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Media Psychology & Communication | Privacy & Well-Being | Open Science & Slow Science | @univienna & @IPKW_univie | 👩‍🎓🏳️‍🌈🧑‍🎓🏳️‍🌈👨‍🎓
Apr 20, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Jonathan Haidt wrote an important article on the effects of social media on democracy.

Although there are several things to like, I believe he got three major things wrong. 🧵… 1⃣ Social media just aren't inherently bad.

Haidt labels social media as "terrible". However, as every Communication scholar knows, social media offer a plethora of uses and gratifications. There are plenty reason we spend so much time online.
Jun 23, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
"The impact of digital technology use on adolescent well-being"

New lit. review together with @NiklasJohannes, just published in "Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience".

👇 Thread with main conclusions 👇(1/8) 1. The general effects of digital technology use on well-being are likely in the negative spectrum, but very small—potentially too small to matter. (2/8)
May 24, 2020 32 tweets 7 min read
Okay, #ica20, let's do this. Here are my thoughts on #openscience and #opencomm for the more qualitative approaches in our field!

(Beware, long thread.)
(Also, please be kind.) >Background: I was VERY curious how our agenda for #opencomm would be received in our field (if you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link:…).
May 6, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Does social media use affect the life satisfaction of young people?

In what follows, please find the results of the most recent and probably largest longitudinal study on the topic -- which has just appeared in the Journal PNAS. 1/11 Together with @OrbenAmy & @ShuhBillSkee we have analyzed data from Understanding Society, the largest panel study worldwide. 8 Waves of data were collected, each separated by 1 year. The results are based on the answers of altogether 5,491 British Youth. @usociety 2/11
May 6, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Beeinflusst Social Media-Nutzung die Lebenszufriedenheit? Stimmt die These, u.a. vertreten von Spitzer, dass Jugendliche durch Social Media unglücklicher werden?

Hier die Ergebnisse der umfangreichsten längsschnittlichen Studie zum Thema - soeben erschienen im Journal PNAS! 1/11 Zusammen mit @OrbenAmy & @ShuhBillSkee analysierten wir Daten von Understanding Society, der weltweit umfangreichsten Längsschnittstudie. 8 Wellen wurden bisher erhoben, mit jeweils 1 Jahr Abstand. Insgesamt gingen Antworten von 5.492 britischen Jugendlichen ein. @usociety 2/11