Sweta Samota Profile picture
Nationalist, India’s Leading Book Coach, Bestselling Author, Marathoner, ChangeMaker Tweets are personal views. Followed by Shree @narendramodi ji
Feb 18, 2020 9 tweets 12 min read
@RNTata2000 @tatatrusts That’s great! Sir, could you also look into toilets and open peeing by men runners in .@TataMumMarathon . Last year you promised me that you will take care of it. But, it again happened this year #tatamumbaimarathon. This is a serious issue that needs your personal attention. @RNTata2000 @tatatrusts @TataMumMarathon Possible solution:1. Acknowledge publicly that you don’t want runners to pee openly at the start line or in the holding area. Inspite of the promise, no effort was made by .@TataMumMarathon .@procamintl to raise any awareness around hygiene and open peeing by men runners.