Susannah Black Roberts Profile picture
Christian, postliberal / Journo / Editor @Plough, @mereorthodoxy / Rooted cosmopolitan / Wife to @zugzwanged / A spider sitting at the center of my web
Feb 3 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ The thing is, part of the Ordo Amoris debate comes from a common human phenomenon: we are all made so as to want to help others of our kind (i.e. other humans) if they're suffering. 2/ At some point in childhood or adolescence, you run into the limits of this: you realize that even if you give enough money to a homeless person for her to get a room for the night, what about all the rest of the homeless people? And what about the next night?
Nov 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Ok so I’ve had an insight ™️

Just as the left has greenwashing— fake aesthetic gesturing towards sustainability as a product you can buy without any costly effort to actually making supply chains healthier for the natural world— the right has what might be called tradwashing. What is going on with the incredible hollowness of the aesthetic/rhetorical appeals to Tradition by people who are doing things like looking to AI generated versions of Norman Rockwell for their inspiration of what Tradition means?

It’s tradwashing.
Jul 24, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I think it has to do with this: those of us who oppose abortion oppose it in part by refusing to see the interest of a mother and child as in competition with each other. Yes, we talk about a "right to life" of the baby - and that's not wrong. But in our response to abortion, we refuse to replicate the zero-sum game logic of pro-choicers; the mother and child are not in competition to get scarce goods. If we do good to one - if we extend legal protection to the baby - we must see it as part of doing good to both in that dyad,
Sep 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Finally (FINALLY!) reading @moveincircles's Feminism Against Progress and lemme tell you



I 'll be saying more, but at the moment: weirdly, the conversation this book contributes most directly to is not the tradwife discourse, but… the conversation about AI and smartphone addiction and so on.

This is a book about staying human in a posthuman age. It rips the veils of propaganda off all the technologies - of course focusing most on sex-related tech - which claim to liberate us by making us less ourselves.
Aug 23, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Thing is, I am not against Christendom as a civilization or as a vision, nor against cultural Christianity or church establishment. I’m against injustice and impropriety and vulgarity and flattening as a way to get there, and I’m against a vision of life as a Christian which is so focused on that that living according to the more basic teachings of Jesus goes by the wayside; where that becomes unfamiliar or alien.
Aug 16, 2023 29 tweets 5 min read
So I was thinking about the taxonomy of "conservative" vs. "right wing" that we were discussing the other day and I think one distinction it's important to make is between the following: A) pre-revolutionary throne and altar Christian traditionalist conservatism, and desires (whether nostalgic or not) to return or reclaim some of those goods, in a Protestant or Catholic key, whether leavened with good-liberalism/social mobility or not on the one hand,
Aug 2, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
This is the biggest misreading. Weird Barbie says that Barbie *must* enter the real world and mend the rift. It’s not a must of physical compulsion, or anything to do with feminism, but a must of metaphysical/moral obligation. She is the only force of natural law in the movie. She’s also the only character, other than the mom, whose purpose is something other than “self-actualize” (or “Beach”).
Aug 2, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Opportunity for me to explain a theory I've developed while listening to @HauntedCosmos_ eps: A lot of Reformed guys are hesitant about natural law, for Van Til reasons. But what NL theorists say, primarily, is that there is a reality, a single reality, which includes what we might call natural and what we might call supernatural, which is accessible to both Christians and non-Christians.

We can find out real stuff, physical stuff and ethical stuff and so on, about the world and our own selves and etc,
Jul 31, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Ok so this production very effectively highlighted an aspect of the play I kind of didn’t notice before: it’s a haunted house story

It’s got all the subtle common aspects of that kind of story: it’s about a dysfunctional family with a terrible secret that won’t remain buried It’s not clear whether the supernatural is driving the dissolution of the family, or whether the dissolution of the family is driving and somehow manifesting the supernatural
Jul 4, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Updated list: Religious persuasions of the Founding Fathers

@MScarince @AaronIrber The Catholic Church, which de Maistre was a member of, has prohibited any of its members from being masons, publicly or privately, since 1738. Between 1738 and 1983, if someone was known to be a Mason, that person was automatically excommunicated.
May 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Have just learned that @benjamindcrosby's pod, along with @AlexanderRaikin's @tnajournal piece, have been shared with a New York state assemblywoman in order to ask her to reconsider co-sponsoring Assembly Bill A995, which would add a new section of the NY State Public Health Law to allow physicians to prescribe lethal doses of medication to end a patient’s life.
May 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
One bad thing re getting involved in the #discourse about church/culture going downhill in various ways:

My whole life since conversion I have had a sense of the trajectory of the world/culture/non-Christians' lives as "towards Christ" because that's how it worked for me. My baseline was that you wake up in a fully-formed world full of story & strangeness & extreme weather & holidays & beautiful architecture & Arthurian legends, but that there's a mystery about it, because there's no metaphysical accounting for how solidly wonderful it is.
Apr 16, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
The one part of this that I disagree with is that he in part presents this as a question of "We are past the milestone of the Cross, and we can look back on the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome, but we - almost sadly - can't return there." As though the search for a pre-Christian vitalism is a fruitless one but that that vitalism was something to be nostalgic for, a good in its time which we are too shaped by the alien force of Christianity and post-Christianity to return to.
Apr 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you read Nietzsche - and also Lothrop Stoddard or any of the 19th c WASP racialists and eugenicists, or, for that matter, Lovecraft - the main thing that you find lurking under their desire for vitality is a deep sense of malaise, a fear of the "higher breeds" of men dying out under the "rising tide" of lesser men. That is a fear linked to their own sense of lack of vitality. It had a name, in the second half of the 19th century: neurasthenia. It was the general illness that people were afraid of, leading to madness and ennui and suicide.
Apr 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A man who seeks after wisdom in friendship “has almost grasped the god himself who directs and rules these things, and he has recognized that he is not surrounded by the walls of some place but is a citizen of the whole universe as if it were one city.”

— Marcus Tullius Cicero “We have been made by nature to participate in right, one with another, and to share it among all persons. And I want that to be understood in this entire debate when I say that right is by nature… But if whatever is according to nature were also according to judgment,
Apr 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
"Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave. "There are people who say they wish Christianity to remain as a spirit... But it is not going to remain as a ghost. What follows this process of apparent death is not the lingering of the shade; it is the resurrection of the body.
Mar 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read


you know how both Jewish and Greek zodiacs have the constellation of Orion as a hunter

you know how in the Southern hemisphere all the constellations are upside down


Australian Aboriginal cultures ALSO THINK THAT CONSTELLATION IS A HUNTER BUT HES UPSIDE DOWN 2) ALSO you know how the Pleiades is the other constellation mentioned in Job (it’s used to translate Kimah)

Well no one really knows what the “story” of Kimah is (it means group or heap)

Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
When women talk with men, they can project a whole future with them, and can experience lots of (especially online) conversation as “being led on” to a relationship in the way that a man would experience a woman being very physically flirtatious as being led on to sex. Don’t make fun of her— this is a normal, pretty inarticulate woman trying to describe an aspect of contemporary dating culture that women are supposed to be ashamed of. “Don’t get attached” is the principle.
Feb 10, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
On Reactionary Humanism

It seems to me that ChatGPT marks a real ramp-up in a kind of technologized subversion of human uniqueness and experience of which things like the Pill and the smartphone were pioneers. It is not the case that these technologies actually replicate or replace what it is that humans do when they think, but they seem to to such an extent that arguably the path of least resistance will be to let writing essays go the way of hand-crafting furniture:
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I apparently went on a rant about the 1931 Lambeth conference in which the C of E OK'd contraception. The decision was linked of course to eugenics - which was at that time the centrist-progressive position which basically everyone right-thinking and responsible was into. To disagree with eugenics was to be superstitious and backward and probably to not believe in Darwinism. The Scopes trial was over a textbook which promoted racialized eugenicist ideas; that was the primary objection that William Jennings Bryan had,
Dec 16, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
This deeply reported and shocking piece by @AlexanderRaikin is the best I've seen so far on Canada's MAiD regime. A legal system without an anthropology has lapsed carelessly into echoing the worst of 20th century barbarism. Canada no longer can be counted as fully civilized. The aspect of this which interests me most is the way in which it reveals law as a teacher: and what that actually looks like.