Bryan 🇺🇸for🇺🇦 Profile picture
Egalitarian/feminist/BLM/LGBTQ, standing up for the oppressed. Trump & his enablers dragged American politics from the gutter to the sewer. Let's fix it.
Apr 29, 2022 • 28 tweets • 5 min read
For Leelah Alcorn, and for trans kids everywheređź’™:

Leelah's final words:

If you are reading this, it means that I have committed suicide and obviously failed to delete this post from my queue.

Please don’t be sad, it’s for the better.

The life I would’ve lived isn’t worth living in … because I’m transgender. I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is.

Apr 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Elon Musk has already broken this part of the agreement where he cannot disparage Twitter or any of its representatives.

(See below) Exhibit A:
Jun 23, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Susan Collins' argument that the For the People Act "would take away the rights of people in each of the 50 states to determine which election rules work best for their citizens" is the same argument Senator Stephen A. Douglas made to allow slavery to expand into new US states. History will not judge her kindly.

May 11, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The stupidity has begun Of the four gas stations between my house and my work, 3 were out of gas at noon today.

Of course this is NW GA Marjorie Taylor Green country...
May 10, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
There were NINE mass shootings in America this past weekend. 15 killed and over 30 injured.

The NRA wants you to believe that simply owning a gun will prevent you from "becoming a victim". Does this nine year old bring her purple anodized rifle everywhere she goes, including school? And even if she did, she would be able to immediately stop a threat, right?

Fvcking ridiculous.
Nov 28, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Dust If You Must

by Rose Milligan

Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better
To paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed;
Ponder the difference between want and need? Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
With rivers to swim, and mountains to climb;
Music to hear, and books to read;
Friends to cherish, and life to lead.
Nov 9, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately (a Thread):

For 8 years under Obama racism had been fomenting and growing.

For 8 years the mechanisms of biased and false news had been refined & perfected.

Social media exploded and simpletons believed everything they read, and And they eagerly hit the retweet or share button without bothering to fact check. It fit their preconceived worldview, after all.

All of this and more culminated with the election of Donald Trump.

Suddenly the racists and xenophobes were emboldened. The spreaders of false news
Oct 10, 2020 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
A good friend of mine that I’d categorize as an Independent asked me about “Democrats packing the court.”

This was my response. Let me know what you think.

-THREAD- Here’s the deal: the Democrats feel cheated out of a SC Justice seat since Obama nominated Merrick Garland with 11 months left in his term. Because the GOP controlled the senate they refused to hold a hearing, saying that...
Sep 9, 2020 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
This is BIG.

A THREAD on this whistleblower complaint by former Acting Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Brian Murphy:

1/? "Mr. Chad Wolf “instructed Mr. Murphy to cease providing intelligence assessments on the threat of Russian interference in the United States, and instead start reporting on interference activities by China and Iran.

Sep 1, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read

This is a prime example of how fake news becomes widely shared and confused for real news by even intelligent people.

Last week the CDC started listing accompanying comorbidities in the covid-19 deaths as listed on death certificates.

1/? This is NOT the same as underlying conditions. In medicine, comorbidities are conditions that patients experience in tandem with a primary condition. So they can include pre-existing medical conditions, but they can also include conditions CAUSED BY THE VIRUS like pneumonia.

Jul 17, 2020 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
~A personal story, and how it relates to the reopening of schools in the U.S.~

After much begging & pleading, my sister agreed to allow her 9 year old daughter attend gymnastic practice a few weeks ago after talking to the gym to ensure that certain safeguards were in place

1/& Last Friday one of the other girls at the gym started to feel ill, & her parents had her tested for covid. They never told the gym.

The girl started to feel better over the weekend, and so the parents allowed her to return to practice before receiving the covid test results

Jun 4, 2020 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
Let me tell you what's wrong with the Drew Brees statement on players kneeling during the national anthem.


First, let's look at exactly what he said:

Brees’ full statement:

"I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country. Let me just tell what I see or what I feel when the national anthem is played and when I look at the flag of the United States.

Jan 24, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I don't know that our democratic republic will survive the era of Trump. Here's why: (a THREAD)

Trump has (probably unwittingly) shouted "Fake News" so many times that a large portion of the public no longer believes news stories from legitimate sources if...

...if the news does not support their political leanings or preconceived worldview.

The scary thing is, there IS a lot of "Fake News" out there; hence good folks have started sites like and in an effort to combat it, yet..

Jan 22, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
@WhiteHouse "Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously with regard to the requested White House call and the White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

-Ambassador Sondland @WhiteHouse Ambassador Sondland testified later that “everyone was in the loop” on plans to condition the White House meeting on the announcement of political investigations beneficial to President Trump.
Dec 20, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
"The real reason for getting the impeachment trial done fast is defensive: Republicans want to dispense with their Constitutional responsibility before the public realizes there is a 2nd Russia-focused federal criminal investigation underway & that Trump is at the center of it." "We now know Rudy Giuliani’s indicted ex-business partner Lev Parnas—who paid Rudy $500,000 to do Trump’s Ukraine election meddling—had a Russian funding stream.

No wonder Graham said of the Senate trial, “I will do everything I can to make it die quickly.”
Oct 30, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I was recently away from twitter for 2 weeks. During those two weeks I was considerably happier and less anxious, furious, depressed.

It's made me realize how much of my mental health I'm sacrificing in order to speak truth to power. And I'm far from the only one. So MANY of... So many of you are doing the same. And I applaud you for it!

We're doing it not for the likes and retweets. We're making this sacrifice for the good of our nation. Because we KNOW we are BETTER than this. We are a "shining city upon a hill whose beacon light..
Oct 13, 2019 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
A THREAD, originally written by Lee Brickley on FB:

For anyone with no understanding of what's happening to Kurds right now, here's a little (simplified) history lesson for you....

Kurds have been living on the land they call home now for thousands of years. After WW1 and the fall off the Ottoman Empire, the British and French promised Kurds they could continue to reside in those areas peacefully because they intended to create a country called Kurdistan. They went back on that promise and carved up the Kurdish homeland...
Sep 13, 2019 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I'd love to buy this man a beer!

'Judge' Jeanine Pirro gets called out for her xenophobic, racist rhetoric by a caller on CSPAN.

Watch: FYI: I follow back all resisters. Just give me a little time please, because I vet my follows ❤️
Sep 10, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
On his 9th birthday, in front of his classmates, an Ohio school took a hot lunch from a young boy and replaced it with a cold cheese sandwich due to an unpaid lunch bill.

The U.S. has $650 BILLION for its military, but cannot afford free school lunches?… A comment from this news story:

"I grew up impoverished - like, ketchup packets for dinner impoverished. In the fifth grade, my teacher stood me up in the middle of class and told me to go home because I wasn’t wearing socks. My socks all had holes, including my shoes, and...
Aug 16, 2019 • 23 tweets • 8 min read
@LogCabinGOP You have sold out and turned your backs on your LGBTQ family.

Here's just a partial list of trump's discriminatory actions: @LogCabinGOP May 24, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services published a proposed rule that would remove all recognition that federal law prohibits transgender patients from discrimination in health care.
Jul 18, 2019 • 21 tweets • 4 min read

I know many of us have family members who support trump, and that’s strained our relationships, sometimes to the breaking point.

The following reply was posted by a FB friend of mine in response to his father’s MAGA post.

Power words! Time to come in off the ledge, Pops. Real talk time. I know you think it’s funny, and that supporting Trump is all sort of a joke for you. You get to be old and eccentric. You get to tweak my nose because you think I’ve gotten above my raisin’ or something. Fine. Maybe I have.