threat hunting, DFIR and detection engineering. opinions are mine. food, music and astrophotography when he is afk.
#ThreatHunting #DFIR #BlueTeam
Nov 23, 2021 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Spent some time today at work playing with @msftsecurity Windows InstallerFileTakeOver LPE (CVE-2021-41379 bypass -…) and managed to create some detections on it.
Detection will be based on Sysmon/SIEM, here we go... 1/n #threathunting#detection#dfir
The exploit requires the user to overwrite elevation_service.exe with a compromised one (in this case with InstallerFileTakeOver.exe).
We can monitor this using #Sysmon event ID 11 - File Creation events: