Tan Smith. Political Commentary, Pisstaking & Satire. Don’t like Tories? You’ll love me. Dystopia Warner. Writer. You can sub/shout a coffee here👇🏼
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Feb 24 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Here’s Reform candidate, Derek Wilson, appearing to say Starmer should be shot. Unless I’m misinterpreting a “jackal intervention” and an “ounce of lead”. But no, Reform isn’t dangerous. Except inciting murder towards the PM is a crime under BRITISH law
@HarleyDerek @metpoliceuk
Let’s hope they send the armed ones for incitement as Derek shits himself on his own doorstep.
Fuck around and find out, indeed.
Oct 15, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The person pictured being burned alive was Sha’ban Ahmed. He was a teenage boy. His mum also died. His family were forced to watch on unable to help.
May those who did this to him (and the other innocents just trying to survive) suffer untold horror for the rest of their days.
This is just the kid you’ve seen die, there are thousands like him. Babies, mothers, fathers, who just like you want to live. Who have been routinely dehumanised. Who have been murdered. If you think that any of this is justified then you have no humanity.
Jul 27, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
They think calling us childless cat ladies is an insult? I’m proud of it 🧵
What they hate is that we have a choice and won’t settle for picking up after an ungrateful, unappreciative, emotionally vacant wanker who doesn’t add anything to a life we’ve worked hard to build.
I know great hands on dads but many of my friends with kids fell into servitude, their husbands using weaponised incompetence to sit and watch them struggle or leaving them for younger women when they didn’t want to shag a man that expects to be babied. We have choices now.
May 1, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I keep hearing from critics that our tactical vote campaign is biased towards one party. That’s incorrect and the stats prove it:
In 543 seats, we don’t believe a Tory can win, and you can vote with your heart in approx 20% of the 2770 seats.
🧵 When Labour get in it’s not going to be like 1997. The Tories have never fucked us like this before. It’s going to be hard for a bit, then it’ll get better. I wouldn’t be a member if I didn’t think that they’d make things better for those most in need. That’s the priority.
Labour’s shit at comms. It’s like they’re working from An Idiots Guide to Messaging. We’re trying to help, it’d be good if they worked with us instead of grinning in shit cringey corporate training style promo videos. It’s insincere and they all look like they’ve shat Lego.
Jul 6, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If you think the Chris Pincher saga is bad (because it is) wait until you hear about the Tory MP bailed four times for rape and other serious crimes including abuse of a position of trust. They’re not just refusing to suspend him but STANDING him at the next election.
Unbeknownst to his constituents he still has access to schools, hospitals and the community and is still receiving luxurious gifts from donors, like holidays. He is prolific and emboldened by the fact that there are no consequences for his behaviour. He’s a clear danger.
Jun 27, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
I have seen a lot of ableist comments regarding the fact that I attended Glastonbury as a speaker despite suffering with my mental health and the sexist attitudes regarding how I express myself on my online platforms.
I want to address this directly.
Having PTSD/ ADHD can be debilitating but people with mental illness should not be confined to their homes.
I love Glasto but it’s a battle of endurance. However, being asked to perform was a huge opportunity to engage with people and tell them the truth about the Tories.
Jun 26, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
On a personal level I’d like to say a huge thank you to the lovely man volunteering for @samaritans near the Pyramid stage. He noticed that I’d paused near their truck after Lizzo and asked if I was ok. I wasn’t, it meant the world to me. That chat made such a difference.
I love Glasto but it’s a battle of endurance especially for those with severe ADHD symptoms but no hope of help due to the Tories decimating the NHS. I cried a lot, both from joy and being overwhelmed. If you’re feeling lost it can feel lonely in a huge crowd of happy people.
May 16, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The Nat C conference is run by a US right wing think tank and features speakers who have called for an abortion ban, peddled the racist Great Replacement theory and said life "should be made harder" for Muslims, along with serving Tory ministers.
They’re fucking fascists.
Some of the speakers:
Douglas Murray, described London as a "foreign country" and was accused of Islamophobia for making the comment that conditions should be harder for Muslims. David Cameron’s govt. cut ties over that. This government gives him a platform to spread hate.
Nov 24, 2022 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
With death profiteering from Tory friends, lords and donors hitting *some* headlines, it’s time to revisit Exercise Cygnus, a pandemic preparedness simulation carried out in 2016.
You know of what happened during the pandemic could have been avoided, but how much?
1. Exercise Cygnus was a government simulation of a flu outbreak, carried out to determine Britain’s pandemic readiness.
As a photographer, I have frequently had to temp to top up my income. Working in customer service for social housing providers was the worst job I had.
In the wake of the horrifying, avoidable death of Awaab Ishak, this is a thread of my experiences.
1. In training I was told how to "overcome objections" from tenants that have mould and told to send leaflets and not raise inspections, no matter how severe the infestation. I grew up in a council house full of mould. I'm in my 30's and my mum's house is only now being treated.
Nov 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This is my only official profile there, can’t login to my old one because that place makes no sense whatsoever.
I won’t lie, I absolutely detest the site but joining as a back up.
Found a few people but you’ll probably need to find me as it took ten minutes to even find the search function.
Nov 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The obsessive, parasocial, familial fixation people have with Corbyn is bizarre. He’s a flawed human like the rest of us but for many he’s a fanatical fixation, it defies reality. He’s not the sole gatekeeper of socialism. Making any politician a personal idol is very unwise.
I placed Corbyn on a pedestal, deliberately turned a blind eye to any shortcomings. Some say I’m a Starmerite but I was more fanatical about JC. That changed the more I learned about politics, because individual populist figures aren’t saviours, real change is a group effort.
Oct 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
As news outlets report the prospect of blackouts, whilst letting the government off the hook and repeating their lies, here’s my take on the intense lowlights of the Tory Conference 2022.
Give us a General Election.
Finally! Only had to attempt to upload this fifty times and was eventually forced to screen record it from a saved video on my phone.
Right, don’t mind me, I’m off to scream in to a pillow.
Oct 5, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
#Blonde is one of the most intrusively exploitative films I’ve seen. A crew of men should never have directed the legacy of a vulnerable woman, she’s been further abused after death.
Ana de Armas is spellbinding and the vile film has incredible cinematography but it’s nauseating
Norma Jean suffered terrible trauma, abuse, a horrifying childhood, rape, sexual assault and domestic abuse, but with hard work became world famous. She was well read, sensitive, talented and deserves better than misogynists giving her the Weinstein treatment after her death.
Sep 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Millions are going hungry, food banks will be closed Monday and we have many homeless, yet marmalade sandwiches are left to rot for a millionaire.
An absent Tory government won’t help people but they happily fund this circus.
It makes me feel sick, it is plainly wrong.
I am becoming more angry as it goes on, this isn’t about respect, this is heavy conditioning and militantly enforcing the status quo.
It’s says those people are better, we are lesser humans.
It actively promotes our inequality, which is what their very survival relies upon.
Sep 12, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Anti monarchy protester arrested in London for holding blank piece of paper. Instant arrest. Except it’s not, this is Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
The Tories have not only taken millions in rubles but adopted authoritarian Russian protest policy.
The exact same thing has happened across Britain in recent days.
Sep 12, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
A young lad in Edinburgh referred to Prince Andrew, who paid a £12 million settlement to his rape accuser, as "a sick old man" before being quite brutally hauled off by the authorities.
Because, equality.
Millions of survivors that have suffered rape or sexual assault are insulted by the Queens death being used to publicly rehabilitate a senior royal accused of the crime.
Sep 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If it is true and London Bridge is falling, it would be quite poignant and symbolic for Queen Elizabeth to die alongside her fatally wounded, divided and broken country.
I’m briefly popping my head in to say this, I’m not returning to this platform yet.
I just wanted to say that if the worst has happened that people need to show respect and dignity towards people grieving, whoever they are.