political editor @httweets , ex @ndtv last book: Black Warrant now a @netflix series https://t.co/ABauFs7VHh Podcast https://t.co/xuxZ4bCsr2
Jul 26, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
6 soldiers are now dead in a fight between 2 indian states?!! What's happening? hindustantimes.com/india-news/ass…
Am told SP level officer injured. Have never heard of such a situation since i have been a journo ie 21 years!
Dec 27, 2018 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
‘A woman went to a Modi rally, her husband gave her teen talaq’ @rsprasad clinching argument for passing #TripleTalaqBill
‘This bill is not about empowering muslim women but penalising muslim men’ @sushmitadevmp
Aug 1, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I heard @AmitShah say those not on #NRCAssam are ‘ghuspaith’ or infiltrators. My cousin a top Guwahti doctor , her mother, my uncle in Tezpur are all now branded that?? This despite giving all papers. What mental torture
They are of course Bengalis and not assamese. Is that the issue?