Danilo.Buonsenso_Surf4Children Profile picture
Pediatrician/pedsID working on #longcovidkids, #TB, #congenitalinfections☀️funder of surf4children no profit. MY BOOK ON LONG COVID https://t.co/WoIpn8N9mS
Jan 24 4 tweets 2 min read
our proteomic long covid kids study is now out, proving the real nature of the disease and closing the lockdown narrative, also opening to a diagnostic test

the backstage of this study including the pubblication process is all detailed in my book

1/ tinyurl.com/4tsvhwatImage long covid has a well distinct proteomic profile, suggesting a specific inflammatory pattern but also that our diagnosis was pretty good. kids with the famous MISC were less well grouped(and it is known this can happen, like with severe covid or kawasaki)!
2/ Image
Nov 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Another 13yro girl initially labeled as FUNCTIONAL that had to travel from belgium to my #longcovid clinic in Rome to perform a simple test to document that simply standing up or walking in a boring hospital ward her heart rate goes up and down in a senseless way!

a thread:
1/ Image inappropriate tachicardia syndromes are very easy to be recognized if docs have basic knowledge and are present in up to 60% of adolescents with long covid or #MECFS.
refusing these tests is ethically non acceptable and medicallly wrong. this condition can explain several
Aug 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
in august, a very quite time for pediatrics in Rome since the city is “empty”, we have had 10 admissions for #COVID19: 9 infants with difficulty feeding requiring IV fluids and 1 with complex seizures intubated for some hours and now doing well.
what does that mean? 👇🏿 clinically, all kids will recover from the acute phase and will not classified as deaths. Still, there are direct and indirects costs for the families and healthcare.
Long term outcomes to be defined.
As a comparison, we had some malarias, 2 meningitis (neisseria and pneumo)👇🏿
Jun 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I am extremely happy to see our paper “Viral persistence in children infected with SARS-CoV-2: current evidence and future research strategies” available open access on @lancet microbe. 👇🏿

@lancet In this paper, we analyze the unchallengeable evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can persist after initial infection also in children of any age. 👇🏿