huli jing wwx Profile picture
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Sep 1, 2023 71 tweets 13 min read
wwx and lwj are sold to the wens as kids to be trained as concubines, except they fall in love & promise to runaway before they turn of age

but the wens caught wind of this and make lwj serve wen xu on his 18th bday. lwj, instead, emerges from the room holding a bloodied knife. wwx, who’d been anxiously pacing outside of the room this whole time, looks up with horror in his eyes.

lwj is safe—but at what cost?

“it’s done,” lwj’s voice is cold, absent of emotion. “he can’t hurt us anymore.”

wwx runs to him & cups his face, wiping blood from his cheeks.
Jul 20, 2023 39 tweets 8 min read
what if dragons were never meant to develop mortal forms. they’re strongest in their gargantuan forms & are akin to heavenly deities. however they cannot speak in this form. but then dragonji falls in love with wwx and breaks every rule just to be able to utter his name even once “you were his greatest mistake” but make it dragonji defying his clan and shedding his scales and trading them up for mortal-like hands and feet just so he can venture into the mortal world, where wwx is

lwj doesn’t even know if wwx loves him back, or if wwx even *knows* that—
Apr 18, 2023 56 tweets 11 min read
warrior prince lwj disguises himself as a poor soldier to infiltrate the wen camp to get to yllz. the moment of truth comes when the Lans arrive at the camp & wwx’s in disbelief: “but lan zhan’s on our side”

and lwj has to hide his heartbroken gaze as he reveals, “no, I am not.” "I can be of use," lwj stubbornly says, pushing himself off the ground. "I can fight. I will patrol the area when you sleep."

"hey, hey, listen to me," wwx smiles at him so gently, his sweet, 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 angel. "I don't need anything from you. I never will. I just want to help."
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
anyway, since we’re talking about [heavy is the crown], here’s a really sad fun fact about the fic I never really told anyone besides those closest to me ha

I dedicated the fic to a fandom friend bc of how supportive she was of my ideas for the fic & just generally… …as a friend and a reader. she heard my preliminary ideas for [heavy is the crown] and even helped brainstorm some key elements of the fic. I was really excited to publish the story & hear what she thought about it bc she would comment on every one of my fics without fail, and…
Mar 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
prince wwx who reaally doesn’t want to marry a princess for political reasons vs his royal tutor lwj who’s in charge of preparing him for marriage. wwx asks lwj to demonstrate what to do in bed, expecting lwj to get flustered

lwj: alright, then. you’ll be my princess.
wwx: ⁉️😳 lwj, gazing deeply into his eyes: pay close attention to me. pay very, very close attention.

wwx, slowly being pushed back onto the bed against his volition: 😳😳😳 y-yes sir 🫡

lwj, gripping his chin: as the prince, you’ll be expected to take the lead. just like this. lean in.
Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
so, on the lqr-definitely-fucks agenda: how awkward would it be if lwj brought wwx home for the first time to meet his family, and when wwx sees lqr, he swears he knows him from somewhere.

wwx, halfway through dinner, realising he recognises lqr from Grindr: 😀 wwx had a brief Grindr phase but was too chicken to actually meet anyone in person; and ended up finding the love of his life by reconnecting with lan wangji when the man returned to town from his studies abroad anyway.

but 𝘰𝘩, has wwx 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘥 on that app.
Jan 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
kind of want wwx and hua cheng to swap bodies overnight and no one finds out until the next morning, when lwj attempts to kiss wwx awake

hua cheng, opening his eyes: gege, you’re so sweet toda—waAH! GET OFF ME, YOU’RE NOT MY GEGE!

lwj, who STILL thinks it’s wwx: W…Wei Ying? 🧍🏻‍♂️ hua cheng, backing away: Don’t even touch me, or you’ll be sorry🤬

he raises his hands, attempting to summon his silver butterflies.

but none of them come.

in fact…hua cheng feels exceptionally weak in this body!

lwj, moving closer: Wei Ying, I think you’re running a fever…
Jan 24, 2023 46 tweets 10 min read
wwx THINKS he’s dating one man but he doesn’t realise they are identical twins LWJ & LZ. lwj is older; more confident. lz is younger; milder in temperament. the twist? the twins, who loathe each other, don’t tell each other about wwx either. and when they find out?

oh, it’s ON. wwx met lan zhan first—on the roofs of cloud recesses, where the disciplinarian tried one too many times to lay a hand on wwx and enforce the laws of gusu lan on him.

they danced around each other with their swords, and wwx saw how desperately lan zhan avoided his eyes and…
Jan 21, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
the jiangs go to gusu to attend sect leader lxc’s wedding (whom wwx has never met). the night before, wwx gets drunk & sleeps with a golden-eyed man.

the morning after, he’s gone. there’s only a white headband—with the word “Lan”.

so wwx concludes: He Has Slept With The Groom. there’s no other reason for his disappearance, isn’t there? for why would a man flee so fast? wwx can’t remember much of last night—only fervent desire and heated pleasure.

in his inebriated state, he’d linked arms and exchanged wine cups with a handsome golden-eyed stranger…
Jan 19, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
wwx, who works for an agency that fulfills absurd requests for $, is paid to ruin a rich young master’s wedding

wwx, bursting through the doors: how dare you leave me for a woman! 😭

lwj, a man he’s never seen in his life: [looks wwx up & down] …honey, what took you so long?🙂 wwx: h…huh 🧍🏻‍♂️ [remembers his task at hand] no, I mean, yes! how dare you treat me like this! have you already forgotten about that passionate night in the hot tub! the family we wanted to have! 😭

lwj, already walking away from the altar and towards wwx: I Have Not Forgotten.
Jan 18, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
lwj goes to pick wwx up for their first date, but the first person to open the door—is an overly charming man, clad in red robes & silver jewelry

hua cheng, holding his head high so lwj can see the 2cm height difference between them: so, you're the brat picking up my brother? lwj, spooked: I did not realise Wei Ying had an older brother. please, allow me to address you as 'ge'...

hua cheng, knowing fully well he is the younger one: haHAha! yes, you may address me as 'ge'. you're not to mess around with my didi, you hear me?! have him home by seven!
Jan 17, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
wwx returns 13 years later as mxy

he learns that his childhood friend, lwj died not long after his death. he doesn’t notice a flickering, golden orb tailing him everywhere

lwj only reveals himself to be a calamity level ghost (à la tgcf) to shield wwx when he is in danger. lwj’s grudge against his sect was so strong—not for the 33 lashes—but bc they did nothing to protect wwx & the wens when they could. so his resentment festered and his soul lingered. he fought his way out of tonglu mountain unsure if he would see wwx again, but knew he had to try
Dec 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
cssr is dying, and her last wish is to see wwx married 😢

cssr: a-ying, I want to know you will be taken care of
wwx: a-niang, I…
cssr: what about your childhood friend of 10 years, a-zhan?
wwx: 🥺 I don’t know if he’ll agree—
lwj, stepping up: I Will Take Responsibility . so it becomes a marriage of convenience, to appease a dying woman’s final wishes.

wwx: lan zhan, I couldn’t possibly ask this of you! 😣 it’s too much! after a-niang passes, we can always dissolve this marriage contract…

lwj: Only If You Want To .

wwx: ❓
Dec 11, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
lwj comes home so drunk one night, he can’t recognize wwx. after cleaning him up, wwx brings him to bed. lwj pushes him off

wwx: LZ!🤨 get into bed with me!
lwj: No.
lwj: you are very pretty…but I am already married…🧍🏻‍♂️
wwx: Oho?🥰 I’m sure your wife won’t mind~
lwj: no!😡 wwx: 🤭 if I promise not to get into bed with you, will you be a good boy and sleep?

lwj:🧍🏻‍♂️ I will.

wwx: good. I’ll sleep on the floor 🤭

lwj, feeling bad for Pretty Stranger but still having some HARD boundaries: 🥺… Please leave this room. You can take the couch downstairs.
Oct 23, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
lxc would totally give babyji the advice “boys tease those that they like” and lwj would actually take it seriously so he can court wwx… leading lqr to receive a strongly worded phone call from lwj’s kindergarten

teacher: sir, your nephew made a boy cry today 😅
lqr: WANGJI ⁉️ teacher: he pulled at wei wuxian’s pigtails until he cried 😅

lqr: this isn’t how I raised wangji, I apologize 😤

teacher: could you come in after school to have a word with him, please 😅 we’ll be asking the boy’s mother to come in, too.
Oct 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
everytime I imagine a modern au where wangxian are neighbours, I just think about the lengths lwj has to go to to convince wwx he’s in the same income bracket as him—and not the young master that he really is

wwx, bumping into lwj at the lifts: hey! you new here?
lwj: …yes 🧍🏻‍♂️ (lwj’s train of thought: I guess I live here now 🧍🏻‍♂️)

he, in fact, does not live in this apartment building, but felt compelled to say so after meeting wwx.

wwx: cool! where do you live? I’m on the 5th floor.

lwj, blurting out: Me Too

(and so the lie gets bigger and BIGGER.)
Oct 21, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
lwj is arranged to marry wwx in a political alliance, only for him to act utterly miserable about it and very hostile to wwx… so lqr decides, “well, if my beloved nephew cannot appreciate cssr’s son, then maybe lxc can”

lqr: wwx will marry lxc instead.
lwj: WAIT 😐
lxc: ☺️🍵 lqr: are you not happy? weren’t you against this marriage?
lwj: I—
lxc: I will be happy to marry Wei Wuxian for you, Wangji ☺️🍵 (yes, he’s sipping tea and cackling internally like a devil)
lwj: …no 😐
lxc: no, what?☺️ Wei Wuxian is kind and pretty, and will make a good partner.
Sep 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
corpse bride wangxian au where lwj is the dead groom buried in the ground that wwx accidentally proposes to 🤌🏻

wwx, placing a ring onto what he thought was a tree branch (lwj’s skeletal hand): with this ring, I ask you to be mine!

lwj, rising from the ground: I Do.

wwx: WAIT😭 don’t get him wrong, lwj is a very handsome man—or corpse—or whatever semblance is left of him—and wwx is sure he must have made a fine gentleman back when he was still alive, but—but—!!!! he is Very Noticeably Dead, with horrifically pale skin and white bones for fingers.
Sep 19, 2022 67 tweets 13 min read
ok but what if ghost wedding wangxian AU where wwx is betrothed to second young master Lan & is meant to marry him after the war, only for lwj to die valiantly during it

a promise is a promise; and the Lans are insistent that wwx wed their dead son (he'd be so lonely otherwise!) wwx is apprehensive, for he has never met second young master lan. he doesn't even know him, hasn't even spoken to him, perhaps only saw him in passing once.

marriage to the dead would render him unmarriageable to the living. wwx would spend the rest of his life with lwj—forever
Sep 18, 2022 34 tweets 6 min read
wwx sits in a bridal sedan meant for jyl, en route to the obnoxious jin mansion. he’d taken her place to save her. but then—he hears a commotion outside.

“what’s the matter?” he asks.

a brief tussle can be heard, before—

“nothing,” comes a deep, calm voice. “nothing at all.” the rest of the journey is surprisingly smooth, smoother than it was at the start. wwx is tempted to peek out of the curtains to check on the servants transporting him, but—as if able to sense this urge of his—the voice outside tells him,

“Don’t look outside. There are wolves.”
Jul 23, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read
the last prompt I filled gave me empressxian-being-sent-to-the-cold-palace brainrot 🤒 kind of want to see emperorji groveling and making daily visits to the cold palace to try and win wwx’s heart but it’s too late, wwx already decided he can live his life well w/o the emperor. emperorji visits the cold palace for the first time since sentencing empressxian to it, and sees that it’s not even really much of a “cold” palace anymore. it’s prospering. handmaidens run around, laughing. wwx has set up a mini farm in his own backyard. there is liveliness here.