Thomas Streinz Profile picture
Law & Regulatory Theory @EUI_Law & @EUI_Schuman. Senior Fellow @GuariniGlobal @nyuiilj. Mostly inactive here. Find me at the other place: 🦋
Apr 15, 2021 25 tweets 13 min read
How to confront data inequality? My @GuariniGlobal @nyulaw colleague @AngelinaFisherD and I are excited to make our background paper for the @WorldBank's #WDR2021 available via @SSRN:… SSRN screenshot of the abstract of "Confronting Data In The #WDR2021 "data for better lives" is available here: and from @WBPubs here:… If the goal is to harness the power of data for development to ensure no-one is left behind, we ought to confront data inequality.