Madison | Suop Profile picture
pro puzzler, YouTuber/streamer, keycap enthusiast, creative icon. (she/they)🇨🇦 bsns contact:
Potato Of Reason Profile picture GFAM Media 🇺🇸 🖕🎮👻🛸👽𝕏 Profile picture wolfdoggosarah 🐺🐕🐾 Profile picture Red Phyve Profile picture Peter Grek Profile picture 15 subscribed
Aug 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I have seen confusion with this statement and would like to clarify.

AFTER a public post was made that I would be getting hired, I was sent an employment contract which I did read over and sign.

BUT the post had been made before I had seen the contract or salary being offered. This is an unfair position to be in as a perspective employee.

It makes negotiating your employment very odd when now millions of people know you were supposed to get hired and would speculate on why it fell through.
Aug 16, 2023 66 tweets 12 min read
To stop the speculation and DM's I am receiving.
I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health.

The number of daily items the Social media role at the time was expected to fill was incredibly high. I was expected to post 3 tweets, 2 Instagram posts, and 2 TikToks minimum per day.

I was also expected to plan, film, edit, and post 2 Floatplane exclusives per week.

This included wrangling people to be in them when they were also all struggling to get their work done.