Sonny Masterson 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 Profile picture
I am pro banana, but not pro banana republic.
Oct 14, 2018 12 tweets 15 min read
@dave_inperth @krashe848 @Sanity__please @CarrollQuigley1 @GeorgePapa19 Claim #1: Kremlin had been feeding Trump intelligence on his political rivals for several years (as of June 2016).

Status: Zero evidence of that, even though virtually all emails of the Trump campaign have been released. @dave_inperth @krashe848 @Sanity__please @CarrollQuigley1 @GeorgePapa19 Claim #2: Kremlin offered Trump a lucrative real estate deal with respect to the 2018 World Cup soccer tournament.

Status: Zero evidence of that. So implausible that even Seth Abramson hasn't written about it.