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SHINING LIGHT ON DARK POLITICS. Wife; Mom; Canadian; Metis; Albertan; Centrist; Researcher; Analytical; Big Picture; Opinionated; Assertive; Tenacious!
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Jul 16 6 tweets 3 min read
This is an international KA-BOOM!

Canada has also been impacted by Miles Guo shenanigans. The Guo claims to be pro democracy, but the Canadian residents his New Federal State of China targeted in violent demonstrations were critical of Beijing and CCP.…
Jul 12 25 tweets 7 min read
This screenshot is a far right troll.

The account is attempting to use a famous PET quote that all Canadians, regardless of their beliefs, faith or ethnicity, are Canadian.

The account is bastardizing the concept of multiculturalism and the Canadian mosaic.
Image In Canada, while assimilation was the policy for indigenous peoples, immigrants have not been expected to entirely abandon their beliefs and values.

The US has a melting pot.

Canada opted for a cultural mosaic.
Jul 8 21 tweets 5 min read
This is dangerous & seriously insensitive minimization.

Oh PP is not going to hurt anyone, he just won’t help them. He’s not on the same level as Marine Le Pen.

How many people need to die before he is on the same level for you Max? I mean it’s bad enough that you say this, but you are normalizing an extremist and minimizing the threat for all other men in your peer group.

You aren’t experiencing any threat to your well-being, so whomever is can shut up and quit complaining.

It’s men like you I fear most!
Jul 5 16 tweets 10 min read
@BaddCompani @jennycohn1 @anelsona @kathsstewart @JeffSharlet @glennkirschner2 @jimstewartson @visionsurreal

Canada’s Director of CSIS (spy agency) just quit his job.

This is a big BOOM!

Really big BOOM! 💥💥💥

Tomorrow (Friday July 5, 2024) is going to be lit! ☀️🌅🌇 @barbetta1 @WaytowichNeil @Charlie85915085 @mini_bubbly @Libs4Canada @roz_avanthay
@TheBreakdownAB @_llebrun @djclimenhaga @kelly2277 @ZevShalev @charleskriel @sqirlgirly @Tentoads4truth @timethief

I told you it was coming.
Jul 3 35 tweets 11 min read
It amazes me that legal experts can be so obtuse sometimes.

This is not normal politics. Trump has created a cult following that provides him the ability to ‘do no wrong’ in the eyes of his devoted followers.

Therefore normal rules of politics do not apply. So throw them out. Trump has effectively been deified by his cult followers. Any attack on Trump is viewed as an attempt to discredit their god.

The equivalent in real life is the reverence many Catholics hold for the Pope.

This problem requires an alternate attack strategy.
Jun 26 10 tweets 2 min read
Extremely relevant question.

Wouldn’t it be better if PMJT stayed as party leader so PP could continue to contrast himself with a global leader that brought Canada through Trump years, climate changes, climate policy, a pandemic and a recession with a soft landing? All while being smeared with slanderous fake scandals amplified by people who would do just about anything to remove PMJT from office.

Wouldn’t it be silly to replace him if he’s as unpopular as pundits say?

It’s not LPC asking for PMJT to be removed. It’s CPC trolls.
Jun 23 27 tweets 5 min read
I just watched CBCNN intentionally misinform Canadians about Parliamentary privilege.

This is absolutely not a mistake!

CBC has access to highly paid lawyers to parse legal documents and advise opinions.

I’m so fricking angry that CBC is a source of disinformation! The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act (NSICOP Act) is available on line.…
Jun 19 10 tweets 6 min read
If you can’t see the overlap in Trump’s and Poilievre’s denigration of their respective countries and the democratic principles and institutions that make the US and Canada strong democracies, you’re willfully and wittingly ignoring a coordinated strategy. What many may not realize is these two politicians’ approach mirrors another’s strategy.

Circumstances are similar.

Considered strong democracies a decade ago, both US & Canada have suffered significant democratic decline.

Polarization, tribalism, dehumanization are common. Image
Jun 16 27 tweets 8 min read
I find it amusing that MSM and cons are saying that PMJT hasn’t done anything.

We don’t live in a police state. We live in a democracy.

The PM is not the CEO. He’s the Prime Minister responsible for policy and legislation. CSIS activities are not directed by the executive branch.

The Executive Branch is informed by CSIS. And it has been many times.

Jun 11 25 tweets 5 min read
Must read! Including (especially) the screen shots.

This is fascism.

It is not to be mocked. These people are not stupid, they’re caught in a fascist movement.

Canada must stop minimizing the threat.

How many of PP’s rallies are the same?

I bet every last one of them. By minimizing and laughing at the stupidity of this movement, pundit and academic sceptics have permitted it to flourish out of the spotlight.

Stop calling these people stupid & laughing at their absurdity and recognize the size of the threat.
Jun 11 21 tweets 5 min read
Look here. 👀 ⬇️🔽⤵️

CPC is creating a narrative that LPC is corrupt.

This is the same tactic used by Freedom GOP to investigate Biden & call for impeachment. It went nowhere because Biden is not corrupt.

MTG did this in retaliation for 2 impeachments for Trump in congress.
Is this the preemptive attack to create the perception that RCMP are part of the “swamp”.

Is this the beginning of the onslaught of the “big lie” that everything is broken and the “swamp” is protecting PMJT and liberalism? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jun 10 28 tweets 9 min read
I just watched Jagmeet Singh light Poilievre on fire. 🔥

No not literally, but that was a wicked burn. Seriously needs some medication to treat that burn.

What happened?

Singh called for the foreign interference inquiry to include Poilievre’s leadership election! Singh said the serious question out loud and demanded it be added to the inquiry’s agenda and report.

This is dangerously close to calling PP a foreign asset. But Singh has not yet been briefed.

This is the ability PP wants to retain by refusing to get his clearance.
Jun 8 21 tweets 4 min read
I get tired of people who speak out of the side of their mouth.

If you’re going to call me a crack pot, please actually make the accusation. Don’t just imply it nonchalantly. But what I’m really tired of is white guys who have no skin in the game trying to convince those of us who do have to manage threat through voting that PP should be taken at face value.

Piss off!

Its not your uterus, freedom to choose, citizenship or voting rights at risk.
Jun 6 13 tweets 4 min read
Must watch.

This is the gilded age 2.0 on steroids.

You know all those homeless people in encampments? They don’t even register on this chart.

Wealth distribution really needs reconsideration.

I’m not convinced capitalism is on its last legs. But inequality this stark is. I’m certain that’s why the 1% are hoarding wealth.

Think back to medieval Europe. The nobles and monarchs made up the top 10%.

This is neo-feudalism.

Jun 6 9 tweets 2 min read
Who are these people you ask? These people are the current example.

This is how to break a justice system: mobocracy.

Andrew Coyne & Mercedes Stephenson are stepping over the line of acceptable query and demand for justice.

Treason may very well be the problem. To prosecute, the law requires evidence.
Jun 3 25 tweets 6 min read
I found another connection to Russian disruptive methods.


People paid to disrupt, provoke, agitate, intimidate, sabotage, demoralize, frustrate, and commit violence.

This is standard Eastern European dictatorship fare. But not in North America. In North America it’s been toned down.

People started noticing fake protesters infiltrating BLM marches in 2020 after George Floyd was murdered.

Read the thread and suddenly the relative recency of violent protesters becomes clear.

Extremists on both sides are being paid.
May 29 4 tweets 1 min read
@DrJaredWesley would you know how to get this movie screened in Edmonton?

@anelsona can help make it happen.

@barbetta1 is working on Southern AB. Can we work on Northern AB? @TheRealDKGray

We may even have an opportunity to get commentary for Canadian context from Anne. @timethief @MgS_2011 @kasza_leslie @roz_avanthay @sqirlgirly @papillon4444 @natasha367b @mini_bubbly @Charlie85915085

This movie can be made available in your community for viewing.

I don’t know any allies in Yukon, NWT or NU, or I would copy them too.
May 27 10 tweets 3 min read
So now we have 2 political science profs sounding the alarm.

This is serious folks. One protest isn’t going to cut it.

Notably absent from the criticism are some popular pundits and profs who refuse to make note of this democratic backsliding. This is not just normal politics.

Without a doubt this political party is seeking to shrink democratic liberty, rights and freedoms.

The time to pushback is NOW! Until they stop trying to dismantle democracy. Image
May 18 18 tweets 4 min read
It amazes me.

I spoon feed people evidence, but no one wants to take this bitter medicine.

Cons have had a published playbook that lays out the plan to remove liberalism and democracy since 2005.

Harper used it to weaken or dismantle democratic institutions. When Harper was PM, he worked within the so-called moderate conservatives neoliberal agenda. PP represents big “C” conservatives: socially conservative, Christian nationalist & radically extremist.

Stockwell Day proved that Canadians were not going to accept radical reform.
May 18 15 tweets 4 min read
Wasn’t that the whole point of limiting the Supreme Court’s powers in Israel?

Ditto Hungary?

None of this is new. @TrumpFile

Even Canada has a 2005 playbook detailing how to install conservative governance in perpetuity.…

The table of contents is clear. But the conclusion is even more revealing.

This playbook was written in 2005 by a socially liberal small “c” conservative.

Harper used this playbook to change Canada.

It’s why we don’t recognize Canada and why it’s institutions are failing.
May 1 35 tweets 10 min read
This is called the ole switcheroo.

This is why liberals and lefties should stop pointing fingers. The left is not very good at it. But the right excels at double standards and hypocrisy.

Yesterday, PMJT revealed that CPC is led by a man courting white supremacists. But today, people are repeating the word “whacko” in relation to the PM and BC drug policy and debating whose leader was more ethical.

No one is discussing white supremacy being given legitimacy by PP this past weekend.

Who gives a crap about decorum & process in QP?