Tay 💖 Profile picture
dont believe their lies 🦊 💖🗡️
Finn the Human Profile picture 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴2 Profile picture Tay 💖 Profile picture Cray Profile picture BTC Journal Profile picture 6 subscribed
Jul 8 14 tweets 8 min read
Crypto folks (hopefully) already know that Lazarus is one of the most prevalent threat actors targeting this industry.

They rekt more people, companies, protocols than anyone else.

But it's good to know exactly how they get in. Bc another smart contract audit won't save you. For example, one long-time fave method:
- Contact employee via social/messaging app
- Direct them to a Github for a job offer, "skills test," or to help with a bug
- Rekt individual's device
- Gain entry to company's AWS
- Rekt company (and their users)

Jun 19 20 tweets 6 min read
Apr 10 25 tweets 14 min read
🧵Highlights from the UN Security Council's 2023 report on DPRK

This one was a whopping 615 pages 😳

These reports are always like a birds eye view of random, raw, deep intel. They're amazing and shed light on attribution, irl banking networks, etc.

un.org/securitycounci… re: MaybachsImage
Jan 1 9 tweets 3 min read
Orbit Bridge Hack looking v methodical 👀

Looks like 2024 is going to be another year of handing DPRK billions of dollars on a silver platter. 🙄

embarrassing af. Image Attacker

Funds Holders



Attacker Funder (from TC)

Instaswapper Depo from Attacker

Instaswapper Receiver on XRP
Jul 10, 2023 30 tweets 6 min read
When it comes to financial crime, money laundering, etc. everyone goes thru a phase of thinking that the solution is knowing the identity of the account holder.

"if only we knew who moved these assets! then we would be able to catch them and stop crime!"

N O . Literally NO.

It doesn't work at any scale. It's never worked at any scale. It never will work at any scale.

AML laws and all the related shit don't stop crime or money laundering. And it never has.

And it's really important to note that the implementation is NOT the issue.
Jun 14, 2023 23 tweets 11 min read
A thread of misc. interesting things related to the Atomic Wallet hack, Lazarus, and especially what sprawling hacks look like on-chain.

(this thread is gunna get into the weeds. i suggest the other thread if you want something shallow and easy-to-digest 😉) On Fri June 2nd, thousands of Atomic Wallet users had their wallets drained across basically every chain.

Each theft involved 1-3 new addies. Initially we were only able to link thefts on-chain if they sent gas to multiple addresses.

(green guys are what we put alerts on first) Image
May 24, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
⚠️ Heads up y'all—we're seen a huge increase in the # of ultra-targeted spearphishes lately.

The most deadly one? A Google Doc share that appears to come from *someone you know* about *something you're interested in*

It won’t be flagged and looks super legit.

DO NOT CLICK! 🙏 Image This campaign is the work of #Lazarus / #APT38 / #DangerousPassword / #T444

aka the same crew that compromised Ronin, Harmony, bZx, Bondly, EasyFi, mngr, Arthur0x, Hugh Karp, etc. etc. etc.

Their spear-phishing methods are diverse, targetted, and hard-to-detect. Image
Apr 18, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
For the past 48hrs I've been unwinding a massive wallet draining operation 😳😭

I don't know how big it is but since Dec 2022 it's drained 5000+ ETH and ??? in tokens / NFTs / coins across 11+ chains.

Its rekt my friends & OGs who are reasonably secure.

No one knows how. Image Specifically we are in contact with a handful of victims from July and August who each individually lost between $400k and $4m.

In fact, the amount stolen per victim seem to be increasing over time.

Where the average amt stolen per victim was ~$50k in April, it's now $300k+
Apr 14, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
hey anyone know whos onboarding the most people to web3 right now?

like taking people who have never done crypto stuff before and getting them to set up an account on a CEX, buy some crypto w/ their fiat, send the coins to their own wallet, and then interact with a dapp?

🤔 "bear market" Image
Apr 5, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
👀 @sentimentxyz

arbiscan.io/tx/0xb91e4cd53… Image gm sentiment exploiter Image
Apr 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Before I forget, I want to share some things I observed here w/ the hopes it helps other teams facing an exploit in the future.

IMHO, the single most valuable thing the Euler team did was fully *own* the responsibility of getting the funds returned. And they never gave up. They talked to—and *listened* to—people who had done it before. They got help. They worked with the FBI and their legal counsel. They leaned on everyone for *support.*

But their attitude was that no one else was going to get the funds returned so they better get them returned.
Mar 31, 2023 37 tweets 20 min read
The selling of this bitcoin is, by far, the least interesting part of the saga.

The govt's seizure, the dude who had his bitcoin seized, and why it even got seized in the first place is full of so many amazing, hysterical, enraging gems.

Heads up...not a short story. Buckle up. To set the stage, dude w/ the bitcoin is a super OG bitcoiner living in Gainesville, Georgia.

In Sept 2012 he executed a very basic "hack" on the Silk Road and withdrew the coins.

Not a bad dude. Not a huge hack either. Way less than a mil at the time.

Mar 23, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
🚨 If you're using Cloudflare for your web3 product, stop what you're doing right now.

You NEED to:

1. Rotate the Global API Key for all your accounts

2. Remove all accounts added to your Cloudflare unless you rotated their Global API Key in step 1

developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/a… I know this sounds dramatic, but it's really not. Please do this. 🙏

The Global API Keys are deadly.

They will rekt you even after youve rotated tokens, changed passwords, or revoked employee access in your offboarding.

They will rekt you even if youre sure they cant rekt you
Mar 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Looked at the timing and transactions around the Euler Finance exploit.

The onchain movements before, during, and after the exploit txns line up with the story told by 0x5F25

There's def 2 diff actors at play and only of them has control of any funds.

etherscan.io/tx/0x44b559c86… Euler Exploiter EOA 1 + 2, Contract 2
(pink, red, the one who has the $)

Feb 8, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
There are a few things that have always stood out to me about these cases:

1. It requires meeting in person

2. It requires them to send a txn / new wallet

I’ve seen all phones, computers, Exodus, Trust Wallet, Blockchain.

I really really dont think it’s malware. The scam has been going on for years. Most recently we’ve seen Rome. Also seen in Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Barcelona. The earliest cases I’m aware of are from 2020.
Jan 30, 2023 81 tweets 18 min read
hey CT I genuinely need your help

im trying to compile a buttload of cases where people shared (publicly) their story of how they got rekt by their wallet. key theft, phishing, approval scams, scam scams, etc

if you know of one (or five), id love if you could link them here. 💖 Here's examples of the types of stuff I'm looking for.

Jan 5, 2023 25 tweets 15 min read
so uhhh i dont wanna alarm anyone but i think we're all fucked

or maybe its just those who use
digital ocean
or anything that hasnt realized its been breached yet

🤷‍♀️😬🧵 CircleCI
December 21 2022 - January 4 2023

"we are confident that there are no unauthorized actors active in our systems"

Jan 4, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
the newest iteration of the twitter scam bots are pretty cute. they're all under 30 "y.o" + have lil nft pfps + face emojis in their names + are fans of activities that have a verb emojis + retweet old shit thousands of times but never a single old tweet more than 5 times/day ImageImageImage please someone violently murder them and their stupid inspirational quotes too ImageImageImageImage
Dec 14, 2022 7 tweets 14 min read
@DomSchiener @BadgerDAO @iota @moonpay @Mandiant @DavidSonstebo @Cloudflare @hascj hey so i dunno whos still on this but heres what im v confident abt. happy to provide more detail on any of this.

1. BadgerDAO + Iota were def same attacker and that attacker is nearly certainly lazarus / apt37

@DomSchiener @BadgerDAO @iota @moonpay @Mandiant @DavidSonstebo @Cloudflare @hascj 2. Klayswap BGP Feb'22

injected JS + long prep time + targets end-users (+more) matches to Badger/Iota attacks

BGP + deep niche crypto knowledge (+more) matches to Celer cBridge BGP coinbase.com/blog/celer-bri…

supply chain + JS inject (+more) matches to older Gate/Statcounter ImageImage
Nov 12, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
fwiw what I'm seeing on chain doesnt conflict with the story being told by FTX.... 1. txns were composed and sent in a certain way for at least the past few months
Nov 11, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
so i was washing dishes and my podcast ended and it went back to the last podcast i listened to which happened to be the @BanklessHQ episode with @ErikVoorhees and SBF and wowwwwww its so different the second time around 😳

Erik: "Sam's proposal that a stablecoin should be regulated—at least such that a provider has to prove that it has reserves for the tokens—would be a higher bar than the Federal Reserve..."