Julie Profile picture
🐱 ⟡ Led design for @ProductHunt @AngelList @wearetmsf @deezer ⟡ ⵣ
Feb 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Sorry, long thread ahead 🥲

I've joined startups at times when the entire team could fit in the same room. And then, we would pack our stuff to move to a bigger office. And we'd rent one more floor in the building and a second; all this in a few months. In a remote company, you don't feel these growing pains the same way. You don't go to work one morning and wonder why the heck you're supposed to share your desk with someone today. (Also, why did they bring their dog?! 🐶)
Jan 31, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I'm looking at cats (to adopt) come with me in this adventure. ImageImageImage This cat seems to say "I'll fight you" Image
Dec 30, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Early design feedback != looking at designs early in the process.

A thread 👇 (because why not) It seems the confusion comes from a misunderstanding of the design process and, more generally, the designer's job.

The design process *before* collecting feedback usually looks something like this 👇
Feb 6, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Le 9 février 2019, mon nom apparait sur une liste désignant des "coupables" de harcèlement sans aucune enquête ou procès.

Cette liste est une réponse à un article paru la veille dans la section “Checknews” de Libération.

C’est le debut de l’affaire de la Ligue du lol. À ces accusations de harcèlement, s’ajouteront très vite des histoires de raids coordonnés, de harcèlement sexuel, de sexisme et d’agressions.

Très rapidement, la liste de noms sera utilisée comme preuve par certains journaux, mais aussi par des centaines d’internautes.
Apr 9, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm gonna share things I found on the internet over the years that I liked.

for example, this: