme contre le covid-19: le vaccin BCG, dans une population diabétique de type 1.

1/… L'étude est petite et restreinte à une population particulière. Le vaccin BCG dans ces conditions a montré une efficacité de 43,2% contre le covid dans l'essai de phase 3, 54,3% en combinant les essais de phase 2 et 3.
May 20 9 tweets 4 min read
#Ivermectin: the pharma cartel created a narrative telling us preliminary studies showing massive efficacy of IVM for preventing and treating covid were of poor quality and we must refer only to the most recent "gold standard" big RCTs failing to show efficacy.
1/n This narrative has been pushed by young scientists claiming they checked raw data of clinical trials:
(@GidMK , @jamesheather, @jamesheathers, @K_Sheldrick, etc..),
May 14 9 tweets 2 min read
En 2020, les pays riches ont tous commandé entre 8-10 doses de vaccin par personne en prétendant que l'immunité collective serait atteinte avec 1.4 doses par personne (70% de la population vaccinée) en moyenne.
L'excuse complètement bidon était: "les doses en trop seront données aux pays pauvres n'ayant pas pu les acheter parce que nous nous sommes accaparés toutes les doses du marché".
May 7 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵AstraZeneca long term study (2 years follow-up), results published in february 2024.
I'm more used to than EU website. Here is the link:

What we knew from NEJM publication was ~4 months follow-up 74% efficacy based on 0.4% incidence of covid-19 in vaccine group vs 1.5% in placebo group.

Apr 1 8 tweets 3 min read
Review of clinical trials of ivermectin for COVID-19 (part 2) by Satochi Omura's team:

A comprehensive review of clinical research on the subject with interesting discussions on problematic clinical trials and meta-analyses.
1/… ➖The authors noted that since omicron variant which is milder (disease staying in the upper respiratory tract), it's more difficult to demonstrate efficacy of drugs (not only ivermectin) in a placebo controlled trial.
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Mar 12 9 tweets 2 min read
La science du XXIème siècle, c'est des gugusses qui cherchent à augmenter leur h-index en publiant n'importe quoi dans des revues prestigieuses à n'importe quel prix. Si pour ça ils doivent tuer leurs parents, ils le feraient sans problème.
Ces publications sont lues par 3 autres gugusses qui ont le même but et qu'on appelle les peer-reviewers.
Mar 8 4 tweets 1 min read
Ivermectin is a miracle drug that will be used to treat pulmonary inflammatory diseases in the future if researchers are not stopped by the pharmaceutical cartel, as it was the case during covid crisis.
In addition to its antiparasitic and antiviral effects, IVM has fabulous immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory actions.
The current problem of ivermectin is its poor oral bioavailability. Pharma cartel used this to kill the drug in designed-to-fail RCTs against covid.
Mar 6 6 tweets 3 min read
💥Ok, new findings here (yes, it is possible to go deeper in the fraud🤡).
Not only the #principletrial investigators misused their own criteria of meaningful effect, but they changed the criteria of clinically meaningful effect at the end of the trial (June 1, 2022).😮
1/n I already shared the criteria for futility of the trial, based on Version 5.0 of Adaptive Design Report , which specify the HR=1.2 threshold for the clinically meaningful effect:

Mar 6 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵#Principletrial. Ok, we have a new narrative created by the anti-IVM squad, along which lot of anti-IVM people went.
Basically, the new BS theory of anti-IVM squad is that placebo effect is cumulative. The consequence is that it should be possible to recover from covid in one day, using a bunch of ineffective treatment.😁
Mar 2 8 tweets 3 min read
This is the more blatantly fraud I've ever seen so far, because it's in front of us in the abstract.

Image One of the primary outcome shows positive effect of IVM. It is statistically significant and according to the protocol should have been reported as positive effect.
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Feb 25 7 tweets 3 min read
Ok. Here we are.

Preamble: pfizer's paxlovid RCTs on standard risk patients and post-exposure prophylaxis failed to reach statistical significance on primary outcome:

These 2 important results should be referenced and discussed when you model mass administration of the drug and make the assumption it reduces the spread of the virus. None of them is referenced here.
Feb 12 12 tweets 3 min read
#Modelling #PseudoScience #SwissCovidTaskForce #SubExponentialGrowth #Seasonality #CrossReactiveImmunity
The failure of swiss covid scientific task force to recommend evidence-based policies is illustrated by this policy brief written in May 2020
1/… @C_Althaus, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Martin Ackermann, @TanjaStadler_CH, @keiserolivia, @eggersnsf, @jacquesfellay, @richardneher, Melissa Penny made only 3 scenarios based on wrong assumptions: mainly that the reproduction number is only dependant on gouvernemental measures.
Feb 7 7 tweets 2 min read

Cher @acermendax (qui m'avez bloqué),
Vous parlez de travaux de "mauvaise qualité" à juste titre: l'article Ganser et al. que vous partagez en est un parfait exemple.
Image Nul besoin de produire de nouvelles données pour montrer scientifiquement que leurs résultats sont faux, il suffit de s'appuyer sur les connaissances disponibles depuis de nombreux mois, à savoir:
Jan 5 36 tweets 8 min read

🧵les principaux problèmes de cet article :

• Le titre est trompeur. Cette étude inclut des pays dans lesquels l'HCQ a été inclus dans les directives de traitement du covid-19 [1,2]. Il ne s’agissait donc pas d’un usage « compassionnel ».
1/… • L'hypothèse selon laquelle l'odd ratio (OR) pour la mortalité liée au HCQ issue d'une méta-analyse [3] est généralisable à la population hospitalisée covid-19 est fausse.
Dec 29, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
The problem with non pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) is that it is a pseudoscience driven by the illusion of control. Let me explain.
1/n Preliminary: let @samiahurst explain what pseudoscience is