TONI TONE Profile picture
📚 Sunday Times Bestselling Author | ‘I Wish I Knew This Earlier’ & ‘Take Note’ | @YWTrust Ambassador | |
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Jul 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s easy to think you’re falling in love with someone when you’re being wined, dined, gifted, and whisked away. Reality sets in when you strip away luxuries and you experience the mundane day to day together. Then you’ll see whether it’s them you truly love…or the experience. And that’s not to say they’re the ones who strip the luxuries away… Sometimes YOU need to encourage moments of stripping the luxuries away to really open your eyes. One thing about love bombers… They often rely on the superficial to keep you blinded by the truth.
Sep 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Some things I’ve noticed about the people I know who seem happy and fulfilled:

- They are open to taking risks

- They’re optimistic about outcomes

- Even when things go wrong, they look for a lesson or silver lining

- They are selective about the company they keep - They are kind to themselves, and don’t talk down on themselves

- They are regularly physically active

- They travel frequently

- They work to live, they don’t live to work

- They are always actively learning

- They don’t live their life for the approval of others
Apr 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
People who prioritise forming strategic friendships, often experience quick and easy career growth. I’ve tried but I just can’t. If a bond isn’t genuine to me, it drains me. Even if I have lots to gain from being someone’s ‘friend’, it won’t happen unless it feels authentic. I’ve been in the presence of people who are like this. They make an automatic b-line to whoever they feel is the most ‘successful’ or ‘popular’ in a room. One of their favourite questions to ask new people is “what do you do?”, because they want to know what they have to gain.
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Sadly many women don’t experience much romance in their love lives generally. Valentine’s Day is a prompt for partners to actually do something special. If a woman gets rid of her man, it’s due to principle. Like you don’t do much normally AND even when there’s occasion for it?! Speaking from experience, when I’m in a relationship where I feel VALUED and romance isn’t rare, I’m not pressed about Valentine’s Day. The times I’ve been pressed, it’s because I was with someone who rarely made me feel special or romanced, so to compensate, the day meant more.
Dec 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
There’s a misconception that most wealthy men got married after acquiring wealth. I interviewed Dr Yarvosky, Professor of Sociology, who said the opposite is true. Most wealthy men married first, supporting data which highlights that on average, married men outearn unmarried men. According to Dr Yavorsky: “Men who have high income generating abilities, tend to be the most likely to marry in the first place”.
Nov 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Did you know 1/5 women have a retroverted uterus? This means their uterus is tipped backwards towards the spine. It doesn’t cause serious health issues, but dysmenorrhea (intense period pain) is more common in these women, as well as vaginal, pelvic, or back pain during sex. Image A retroverted uterus is considered a “normal variation” of female pelvic anatomy - nothing to panic about. As a result, your Dr may notice you have one during a routine pelvic exam and not point it out. If you have symptoms and you’re curious, ask you Dr during your next exam.
Mar 25, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Overthinkers need to try their best not to jeopardise their relationships by overthinking. But with that said, if you have an overthinker in your life that you love; be as transparent as you can be, and try your very best not to unsettle them in ways that can make them spiral. If you have an overthinker in your life, you may think withholding or twisting the truth will prevent them from overthinking; but it does more harm than good. If they discover the truth or sense you’re withholding things, it will just make their overthinking ten times worse.