Third-Sexed Radical Transfeminist ⚢ Profile picture
'Dulhaniyaa', my desi F/F contemporary romance is OUT! Trans, Desi. Wife ❤️ GFs @katrafiy @RozeMalfunction @JeanneMirasol (:
May 29, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
Since my beloved activated my bat-signal, I'm going to go through this video and spotlight the egregious things I see.

This is about six minutes in: an elision of monotherapy E, which suppresses T well and is achievable on gel or injections. Video does not mention gel.
Image (If anyone knows more about this topic than I do and knows whether a high enough oral dose can also suppress T, please correct me.)

Video has also mentioned that WPATH "doesn't recommend progesterone", and is about to elaborate on why. This should be fun.
Apr 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Can we like ... take a moment and realize how insane it is that we live in a world where people justify getting off to corrective rape? Not simply as a consumption choice but as a social, community practice? Some people call it activism? Jerking it to corrective rape as activism? I wrote about male-supremacy and sexual exploitation being the basis of patriarchy and got QT'd by someone calling it "hot".

This isn't just antifeminism, it's a demand that we accept the eroticization of our own oppression or otherwise risk being branded as reactionaries.
Apr 24, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Interesting that this is how the final chapter begins. Image No it fucking doesn't.

"Discard the queers so they have to beg and resort to survival sex work" is not, in fact, incorporating them into society, no matter how much theological lip-service is manufactured to paper over their existence. Image
Apr 24, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
Getting through the first four chapters wrecked me. Nanda says that readers can skip the next four, personal testimonials from four individual hijra, so I'm doing so to get to her conclusion quicker.

That the hijra's own perspectives are called 'skippable' is concerning. Image I have to say: while this is *true*, it also feels very much like reasoning provided to justify dismissing the hijras' testimony where convenient and accepting only the bits that agree with the narrative Nanda wishes to construct.

She's appointed herself impartial interlocutor. Image
Apr 16, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read

I went and dug out my copy of 'Whipping Girl' on my Kindle, to get in a little extra psychic damage before naptime. Let's look at what we're dealing with.

... Oh, it's literally just Sister Raymond shit. Genuinely could be from the actual Troonmadness Bible.
Image I've been on this rodeo before, Nanda, I'm not even going to break a sweat. Image
Apr 16, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
"academic objectivity" fuck off

To be continued tomorrow since I need to sleep. Image One paragraphs in and I'm going to need like three tweets to explain everything wrong.
1. The hijras are not "a religious cult", they are marginalized and abjected and forced to adopt the language of asceticism and the theological justifications of the dominant culture. Image
Apr 15, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
She's going to talk about The Surgery. Halimede would be heartbroken. Image Why did she ramble about mythology for four pages
Apr 15, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Root post for Chapter Two. I will come finish this shortly.

This chapter is where she "justifies" her whole thesis, so let's see how well she does. Image "the most common view" lol okay

Apr 15, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
New thread to be mindful of post limits. Chapter One.

I want everyone to note the euphemism: "cultural performer" obfuscates that they are, in effect, dancing and begging for alms at ceremonial gatherings, in exchange for blessings that they administer as mystified beings.
Image Go fuck yourself you expired sour cream tub Image
Apr 15, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
It is time. Image We got one sentence into the preface before she said something wrong, offensive, and dehumanizing. A great start! Image
Apr 3, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Shall I talk about the lesbophobia and the "corrective" fantasies inherent to most rom-coms, chat? Let's set the scene. Our leading Lady is usually autonomous and independent, whether a high-powered entrepreneur, or a successful creative, or even just a third daughter who can't quite get the hang of sowing.

She is bold, she is free, but she is also ... unfulfilled.
Mar 25, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm a filthy monosexual, but there's something actually biphobic about trying to articulate the struggles bi women face (which has more to do with modesty politics and "unrespectable" "proximity" to queerness in heterosexual society) and going "they're too shamed for dating men!" There's a specific form of violence that arises due to this policing of bi women's sexuality that is very similar to what lesbians experience in the closet, or when trapped in abusive relationships and families, because the imposition isn't "monosexuality", it's HETEROSEXUALITY.
Mar 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the key bit that people miss btw.

Modesty politics and misogyny make it so that women are vilified no matter what - prude for not being sexual enough, skank for being too sexual. The "correct" sexuality is to be an object conquered by a man, who gets to then dictate it. Heterosexuality thus is AND isn't about desire. It isn't because a woman's desire "doesn't matter"-but that's only because her desire is meant to be dictated by the man who owns her. If she doesn't display enough desire to aggrandize him, she is 'frigid' and punished.
Mar 21, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
"Queer community" is a failed project. It is focused entirely on men, refuses to reckon with misogyny, and neglects how the mechanisms of patriarchy oppress women and queer people in convergent ways.

There is no "misandrist conspiracy". Misogynists like this are a dime-a-dozen. Image People have been steelmanning this tweet as though it's simply about celebrating queer men, completely eliding the part where it pretends that transmisogyny and lesbophobia are not deeply rooted within the "queer community". This is why it's trans-inclusive MRA bullshit. Image
Dec 3, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read

There's a thread important to this discussion and it isn't the one you think👇While I'm going to be harsher on this doc than its teenage contributors truly deserve, I do want to highlight how much the *reaction* to this doc factors into its story.

So.🥚 The worst thing you can call a man is a woman. And the worst thing a woman can be is unavailable to men sexually.

While the doc-writers did not wholly parse the nuances of the theory they sought to capture in simple, pop-feminist language, they also didn't push this onto others.
Nov 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the most subtle yet egregious and hilariously revealing forms of transmisogyny is when liberals attribute transphobic worldviews to ... Misandry.

Like buddy, if you think hating trans women flows from hating men I have some news about your own beliefs about trans women. If you just pay attention to what most transphobes say, it's very evident that they're deeply bioessentialist and hold complementarian views on gender that mythologizes patriarchal manhood.

Ironically, I think the indiscriminate use of "TERF" has led to this 'misandry' notion.
Aug 31, 2023 36 tweets 6 min read
Okay, I've kind of gathered my thoughts over the past few days and there's no one actively badgering people in my mentions, so I'll compile this thread now.

Fair warning that the tone I'm taking is relatively empathetic, because I'm explaining where these beliefs come from. That doesn't really mean I sympathize - quite the opposite - but in order to understand what is pretty much a radicalization pipeline, you have to start from a place of understanding.

The key aspect to this is that T_RFs were, at one point, much like all of us, libfems.