Suhas Mahesh Profile picture
I play with photons & electrons @SchmidtFellows @UofT Prev: @OxfordPhysics @rhodes_trust Married to science. Affair with literature. Flings with philosophy
Jul 9 23 tweets 7 min read
37 nobel laureates. 6 days. 1 little island.

a photo diary from the 73rd nobel laureate meeting at Lindau👇 Image lindau is a tiny, gorgeous island on the bodensee in Germany. STEM nobel laureates and some young scientists have been meeting here since 1951
Aug 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Think yourself a Zen person? Visit one of these manuscript libraries to unlock unknown levels of blinding rage 🧵from experience.
Image Clerk asks for letter in triplicate from HoD attested by gazetted officer. You bring it back next day, but library unofficially shuts down on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dec 26, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
As a school boy, I encountered this question that made an impression on the way I thought about science:

You step out of the house during an eclipse, and see little rings beamed onto the pavement by the trees. Find the density of the sun.

[solution follows] The density of the sun! Surely there's not enough information given? I spent two days thinking about it, before I looked at the solution.
May 24, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
A Scribe's Apology

"Wise readers—do not swear angrily at me dropping a letter, or not dotting an i in my haste. My head bows prostrate, hovering at your lotus-feet like a bee. Bear with me."… Another one that's quite popular:
यादृशं पुस्तकं दृष्टं तादृशं लिखितं मया ।
यदि शुद्धम् अशुद्धं वा मम दोषो न दीयते ॥