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Sep 12, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Was buying junk jewellery from a stall in connaught place. As the shopkeeper was busy talking to two girls aggressively bargaining with him, I noticed he was very young. As I handed him my purchase I asked him what does he do apart from this. He said he studies in class 11th. I handed him the money for my purchase and left knowing that I had payed 100 extra. I moved away quickly but he called me from behind saying I have payed more. I told him to keep it and moved away but he came running after me. He insisted I buy something else too for that 100/-
May 26, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
I used to think that global warming and co2 emissions are future problems, things we do not need to worry about in the present. But if you look at the weather extremities, damage to ocean life and the hazardous level of pollution in the air then you know that the prblm is real. Due to human activities, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has been rising extensively and has now reached dangerous levels not seen in the last 3 million years. India's CO2 emissions grew by an estimated 4.6% in 2017 while largest contributors were China and USA.
Jul 6, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
While I was in India, I gave my maid didi an old tshirt and asked her to use it as a dusting cloth. She asked me if she could take it instead. I asked her why she needed that old rag knowing well that she only wears sari or suits. She said she would use it during her periods. As the one she was using was very torn and old. For a moment I was silent and sad. I asked her why she didn’t used sanitary pads instead. She said she knew about them but they were too expensive. She would rather use that money for household expenses. I gave her a whole pack