Taylor Schumann Profile picture
Wife | Mom | Shooting Survivor | Author of When Thoughts and Prayers Aren't Enough from @ivpress | bylines @readersdigest @sojourners @ctmagazine
Nov 9, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
So You Are Scared and Want to Buy a Gun?

Please let me try to convince you to not do that.

I know many people are afraid and you think a gun will either make you safer or make you feel safer. You are buying into the biggest lie the gun lobby has ever tried to sell. If you buy a gun there is a:

7 times greater likelihood for those living with handgun owners to be shot by their spouse or intimate partner, compared with those living in a gun-free household.
Jan 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In light of all these mass shootings, if you’re talking about wanting stricter gun laws this week, you’re probably going to get some responses about how California has some of the strictest laws “so they don’t work”. Here are a couple things to consider: In America, we are attempting to use piecemeal gun legislation to protect an entire country. Even the strongest gun laws are not very strong when nearby neighboring states have some of the weakest.