Pearlie Chong @PergamIC@ShohamTxID@nikkitheomd@IDdoc4kids Kate Mullane
Session: Challenging Cases in #TxID
56 yo post-auto HSCT with fever, wt loss, scleral icterus. Labs with low WBC, anemia, elevated LFTs. Not neutropenic.
Thinking about how PWID can be treated with OPAT at home #IDWeek2020
Session: OPAT in PWID @mmPharmD
OPAT completion in PWID was comparable to those who do not inject drugs
Retrospective studies of carefully selected pts -- but that is also true of who you select in real life
Oct 23, 2020 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
Session: Hospital infection control and environmental sustainability: challenges and opportunities! @preets579
Infection prevention reality vs environmental sustainability - can we achieve a balance? #IDWeek2020
Session: Hospital IC: challenges and opportunities! @preets579
Learned about life cycle assessments today!
Reusable gowns had 28% reduction in energy consumption, but data is variable - as in those that did note advantage to reusable laryngoscopes vs single use
Con: @asicksamuels
3 Reasons not to treat: 1. Positive cxs do not equal infection 2. Trach cxs are unreliable 3. Treated positive trach cxs do not equal improved outcomes
Risk patient harm from over-tx
@EmilyBlumbergMD discussing her story and how impactful sponsorship was to her advancement (especially from men) #IDWeek2020
Session: Shattering the Glass Ceiling
@EmilyBlumbergMD Sponsorship is often more difficult for early career women in medicine
30M w/fever 103, chest tightness that radiates into R neck. CT chest demonstrated a large posterior mediastinal mass with associated LAD 👇 2/ 🔻Goes for bronch/EBUS: frank pus when LNs aspirated. Strep anginosus grew from blood cx + LN tissue cx.
🔻Started on Unasyn with rapid improvement!
🔻Repeat CT chest after ~2 wks of therapy already with decrease to ½ the original size!!!
Jun 12, 2020 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Spent some time reviewing hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKP) #IDTwitter#MedTwitter#IDMedEd2/ ⭐️hvKP: first noted in 1986 in case reports from Taiwan
⭐️Can cause serious community acquired infection, often in younger, previously healthy pts
⭐️Metastatic tissue invasive disease is a defining feature / hallmark