Tate Reeves Profile picture
Dad of 3 daughters, husband to @firstladyofms Elee, 65th Governor of Mississippi.
Apr 5 5 tweets 2 min read
Absolutely disgusting. An illegal alien from Guatemala was arrested on our Gulf Coast for sneaking into a women’s bathroom to watch young girls who were using it. It’s yet another reminder of how Biden’s border crisis affects every state in the nation and endangers Americans.

This isn’t the only arrest of an illegal alien in Mississippi within the last few days. Last night thanks to JPD, Pearl PD, Capitol Police, and MBN, Alejandro Contreras – an illegal alien from Mexico – was arrested for committing a murder in Jackson on Thursday.

Again – a person who was in our country illegally was arrested for murdering someone in Mississippi’s capitol city yesterday. They also seized multiple assault rifles while taking him into custody.

This comes on the heels of an illegal alien being arrested on our Gulf Coast for sneaking into a women’s bathroom to watch young girls who were using it. These are stark reminders how Biden’s open border impacts every state in the nation.
Feb 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
If there’s one thing that we are passionate about in the Reeves family, it’s my daughters’ sports. I know that the lessons learned through team sports have led to so many successful lives and careers for women and have truly helped provide a more equal opportunity for success. My girls practice tirelessly. They work hard. They’ve learned how to win and, yes, they’ve learned what it feels like to be on the wrong end of the final score. It’s true bonding—my happiest and proudest Dad moments.
Jul 23, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
There are some people who seem determined not to believe any COVID-19 data—“It’s all fake.” I think that group is actually pretty small. Most people are reading, examining, and trying to stay informed. There’s lots out there. For transparency, here’s the numbers we’re looking at: In the last two days we’ve had 3,182 cases reported. In Mississippi, our hospitalization rate is about 17%. That’s about 541 hospitalizations. Right now, we have 942 Mississippians hospitalized total. And our hospital system is already stressed.
Jul 20, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Warning: this is straight talk. It assumes people can handle hearing hard truth and nuance. If you’re up for that, keep reading. Throughout this pandemic, everyone has leapt for the “silver bullet” solution. Every few weeks, there seems to be a new shiny object that will protect us all. First it was more ventilators. Then it was a shelter-in-place. Testing and contact tracing. Now a statewide mask mandate.
Jul 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Let’s talk about herd immunity. I’ve listened to some people argue that the rapid spread of cases is a good thing, and we need to reach herd immunity in Mississippi and elsewhere to survive. I’m not a health care expert by any means, but I am a math guy. And I have thoughts: The experts say we need 70-80% of the population to get COVID-19 to achieve herd immunity. Let’s assume they’re wrong (it’s certainly possible, they have been before.) Let’s assume they’re being way overly cautious and we actually only need 40% infection for herd immunity.
Apr 2, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
There is plenty of bad news in a time like this. I want to share a bit good news. Mississippi scientists and health care workers have stepped up big time. They have been deploying a lot of tests, and our state is punching way above our weight. The numbers may shock you.
Thread: Mississippi has done 16,662 total tests. We have 1,177 cases. Our population is a little less than three million.