Tal Hagin Profile picture
OSINT Analyst of Mis/Disinformation, with a focus on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Follows are NOT endorsements. Telegram: https://t.co/zsYhGrbI0n
Charlie85 Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 28 12 tweets 3 min read
Adding a "Gaza Film Industry" text to a behind-the-scenes video doesn't prove anything on it's own.
You need to show these same "actors" portrayed as real victims. Otherwise, it's like taking the following photo and claiming "Proof US fakes combat footage".
Examples I've debunked:Image To clarify: The image I added is from a behind-the-scenes shot of the movie "12 hours".

Now to the examples I've handled:
May 12 6 tweets 3 min read
A similar issue has arisen with an incorrect assessment of the recent Gaza casualty figures as reported by @ochaopt.
OCHA didn't report a dramatic decrease in the casualty figures of women and children, it just now only reports identified victims.

On May 8th, we can see a significant drop in casualty figures for women and children:
May 6th - 9,500 women / 14,500 children
May 8th - 4,959 women / 7,797 children
However, what's not mentioned is the keyword difference: Reported / Identified
May 11 18 tweets 8 min read
al-Shifa Hospital Explosion (3/11/2023) - Update due to new video footage

I initially analyzed this event based on photos and videos of the aftermath of the explosion, and witness testimonies. Recently, I became aware of footage of the explosion itself - Prompting this analysis:Image On February 8th & 9th, the following video was posted by several users. However, I didn't see this footage until recently. Before we re-do the analysis, we need to authenticate the video. Is it actually from the same event?
Apr 20 12 tweets 5 min read
A Guide to Countering Mis/Disinformation During a Crisis.
Amid unprecedented events, our news feeds overflow with reports, images, and videos, making real-time truth discernment challenging. This thread equips you with the tools for effective navigation amidst such situations.Image When "Breaking News" emerges, the rush to lead and control the narrative ensues. Reports are hastily assembled, drawing from private sources, alleged incident images, and precedent, often intertwined with personal opinions. This process is standard, but it also leads to issues.Image
Apr 14 28 tweets 11 min read
Over the past 12 hours, numerous activists, journalists, news channels, organizations, and government officials have spread a plethora of misinformation.
This thread will cover all of the misinformation I personally verified.

Overview of the misinformation spread:Image Note: During a dramatic turn of events, people are likely to make a mistake. However, due to how easy it was to verify the majority of these posts being unrelated to the retaliatory strikes; it indicates a disregard for factual reporting.
Apr 12 5 tweets 2 min read
This is very misleading.
The Gaza Health Ministry has stated that 21,720 victims have complete data, while 11,371 names have incomplete data.
As reported by @FDD, one of the key data points for complete data is Date Of Death - which can be hard to verify during a war.
Image 1. FDD review:

2. Gaza Ministry of Health report:fdd.org/analysis/2024/
Jan 2 25 tweets 6 min read
Genocide has been used to label the actions taken by the IDF and several Palestinian militant groups. As a result, heated discussions have arisen as to whether those acts truly constitute a "Genocide".
This overview seeks to provide a legal definition of the word "Genocide":Image Disclaimer: This review doesn't evaluate the actions of either group, and whether they indeed constitute an act of genocide. Instead, it is meant to provide you with the legal framework of the crime under International Law - How you use this information is up to you.
Dec 23, 2023 21 tweets 10 min read
The focus is currently on Gaza, with Hamas as the leading Palestinian militant faction; but the West Bank was the focal point of violence until October 7th.
Historic Overview: The Rise of Palestinian Militancy in the West Bank:Image Notice: I previously wrote a thread to dismiss the claims that "There is no Hamas in the West Bank". That can be found in the following thread.
Dec 14, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
The discourse around "Terrorism" and its meaning is marred with controversy and politicization.
But why?
Analysis: The Complex History of Defining Terrorism and its Victims - The InnocentImage This analysis is based on a lecture I gave in February, which you can find on the @thesulha YouTube channel. This analysis will expand on that lecture; with updated/corrected details and a different focus.
Notice: Please read the entire thread before commenting.
Let's Begin: Image
Dec 10, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I've seen this news report by countless online commentators; saying that the soldier who dedicated the destruction of a building in Gaza to his daughter - Was then killed by Hamas.
This is wrong.
An Analysis:Image I am unsure where this rumor began, but they all showcase the following photos of IDF soldiers killed in Gaza, alleging that they were in the video.
Neither one of these soldiers is the same soldier in the video - but how can we know? Image
Dec 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
This isn't a "little girl", it's an unarmed female IDF soldier who was executed by Al-Qassam (Hamas) on an IDF military base during the attack on October 7th. Videos from their bodycams of the attack:

Dec 6, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
A common misconception I've seen is that Jews only began to emigrate to Mandatory Palestine after 1945, with the end of the Holocaust.
This is false and creates a distorted picture of Jewish presence in the land.
A Historic Overview:
Image Clarification: This thread isn't discussing the legitimacy of how Israel was established but is solely focused on presenting a factual picture of Jewish presence in the land.
Nov 21, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I've seen people arguing about the writings on this coin and its origins, so let's discuss the historical origins of it using documents and items from my personal collection.
A historic review:
Image These coins (and banknotes) were minted between 1927 and 1946 by the British government ruled over the Mandate of Palestine. The Mandate of Palestine was established in 1920 and it used the Egyptian pound and British gold sovereign until an independent currency was produced.
Nov 15, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
An Overview of Palestinian Militant Groups
The media frequently mentions "Hamas", but consistently fails to mention the other Palestinian militant groups. This overview will list 10 well-armed and influential Palestinian militant groups actively engaged in conflict with Israel.
Image Disclaimer: The power structure, funding, and strength of these groups are not always public. Additionally, some groups will take credit for attacks they did not commit. This overview has taken these issues into consideration during the research stages and summarization.
Nov 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Fact Check:
The footage showcased is NOT of IDF helicopters firing on unidentified targets at the Nova concert. What it showcases is an Apache pilot firing on those trying to infiltrate from/return to Gaza.
Even the source he links never mentions the concert. This is the source he linked: archive.is/IIOLg
Nov 7, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
A Simple Guide to Debunking Online Content - Case Study: "#Ephraim_Mordechai" Image For many commentators, it has become very hard to trust what is posted online. This usually results in individuals trusting 1 single source of information, or Contrarian sources. Both of these strategies are harmful because you rely on others to verify content - and not yourself.
Nov 4, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
I've seen multiple online commentators state, very confidently, that there are NO Palestinian/Israeli Civilians.
This is then justified by vague claims about "International Law" to support this.
How about we actually review what IHL says.
An Analysis:

Disclaimer: This analysis is to showcase issues with people using International Human Law to justify the deaths of civilians.
It is not a commentary on whether IHL is useful in the context of war or armed conflicts and whether these laws can be properly enforced.
Oct 23, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
A Thread: The October 7th Massacre in Southern Israel - Misunderstood news reported as a fact & Shallow reviews of evidence by commentators.

Viewers Discretion is Advised - Graphic Testimonies & Imagery Over the past 16 days, a plethora of manipulated information regarding the attack on southern Israel has circulated - Resulting in a pollution of credible information and a hyper-fixation on specific claims and exaggerations. This, coupled with ignorant questions caused confusion
Oct 20, 2023 61 tweets 19 min read
This is the 4th update to my Analysis of the explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on 17/10/2023. Currently, there are 3 major hypotheses as to the origin of the explosion: IDF Airstrike, PIJ/Hamas Misfire, and Iron Dome Interception. This analysis will have 3 parts:
1. A debunking of unrelated videos alleged to showcase the explosion at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital.
2. Review of the official statements of Hamas & the IDF.
3. In-depth analysis of all the evidence showcasing the explosion and aftermath.
Oct 17, 2023 39 tweets 12 min read
The strike on the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza: Airstrike by the IDF or misfire by Hamas? - Analysis
Image First, we need to understand something crucial regarding the flow of information during war. War is fast-paced, it is brutal, and information becomes a weapon to be yielded. Fact-checking is almost impossible in real-time, this is a privilege not given during a war.
May 21, 2023 62 tweets 27 min read
Mega Thread - My collection of antique items and documents relating to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

1# A Birth Certificate from the Mandate of Palestine. Belonging to a Jewish girl named "Mehilda" who was born in Tel-Aviv on Dec 20, 1946, to a Greek father & Turkish mother Image 2# International Reply Coupon (IRC) for 25 Mils worth of postage stamps destined for Mandate Palestine. Date Issued: Oct 30th, 1947. ImageImage