sunshot champagne Profile picture
morgan | she/her | bi | 30+ | shl shipping yexie mostly | cql & mdzs multishipper | talk to me about your amnesia fic and labor | main @norgbelulah and on ao3
Nov 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
ok so i made a cohost. I am sunshot there. btw i'm not leaving but the things i've read lately about what might be coming down the pike are making me think that like fandom and trolling are the only things twitter will actually be good for pretty soon. in which case, i will definitely stay unless we are gonna be required to put our legal names on handles or something. but also, boo that's so horrible for like, finding interesting other kinds of things to look at. :|
Jul 13, 2022 110 tweets 17 min read
Dongsik has just finished the dishes when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He rarely gets phone calls these days not preceded by a text or seven from whoever wants to crash at the lake house on any given evening. He’s surprised to see it’s Juwon calling at 430 on a Tuesday afternoon. He answers with a bemused, “Hello,” in English and hears a steadying breath over the line but nothing else. Has Juwon butt dialed him? He starts to smile. “Han Juwon? Are you there?” He asks.
May 15, 2022 174 tweets 25 min read
Okay, we’re doing this. In my head this fic is alternately called Castaway!wwx or Late for the Sky. Bc I was listening to my dad’s copy of said Jackson Browne album on vinyl on repeat while thinking about this fic. I wanna say it was like three months into the pandemic jsyk. Some background: this is a modern with magic AU. There are cultivation sects and all major characters are around/in roughly similar places to canon. Wwx grew up with the Jiang and got both a cultivator’s and normie education.
Apr 6, 2022 103 tweets 15 min read
Okay so, post-canon #yexie h/c vibes only ficlet where yby has plucked Xie’er from the snow like a crocus and they are living (recently in sin) on his mountain.

But what can you do with a former scorpion king who is bored & whose sense of self-preservation is SO SMALL? Yby surely doesn't know or this wouldn't have happened...

Warnings so far for emetophobia, and, um, deliberately ingesting things that could be (definitely are) poison??